056. Cooking Skills That Don't Belong to This World】

"Um... Shiraki-kun, let's start preparing the ingredients first……"

Tansho Hui returned to the cooking table in a state of anxiety. Thinking about the threats from the two students just now, she felt that her future college life was dark. She didn't expect to encounter such a thing at the beginning of the school year. Fortunately, her partner was Shiraki-kun, so this level of matter should be no problem.

"Ah, it is indeed time to start preparing the ingredients."

Shiraki looked around and took a quick look at the situation of the students in other groups.

Soma Yukihira had already finished reading the recipe and started to prepare the beef.

Other students whose names he could not remember were also busy preparing the ingredients.

However, when these students found that Shiraki was looking at them, almost all of them glared back at him with displeasure.

These unfriendly gazes naturally frightened Tadokoro Megumi so much that her back was chilled, but for the sake of the cooking rating, she still forced herself to ignore these gazes and began to concentrate on preparing the ingredients.

It seems that no one in the entire classroom is very friendly to them.

Shiraki felt that Tadokoro Megumi was completely shot in the back. These students were obviously targeting her, but she was the one who was frightened. However... the fact that they could use cold violence against such an innocent girl indirectly shows that these guys are not worthy of sympathy at all.

"Well, first concentrate on cutting the beef into 5 cm square pieces, then……"

Megumi Tadokoro was concentrating on cutting the beef, even though the unfriendly eyes from all around made it very difficult for her to cut every time. However, when she thought of Shiraki right beside her, she still wanted to complete each step carefully and not hold her partner back.

About five minutes later, Megumi Tadokoro had finished processing all the ingredients.

"Bai, Bai Mu-kun, next we need to put the beef in the pan and fry it."

"OK"Shiraki made a gesture of understanding to her and looked at the progress of other groups. The fast group had already put the beef into the pot, while the slow group was still chopping onions. Shiraki's confident smile made Tanadore Hui feel a little relieved. She said from the bottom of her heart:

"As expected of Shiraki-kun, he is not nervous at all in such an atmosphere. If it were Shiraki-kun's cooking, it would surely get an A grade easily, right?"

"Huh? What nonsense are you talking about?"After hearing what Tanaka Hui said, Bai Mu looked at her with a strange expression.

""Huh?" Tanaka Hui was still a little slow to react.

"In this classroom today, no one except the two of us can get an A grade."

After saying this, he ignored the shocked expression of Tanaka Hui, took the kitchen knife from her hand, and slammed it hard on the chopping board!


The sound of the kitchen knife hitting the chopping board rang out throughout the classroom. At this moment, everyone, including Teacher Chapel, raised their heads in great surprise. It was not because of anything else, but because Baimu's move not only stuck his own kitchen knife into the chopping board, but also shook everyone's kitchen knives in the classroom into the air.

【SS-level cooking card: Dazzling Hundred Flowers, activate! Successfully designated the dish: Beef stewed in Burgundy red wine. Swish, swish, swish!

The kitchen knives that were shaken by Bai Mu and flew into the air were flashing with silvery-white light. The kitchen knives in the entire classroom were almost blinding. They were like silver flowers of steel, breaking away from the control of their owners and spinning wildly in the air!

Bai Mu took a basin of chopped beef from in front of Tanaka Hui with refined movements.

With a flick of his right wrist, a new kitchen knife came into his hand from the cooking table.

Then, without any warning, Bai Mu threw the beef chunks in the basin upwards.

Suddenly, more than a dozen pieces of beef formed parabolas in the air.

Just when Tanaka Hui exclaimed and thought that Bai Mu was going to throw away the beef, suddenly, Bai Mu's right wrist shook again, and a shining kitchen knife flew out in the direction where the beef chunks fell.


The student who almost tripped Tansho Kei just now saw the kitchen knife flying towards him, screamed subconsciously, and sat down on the ground, but the flying kitchen knife did not fork his body, but flew over his head very accurately.

Then there was a muscle-tightening slapping sound coming from the direction of the ceiling.

Everyone, including Lecturer Roland Chapelle, stared in amazement at the knife thrown by Bai Mu, which passed through an extreme arc in the air and bounced all the beef chunks back with a touch.

The sound of the force made everyone grit their teeth.


The kitchen knives that were bounced into the air by Bai Mu just now fell right back to the original place.

Both their placement and the deflection of the arc were exactly the same as when they were bounced up.

But before everyone could recover, Bai Mu took out the He took out a bunch of knives.

These knives were taken from the back when Tansho Kei was processing the ingredients.

There were not only all kinds of ingredients in the training room, but also knives of various models and uses.

Just when everyone in the classroom was still in a daze, Bai Mu slapped the cooking table with his left hand, grabbed the chopping board with various kitchen utensils and lifted it up.

Then the same spectacular scene happened.

All the knives were lifted up in the air, and then immediately began to fall and rotate like other people's kitchen utensils.

Before the students could react, bacon, carrots, onions...

one by one, the ingredients were thrown up by Bai Mu.

The flashing of swords and the sound of vegetables being cut filled the entire classroom. Some students who were originally cooking stared at this incredible scene in a daze. The pots and spoons in their hands fell to the ground with a snap without noticing. Even It was also the first time for Instructor Chapelle to see such a spectacular cooking scene. He stood on the podium for a while, staring at Shiraki's performance. The handout in his hand almost fell to the ground!

Swish, swish, swish!

The sky was full of blades, flashing with silver light.

The dazzling light made people's eyes hurt, but everyone still stared at the spectacular scene above their heads without blinking, feeling like watching a magic show.

As long as all the ingredients are thrown up, those that fall down must have been neatly cut into the predetermined shapes.

After all the ingredients are processed, the knives that were spinning wildly in the air finally fell down and were neatly stacked on the cooking table, making people wonder if their eyes were wrong just now.

In fact, those knives were placed there quietly from the beginning.

This is... a cooking skill that does not belong to this world.

Shiraki is not that guy Yukihira Soma, who starts to eat on his own when provoked. He thought that he was trying to get through the difficult situation. In his opinion, wasn't that just saying to others,"Come and trouble me?" Anyway, even if he failed, there wouldn't be any serious consequences, so why wouldn't others come and trouble him? If he succeeded in stepping on the transfer student, he would be able to become famous in Totsuki Academy.

If he didn't teach these people who provoked him a lesson, he would only cause more troubles in the future.

Soma Yukihira enjoyed these troubles.

Shiraki didn't have extra time to deal with these guys.

For example, what happened in class today, Shiraki didn't want to be constantly aware that someone was targeting him.

Therefore, it was necessary to show his strength first and deter some guys who were plotting against him.

Anyway, he probably couldn't keep a low profile anymore.

Keeping a low profile would only make people treat him as a soft persimmon.

Only by being strong enough that no one could afford to compete with him could he prevent similar things from happening again.

You have to know that although Totsuki Academy is a famous culinary school, the students there are also very realistic. No one wants to mess with a genius chef who is destined to shine in the culinary world in the future. The reason why Soma Yukihira was often openly excluded by other students was partly because he had been preconceived by others as a"common chef". Secondly, it was Yukihira's arrogant behavior.

And now, the first thing Shiraki has to do is to give everyone the impression that he is not easy to mess with. It is not as easy to provoke Yukihira as to provoke himself. There is a price to pay.

For example... let everyone except himself get an E grade in this class first.

As soon as this idea came up, Shiraki heard a mechanical prompt sound that only he could hear.

【Ding Dong, triggered the task: All members get E rating! Task description: How can you remain silent after being provoked? Please ask the host to fight back against the students who made provocative actions. The more students who get E rating, the richer the reward! Task reward: 200-2000 points, 2-6 random draws (depending on the completion of the task) Failure penalty: The host will be despised by all students in the class. 】

This task... is very much to his liking?

Bai Mu showed a barely perceptible smile at the corner of his mouth, and the movements of his hands did not stop, making people more and more dazzling!


I'm asking for support for my new book, for collections, for flowers, for evaluation votes, for monthly tickets, all kinds of requests~

PS: I plan to update the book today (of course, the current manuscripts are not enough, and I may suffer a Waterloo TAT The author can only try his best).

At present, the flowers and evaluation votes can just add two more chapters (I am very grateful to all readers for actively voting for flowers, evaluation votes and monthly tickets, and of course I am also very grateful to the local tyrants for their rewards)(*^▽^*)), and then I will add five or six more chapters, a total of seven or eight chapters, which means the total update volume today is about eleven or twelve chapters.

I don't know if I can succeed in my work, but I'll leave it here first.

If I get slapped in the face later...

then everyone just pretend you didn't see it, and we'll do it again tomorrow QAQ

PS2: If everything goes well, it should be available in the early morning, because by then I guess there will be no manuscripts left, so the first release should only have one or two chapters, and the rest will be updated slowly during the day tomorrow.

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