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"Bang." A light hit a certain place, where everyone was very familiar with the host, Kawashima Rei

"Hello everyone, I am your lovely host Kawashima Rei. Kawashima Rei acted cute for a while, and then the students in the audience were excited. It turns out that cute girls are the cutest.

"This shokugeki competition is highly anticipated by the entire school.

I am very happy to host such a shokugeki competition.

Now let's meet the judges.

"Kawashima Rei pointed to the five people sitting in the judging seats not far away.

"They are our commander-in-chief, Senzaemon Nakiri, our seniors from Totsuki, Enka Kikuchi, Taki Kadozaki, and Fuyumi Mizuhara, and of course our senior, Morihei Seki.

They all have their own food castles and run their own restaurants independently.

Let's welcome them.



" The whole audience applauded.

These people were very well-known.

The general manager was of course famous.

Kanmori Hei and Mizuhara Fuyumi were the teachers of the first-year high school students during their residential study period.

Kadozaki Taki and Kikuchi Enka had also graduated not long ago.

Their legends were still circulating among the students, so most of the students present recognized them.

This let them know that the management bureau was also very cautious about this food battle competition.

"Well, now it's the most exciting moment, let's welcome the two contestants into the venue."Kawashima Rei pointed to an exit of the venue,"First, please welcome the eighth place of the Ten Greatest of Totsuki, Senior Teruki Kuga."

Then, Teruki Kuga walked from that exit to the center of the venue. The whole audience was boiling, and many people could be heard cheering Teruki Kuga's name.

They supported Teruki Kuga, and many of these people were in the second year of high school. After all, if Kuga was defeated by the first year of high school, it would make them seem even more useless.

""Let's welcome our freshman Fang Lin, who caused a huge sensation at the opening ceremony and said he would make the entire Totsuki surrender." Kawashima Rei pointed to another exit.

At this moment, the whole place was boiling.

""Fang Lin, Fang Lin."

The constant shouting made the whole venue seem to burst, which made Kawashima Rei a little confused. You know, in the food wars competition before the residential training, Fang Lin had almost endured the boos from the whole audience. How come the situation has become like this now? Almost the whole audience is cheering for Fang Lin.

"During the residential study, you learned about the gap between the two sides, and then you had to deal with the top ten students in the second year of high school. Did you feel a sense of solidarity against the enemy?"Nakiri Senzaemon touched his chin,"Fang Lin, it seems that the first-year students have almost been conquered by you. I hope your dishes will not disappoint me."

"Junior is still very popular." Xiaolin Longdan leaned on the handrail, watching the constant cheers from below.

"It's been a long time since a whole grade cheered for one person."Aki Kubo Momo said

"It's just bluffing. Rui Shanjin also said lightly

"Ruishan, you can tell whether it is bluffing or not just by looking at it."Ise Hui smiled lightly.

"Humph, let's take a look. Ruijin also responded

"Alice, Erina, Hisako, I'll go over there." Fang Lin nodded to the three of them, took the ingredients and walked to his own cooking table.

"You bastard, you can't lose. You can only be defeated by me." said Erina Nakiri

"Lin Jun, I feel the same way."Alice Nakiri also said

"Come on, Lin-jun, you can do it." Niito Hisako clenched her fists.

Then, Nakiri Erina walked to the side. This was where the contestants' partners sat, so they could watch their partners' cooking up close. Of course, people watching from the side were not allowed to interfere with the food battle between the two sides.

"I didn't expect you to cook tofu as well." Kuga Teruki frowned slightly, because the dishes chosen by both parties overlapped.

This has both advantages and disadvantages.

The advantage is that it allows the judges to more directly evaluate which dish is delicious. The disadvantage is that in this round of competition, the first-serving advantage is more important, because the same dish can easily leave a residual impression on the judges.

Not to mention Sichuan cuisine, which is famous for its spicy taste. The first dish eaten has a decisive advantage. The spicy taste can temporarily numb the taste buds, and even make the taste buds lose the desire to continue tasting.

"I didn't expect that Senior Jiuwo would also decide on this ingredient. Fang Lin smiled slightly,"But in this case, there is nothing else to say about who wins."

"Of course, I think so too. Kuga Teruki smiled.

"Okay, both of you, let me announce the conditions for your food battle.

"Kawashima Rei said,"If Senior Kuga Teruki wins, then Fang Lin will join the Chinese Cuisine Research Association and obey Senior Kuga's reasonable orders.

These orders cannot be too hard or harmful to the people who obey them.

If Fang Lin wins, Fang Lin will become the leader of the Chinese Cuisine Research Association, and Senior Kuga will become an ordinary member and also obey Fang Lin's arrangements.

This time period will last for one year.

When the one year is up, the food battle conditions will be fulfilled.


"Do you two agree to the conditions of this food battle?" Kawashima Rei said



Kuga Teruki and Fang Lin both nodded, approving the conditions of this food battle.

"Okay, the theme of this food battle is Sichuan cuisine. Both of you get ready."Kawashima Rei said loudly,"The food battle begins!""

""Boom!" The whole place was boiling with excitement. The food battle between Kuga Teruki and Fang Lin finally began.

"Senior Jiuga, is your dish also Mapo Tofu? Fang Lin put the wooden box on the cooking table and opened the lid. He could see that the whole piece of tofu was shining with a milky white light, which was very dazzling, just like a crystal clear gem, shining brightly.

"Then let me show you my success in the past few days, the ultimate mapo tofu��"Fang Lin opened another box, and inside were several knives. These were naturally the legendary kitchen utensils that he had exchanged before. Those special functions were gone, but these knives were still much better than ordinary knives.

Naturally, Fang Lin directly used the knives here.

"Cooking, let's start."Fang Lin picked up a long and thin kitchen knife and gently dropped it on the square tofu._Feilu reminds you: Three things to do when reading - collect, recommend

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