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Chunguoting kitchen

"Lin Jun, this cooking table is where you cook."Kujiuzhi Yuanguo said,"As for the ingredients, you can choose whatever you want here, because the mousse cake I made also uses the ingredients here."

"However, Mr. Lin, mousse cakes are not complicated to make, but it will take some time to get a real finished product."Mujiuzhi Yuanguo smiled.

"Don't worry, Senior Mu Jiuzhi, I know this, so don't worry. Fang Lin nodded.

Generally, if you want to shape a mousse cake, you need to freeze it in the freezer for several hours, so that you can form a perfect mousse cake.

"Then, Linjun, work hard."Mujiuzhi Yuanguo also came to her own cooking table. She also needed to continue processing some unfinished dishes.

"Raw materials, right?" Fang Lin looked at the place where the ingredients were in the kitchen."I need whipping cream, butter, yogurt, digestive biscuits, blueberry jam.……"

From the feeling of the divine tongue just now, Fang Lin already knew the secret of this dish. Now he had to use his cooking skills to complete a work comparable to that of Senior Sister Mu Jiuzhi.

"First."Fang Lin took a small bowl, put the digestive biscuits into the bowl, and crushed them into fine particles.

After the digestive biscuits become fine powder, they are one of the main ingredients for the mousse cake, which can add a heavy flavor to the cake. He kept crushing the digestive biscuits with a small wooden stick. This step cannot be wrong, because if the digestive biscuits are not evenly distributed, or there are large particles of biscuits, the finished mousse cake will have fatal flaws.

But this matter is nothing to Fang Lin. Fang Lin's strength and cooking skills are enough to complete this step perfectly.

Moreover, Fang Lin's strength is greater than that of Mu Jiuchi Enguo, and the degree of completion of this biscuit powder may be able to go further than Mu Jiuchi Enguo.

"Finished, next step is to add a little butter."Fang Lin poured the softened butter into the biscuit powder, stirring it constantly, and when it was almost done, he put the biscuit into the mold for making mousse cake. Putting the mold aside, Fang Lin took out a glass bowl, put in gelatin, added a small amount of water, and let the gelatin melt.

Gelatin is also known as fish gelatin, which is fish gelatin without fishy smell. It is rich in collagen and is a very important material for making mousse cake.

"Okay, let's move on to the next step."Fang Lin took out a small bowl, then took the yogurt box in his hand, poured the yogurt into it, calculated the amount of yogurt, and then poured in the melted gelatin water, stirring constantly.

Put the stirred yogurt aside, and continue to add whipped cream and a small amount of sugar to a bowl and stir constantly.

After seeing that the situation was almost the same, Fang Lin picked up a good yogurt and poured it into the bowl of whipped cream, stirring constantly to make these ingredients blend perfectly together.

To make desserts, sometimes you don't need those ingredients, you need excellent knife skills, excellent ingredient processing, and control of the heat, etc.

But there is one thing that is very critical in making desserts, that is, how to blend each ingredient together just right, because a little difference will make the final taste. There will be a big difference in taste.

The confidence in completing Mu Jiuchi Enguo's work is also related to Fang Lin's recent practice of desserts in the virtual kitchen, plus the ability of the Divine Tongue.

Although Fang Lin did not use measuring tools to make precise calculations, Fang Lin relied more on his grasp of the ingredients and countless times of tempering in the virtual kitchen.

Because the virtual kitchen does not waste ingredients, and more importantly, the body will not feel tired when honing cooking skills. For Fang Lin, this is a place where his cooking skills continue to improve.

This is also where Fang Lin continues to accumulate cooking skills and learn new knowledge.

Mu Jiuchi Enguo on the other side of the cooking table looked at Fang Lin in shock. She did not expect that this junior brother could process the raw materials of desserts so quickly. The speed is unexpectedly so fast.

He can be compared with that schoolmate Akane Kubo Momo, no, maybe even better than Akane Kubo Momo.

Because Kikuchi Engo could find that Fang Lin's technique was obviously a skill that only a person who has been immersed in and studied for a long time can have, which made Kikuchi Engo secretly surprised.

You know, Kikuchi Engo learned from Akane Kubo Momo that Fang Lin is the head chef of the Mist Restaurant, and he is only fifteen years old. So, he who is studying at Totsuki Academy should only be at the level of a freshman in high school. To have such a level in the first year of high school is a complete monster. Even in the history of Totsuki, there are very few such people.

At the same time, you must know that among the Ten Outstanding Students of Totsuki, many people have different cooking directions. For example, some are good at a certain type, just like Akane Kubo Momo is good at dessert making. For example, some people are good at Western dishes, just like the first chef, Si Yingshi.

So a person’s energy is limited, and he will only be good at one aspect.

And this junior brother Fang Lin can become the head chef of the Wu cuisine restaurant, and in a place like Ginza where powerful people gather, Wu’s reputation is getting bigger and bigger. It can be imagined that Fang Lin is outstanding in Japanese cuisine. It is completely at the level of the top ten, and maybe even better in some aspects.

But what was unexpected was that this junior brother Fang Lin also had such an outstanding level in dessert making.

Even though I haven’t tasted the real finished product yet, but from that skilled level, not to mention the making of other Western dishes, purely in terms of desserts, perhaps only she, Mu Jiuzhi Enguo, can compare with Fang Lin.

"Could this junior be another person like Senior Gin Dojima?"Kujichi Engo thought to himself.

Although there are many top students in Totsuki Academy, only Gin Dojima can graduate with the highest score. He is a true genius.

Even the other top students in the academy respect Gin Dojima very much.

"Lin Jun" Mu Jiuzhi Yuanguo's eyes were shining

"Okay, the last step." Fang Lin poured the yogurt mixture into the mold that had previously been filled with digestive biscuits.


Rapid freezing. Fang Lin put the mold into the freezer.

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