074. Alice's Declaration [Please subscribe!]

Alice had been coveting Shiraki's dish for a long time, so when Shiraki put the chopsticks to her mouth, she opened her mouth without hesitation. She even felt that Shiraki was too slow, so she took the initiative to move forward a little.


Alice's eyes widened suddenly when the food entered her mouth. Although she had been mentally prepared, when she really tasted the top-notch delicacy, she still found that her"mental preparation" was actually fragile.

As the second daughter of the Nakiri family, especially having stayed abroad with her parents for a long time, Alice has eaten countless dishes since she was a child, from the most ordinary street restaurants to Michelin three-star restaurants. In terms of knowledge of cuisine, she and Erina are not much behind.

However, she never thought that there were such delicious dishes in the world.

The food in her mouth first burst out a piece of fragrant juice, not only the fragrance, but also the���The taste is also the sweetest, just like the dew that only exists in myths.

The moment it enters the mouth, the whole mouth begins to recall the wonderful sweet aroma.

It is more than just the taste.

Where the juice flows, the whole throat becomes extremely comfortable.

However, before she can recall what kind of juice this is, the wonderful taste hidden in her mouth and finally bursting out when she chews makes her surprised again.

The first bite is a crispy shell with a slightly burnt smell.

After another bite, she will find that the shell is surprisingly elastic.

Finally, the shredded cabbage that has been fully infected with the flavor is completely integrated with the two unknown ingredients mentioned above, and matched with some kind of seasoning that makes people feel refreshed all over...

This dish is like being in a world in a painting.

Alice closed her eyes in ecstasy.

She finally got her wish and took this incomparable taste into her body.

The delicious taste that seemed to devour his body echoed around her mouth.

It was like she was appreciating a perfect painting, and the person in the painting suddenly walked down from the scroll, holding her hand and dancing a waltz.

In the elegant music, Alice felt that she was completely lost.

At this moment, she didn't want to think about anything, but just wanted to completely empty her body to feel the superb taste.

The dance music was repeated over and over again, and the appearance of the person in the painting became clearer under the light pouring down from the top of her head...

It turned out to be Shiraki's face!

Although it was asserted not long ago that the relationship between Shiraki and Erina must be complicated, at this moment, looking at the deep eyes in front of her and feeling the strong hands holding her waist, Alice had completely abandoned the negligible guilt in her heart and stood on tiptoe to kiss the person in front of her.

Just when she was about to touch the white wood

"Love, Alice!" Erina's exasperated voice suddenly broke Alice's fantasy. She opened her eyes in confusion, and then suddenly realized that she had mistook Erina for Shiraki without knowing when. At this moment, she was holding Erina, ready to ask for her. Naturally, Erina was frightened by this action. Almost the next second when Alice came up, she immediately pushed her away, and said with shame and annoyance on her face,"What stupid thing are you doing!"

"Eh? It's Erina?" Alice, who was pushed away by Erina, showed a somewhat regretful expression on her face. She didn't expect that she would mistake Erina for Shiraki, who was clearly in front of her just now. It's really...

Looking at Shiraki who had already walked in front of Hisako, Alice puffed up her lips angrily, and she felt angry for no reason.

"Oh, yes, Erina, there is something I have wanted to ask you since this morning."

Alice has never been a person who hides her emotions in her heart. Doing what she wants to do immediately has always been her code of conduct. Therefore, she immediately cast her eyes in the direction of Erina and asked very directly,"Tell me the truth, how far has Erina and Shiraki progressed now?"

"What step?"Erina was stunned, as if she didn't understand what Alice meant.

"Well, it's what two people in a normal relationship would do, such as picking up……"Alice stretched out her finger with a relaxed look, as if she wanted to list all the details of their relationship with Erina.

"Wait wait wait wait a minute!" However, before Alice could finish her words, Erina covered her mouth with her face flushed. Steam began to rise from her face. She was so embarrassed that she even put aside the idea of tasting the food again. She stammered and retorted to Alice,"Who said that I had this kind of relationship with that guy! Don't impose your fantasies on me without permission. Dating or anything like that is absolutely impossible!"

"Oh? So you haven't started dating yet?" Alice's face suddenly showed a thoughtful expression, and then, without anyone else noticing, she slowly approached Erina and whispered in a voice that only the two of them could hear,"That means... I still have a chance, right?"

"Wh, what?" Erina was a little confused.

""Hmph, nothing." Alice didn't give Erina a chance to ask again. She turned her head and trotted towards Shiraki. As she watched her leave, Erina felt a sense of crisis in her heart.

"Well, that's right���If the target is Erina, I don't mind sharing it with you, right?"

Suddenly, Alice, who had already turned away, seemed to have thought of something, and suddenly turned around and said something without thinking.

"What?"Erina's face began to heat up at a visible speed, but before she could shout out the word"shameless", Alice on the other side changed the subject and said

"——I'm kidding! Erina, you're so naive that you actually believed something like that... I've never forgotten what happened when I was five years old.——Don't think you can always act like a queen."

"……"Facing Alice's"declaration", Erina opened her mouth, but seemed to not know how to respond, and finally chose to remain silent.

If it was just a simple provocation, she would not be afraid, but if it involved Shiraki, Erina always felt that her IQ was not enough, and her originally very rational brain would always short-circuit at critical moments, just like now, facing Alice's obviously provocative words, she didn't know how to talk back. The two people here were tit-for-tat, while Kuga Teruki on the other side had an ugly face.

It's true that a full man doesn't know the hunger of a hungry man. Can these two women take his feelings into consideration when they quarrel? There is still someone here who has never eaten food! That food...what does that food taste like!

"Damn it!"

Although he tried his best to hypnotize himself in his heart that he should not bow down to a first-year guy, this sweet scent was destroying him both physically and mentally. The power of this fragrance was even more terrifying than he had imagined at the beginning, and it was even to the point of almost dominating other people's bodies. This first-year...what kind of monster is this!


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