078. What a coincidence, you guys are here to grab territory too?】

"Let's go and have a look." Shiraki motioned for Teruki Kuga to lead the way, thought for a while, and suddenly asked,"By the way, do you have a map that shows all the research groups in Totsuki Academy? It would be best if it was a more detailed one."

"As for the map, I'll have someone send it over right away." Kuga Teruki waved his hand. This kind of trivial matter was just a matter of a word from him, but he was a little puzzled as to why Shiraki suddenly wanted this kind of thing. Could it be...

I don't know what he thought of, but Kuga Teruki suddenly became interested. He changed his previous sleepy and bored expression, and excitedly took Shiraki to a huge building that looked very imposing from the outside.

"Let me introduce you to the ZHONG||HUA||Cooking Research Institute. To be honest, I spent a lot of effort to build this building. Then, what do you want to do here, Shiraki? The maps of other research institutes have been sent to you."

Kuga Teruki was very interested in introducing this building to Shiraki, which was more than enough to be a restaurant. He said with an expression of watching the fun and not minding the trouble.

"Please remove that disgusting suffix for me first."

"I told you this isn't a disgusting suffix! Shiraki- chan, why are you the same as Erina?!"Ignoring Teruki Kuga who was jumping on the side, Shiraki began to carefully look at the building in front of him.

In terms of floor space, this building‘ZHONG||HUA|The building of the cooking research institute is hundreds of times larger than a normal classroom for research institutes.

It can be considered a large hotel from the outside.

The decoration style of the whole building is still relatively traditional Chinese style.

Although some places can be seen to be obviously combined with Japanese style, but overall, it is indeed an extremely magnificent cooking building.

||HUA||The culinary research society's territory is not just this.

In addition to the main building, there are also other facilities such as farms in the backyard, vegetable plots, warehouses, etc.

, and the areas are quite astonishing.

In order to double the area of the research society, Shiraki can only hope to find some"fat sheep".

Soon, he got the newly made map from Kuga Teruki, which was said to mark the addresses of various research societies in Totsuki Academy.

After a rough glance, the area of Totsuki Academy is indeed astonishing, and on this vast land, the number of various culinary research societies has reached more than double digits, and some of them are of astonishing size.

Comparing this map with the list below, Shiraki suddenly found a familiar name.

——Chanko Nabe Research Society!

If I remember correctly, Erina in the original novel seemed to have targeted this research society, and used food battles to duel with the opponent's main general, and finally won. Now, because of the mistake she made during the opening ceremony, this research society was lucky enough to escape. After comparing the location of the Chanko Nabe Research Society on the map, a gleam of light suddenly flashed in Shiraki's eyes.

The territory of this research society is simply - a little unreasonable.

Logically speaking, this 'Chanko Nabe Research Society' should be just a passing research society in the original novel, and was defeated by Erina in a few moves. However, the size of this research society's territory cannot be underestimated. From the research society building to the backyard, plus some miscellaneous activity rooms, the total area is actually one-fourth the size of the Chinese cuisine research society?!

No wonder Erina targeted this research society, it is really too big, even Shiraki felt a sense of excitement when looking at the map in front of him.

As for the Donburi Research Club in the original book, Shiraki searched carefully on the map again, and finally found a mobile classroom that was only a quarter of the size of a fingernail in a slightly better location.……

——Damn, this is too shabby.

No wonder Erina sent Mito Yumei to compete. It's just a small research society. If she goes on stage in person, she will be lowering her status.

After asking Kuga Teruki beside him, Shiraki understood why the Chankori Research Society's territory was so large. It turned out that this research society had ten outstanding people in charge three sessions ago.

That was the golden age of the Chankori Research Society. Under the leadership of the ten outstanding people, the research society's territory continued to expand. There were three courtyards dedicated to growing ingredients alone. The

Chankori Research Society that Shiraki sees now is actually a shrunk version of itself. In its heyday, their territory was three times the size of what it is now. It's just that there haven't been any powerful people in recent years, so it has been cannibalized by the surrounding research societies.

"So, the first target to be attacked is decided to be the Chanko Nabe Research Institute~"

Seeing that Shiraki finally put down the map, Kuga Teruki on the side immediately instigated him, fearing that the world would not be in chaos. Shiraki raised his head speechlessly, and then he found that this guy had called the demolition team over without knowing when. A group of people dressed as decorators jumped off the container truck not far away and were now rushing in the right direction.

Shiraki was sure that the reason why Kuga Teruki was so active was definitely not because of nonsense reasons such as wanting to carry forward the ZHONG||HUA Cuisine Research Institute. This guy definitely wanted to watch the fun. After all, according to his original plan, he should have stayed in the ZHONG||HUA Cuisine Research Institute at this time to train those bald men. As a result, he was forced by Shiraki's power to follow others around. It was normal for him to want to have some fun.

It's decided, in a while Let this guy take care of the food battle.

Shiraki put away the map in his hand, and quietly tricked Kuga Teruki into it.

The two of them, along with the decoration team, set off in the direction of the Chanko Nabe Research Association, and arrived at their destination in about twenty minutes.

But after getting off the car, Shiraki and Kuga Teruki were dumbfounded.

Opposite them, there were also three or five large decoration vehicles parked, and the formation was almost the same as theirs. And right in front of these decoration vehicles, there was a very familiar luxury car parked. Shiraki walked over to take a look, and sure enough, in the car were Erina and Hisako, who were looking at him with the same stunned expressions.

So... did they run into people in the same business as them?

Shiraki awkwardly scratched the back of his head, and said to Erina's rolled down window,"Hey, long time no see, Erina, Hisako, are you guys here to grab territory too?"


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