Lin Shijie's use of the virtual space of the cross is not a whim, but an idea that has been pondered before.

After all, the matter of the neutron bomb made Lin Shijie have to think about the possible extreme situations.

He wasn't sure what was going on in his own system world, whether it could save his life or not. Lin Shijie had no confidence at all.

So Lin Shijie naturally looked at the virtual space of the cross.

This thing is a bit interesting. It can directly take in the consciousness of the human being, so what is taken in is the brain consciousness that is still connected to the body.

Or is it simply the consciousness of human origin, or the soul?

If this is a soul, it will be a great discovery, because once a person really has a soul, many things will probably have to be rewritten.

And the best way to experiment is to take in a person's consciousness, and then directly kill the person's own existence.

Although Lin Shijie has changed a bit and killed more decisively, he is still a normal person after all, not a murderer, so he can't just find someone to do experiments.

So Ou Shaoyang and the others naturally entered the experimental list.

Even when Lin Shijie controlled them to commit suicide just now, there was a certain sequence, and some of them directly damaged their brains and instantly lost consciousness.

Some are destroying half of the brain first, and then the whole.

Others are the brainstem, part of the cerebellum.

There was even one that didn't break the brain, just the neck.

According to the situation of these people, Lin Shijie carefully looked at the consciousness of these people in the virtual space.

For those whose brains have been destroyed, their conscious body has directly turned into a wandering spirit, floating in the space, and then slowly fades until it dissipates.

And the guy whose neck was broken, that is, Ou Shaoyang, was able to roar for a while, and then he started to become dumb as if he had exhausted his last strength.

And Lin Shijie immediately said to Zhuang Yanru, "Find a secret place, hurry up!"

"It's very secret now, what are you going to do?" Zhuang Yanru asked curiously.

"Rebirth Experiment!"

Following Lin Shijie's words, a complete Ou Shaoyang suddenly appeared beside Zhuang Yanru, and then Lin Shijie drove Ou Shaoyang's consciousness out of the virtual space and pressed directly on the blank body.



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When Ou Shaoyang suddenly laughed, Zhuang Yanru immediately widened her eyes and looked at Ou Shaoyang in disbelief.

"Alive?" Zhuang Yanru couldn't help but said, "Didn't you say you can't project living things?"

Lin Shijie also looked at this Ou Shaoyang who only knew silly music in surprise. He quickly scanned it and sighed in disappointment, "Only the brain has started to move temporarily, and there is still no vitality in the body."

"And this consciousness has obviously weakened too much, and it has become a fool. I don't know if it is the loss of transfer or some other reason."

Lin Shijie absorbed his consciousness into the cross again, and frowned when he saw Ou Shaoyang, who had become sullen.

"Although it is impossible to determine whether this consciousness is a soul, I am afraid that this cross really has a secret that I didn't expect."

"Can you survive with it?" Zhuang Yanru asked.

"I didn't die at all, okay?" Lin Shijie said angrily, "but I think if there is a certain death situation, this is also a way out."

Gu Yanran on the side hurriedly patted Lin Shijie, "Don't talk nonsense."

Lin Shijie hurriedly laughed, "For example, if there is such a situation, just send me to Mary's organization, I guess I will definitely survive."

Zhuang Yanru nodded, "Okay, but let's talk about where we meet, you don't have to hurry to recover." Lin Shijie immediately laughed, "Why don't you hurry, go to our base in Southeast Asia."

Zhuang Yanru nodded, "Okay."

After shutting down the communication, Lin Shijie and Gu Yanran also came out of the room and couldn't help but smile when they saw the people standing together.

"Why don't you want us to leave?"

"How can you be willing, after all, you are like this." Duanmu said with a frown, "Would you like me to follow you."

"Hehe, I've got your mind, but you should just follow the plan." Lin Shijie said with a smile, "Don't worry, I hope to get better sooner than you think."

"Also, only I have the means to heal myself."

Looking at the crowd, Lin Shijie slowly got off the bed and walked awkwardly in front of the crowd, "Don't forget, I am a psychic, powerful enough to block a nuclear explosion."

"What's so hard to beat me."

Everyone looked at Lin Shijie who was moving in surprise, and couldn't help but feel high again.

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Xing is excited.

"Mr. Lin, can you control the movement of your body with your mental power?" Duanmu said excitedly.

"It's been possible for a long time, but I just don't want to show it," Lin Shijie said with a smile, "If it wasn't for you all, and I was afraid of your worries, I wouldn't show it."

"Haha, it's great that you can still move, otherwise I'd want to resign to take care of you." Sun Meng said with a smile.

"It's not too late now, or I'll hire you as my life assistant." Lin Shijie felt that her back was being screwed hard, and said quickly, "Just kidding, little girl, be your own. Just work."

"Hmph, please, I won't go either." Sun Meng said with a smile.

Wang Li was relieved when she saw Lin Shijie's movable body and the happy look on her face, especially the sincere smile on Gu Yanran's face.

Lin Shijie might force a smile to prevent them from seeing the flaws, but Gu Yanran could never be without any sadness.

The only possibility is that Lin Shijie can really heal his injury, or at least greatly improve.

As expected of Lin Shijie who created miracles!

The people on the side also looked at Lin Shijie happily. After all, they had developed a strong friendship during this trip. At this moment, seeing Lin Shijie stand up again, they were naturally happy.

Yang Huaiyu even came to Lin Shijie's side, and even reached out to squeeze Lin Shijie's calf.

Then Yang Huaiyun smashed him heavily on the head.


"Oh, sister, I'm just looking at it." Yang Huaiyu pouted and said, "But it's really wrapped in a layer of something."

Lin Shijie smiled, "Next time we meet, I won't be far away from free movement."

"Then let me follow you, there's no point in following them all the time." Yang Huaiyu said uncontrollably.

"haha okay."

At this moment, except for Wang Dahai, who was still in the pilot's seat, everyone on the plane came to Lin Shijie.

Even Wang Dahai also turned on the radio, "Mr. Lin, let me give you one last ride, where are we going?"

Lin Shijie suddenly laughed, "It doesn't need anywhere, it's just right now."

"What? Mr. Lin, do you want it?"

"Haha, open the biggest escape, Yanran and I are going!"

(End of this chapter)

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