If it is passed to a high point in the penalty area, it will be marked by everyone. Gonzalez is already surrounded by defensive players.

Although others are tall and powerful, they may feel uncomfortable competing for points when they are interfered with.

Bai Ran took a deep breath, and then started to run!


A free kick passed high in front of the goal!

The ball seemed to be looking for Gonzalez in the penalty area, but... was the pass a little high?

Even Zidane felt that this ball was a mistake in Bai Ran's pass.

This is also normal. Every player makes mistakes, including Zidane himself who often performs poorly.

He didn't blame Bai Ran too much.

Although the fans on the field were not very professional, from an amateur perspective, the quality of the ball was average.

The first point he looked for was wrong. Gonzalez was already being targeted. This ball should have been a tactical free kick.

It should be a short pass to the teammate next to you.

Second, you can just find a high point in the penalty area, but the pass is not accurate enough! Too high!

It’s obviously too big!

Under the spotlight, the ball flew through the penalty area. Although Gonzalez struggled a bit, he still fought hard for the top!

Even if there is the slightest chance, he will try his best.

With three defenders surrounding him, it was difficult for him to jump on this ball, let alone swing his head to hit the goal!

Sure enough, these three people completely restricted Gonzalez, and the ball went over the top!

It flew over from a centimeter above Gonzalez's head.


But the story seems not to be completely over yet!

After Gonzalez missed the ball, there was no defensive player at the point where the ball landed!

It's empty here!

Rodriguez directly stepped in from the wing and volleyed the ball the moment it bounced! !

The ball rushed toward the goal at high speed. The goalkeeper only focused on Gonzalez and was not prepared to make a save from the wing at all!

The ball was like a bullet, heading straight into the dead center of the goal.

The ball went in!

Leading 1-0, Castilla took a free kick from Bai Ran and found Rodriguez on the far end with a long pass that seemed too big.

The latter took off and slashed in the air, piercing the fingers of the opponent's goalkeeper.

This shot was so exciting!

As for whether this assist was intentional or just luck, it's hard to say.

Bai Ran knew clearly in his heart that he was aiming for this result.

Since people are gathering in the small penalty area to mark Gonzalez, it is better to bypass these people and pass the ball to the open space on the far end.

Sure enough, Rodriguez lived up to expectations and scored the goal.

The two teenagers hugged each other passionately, walked and jumped to the sidelines with their arms around their backs, and fist-pumped in celebration together!

It’s Poirot’s connection again, so beautiful!

Zidane did not expect this goal to be scored, but it was definitely a good thing to lead the game, so a look of joy appeared on his face.

Castilla once again entered the game with a lead.

This time it was the opponent Tugnidi who kicked off the ball from the center circle.

Through this attack, Bai Ran also discovered a problem. The opponent's team's defense was very poor. Their defensive tactics were very simple and had only one concept.

Swarm to the restricted area!

As long as there is a threat in front of the goal, all defenders and midfielders will dive into the penalty area to prevent the opponent from attacking.

This defensive tactic is very basic, and is also prepared for players who have poor foot skills, poor coordination, and poor personal abilities.

Obviously, the opponent's defensive tactics are like this.

Although Bai Ran didn't say anything, he silently took note of the opponent's technical and tactical characteristics.

In the past few days, he studied the tactical information Zidane showed him every night. Although the core task was to analyze Pirlo's interpretation of the game, Bai Ran also learned a lot of tactical knowledge.

When the opponent adopts a certain defensive strategy, Bai Ran figured out how to respond from the information.

This is probably the result of ten years of experience in the previous life!

As the game continued, the opponent's offense was slow and leisurely, but there was no real threat. Facing midfielders Patry and Hermoso, they often had to pass back.

After a few safety shots, their passing and control showed weakness.

At this time, Patry found the right moment and poked the ball out when the opponent's midfielder was distracted when dribbling the ball.

As the supporting midfielder, Hermoso took the ball with an idea, opened up space, and passed the ball to Bai Ran.

The ball came to Bai Ran's feet.

He raised his eyes and saw that the situation on the field was very clear!

First, he played a one-two with Rodriguez on the wing, and then headed to the center with the ball!

Seeing this situation, Hermoso slowly came up from the backcourt.

On the court, he is Bai Ran's bodyguard.

Bai Ran, on the other hand, gave the ball to Gonzalez, but unfortunately he took the ball with his back. Seeing this, the opponent's players all gathered in the penalty area. Not to mention that there were so many people that they couldn't even turn around. Even if they turned around, they couldn't. What a great shot opportunity it could be.

Gonzalez stepped on the ball, and his upper body also made confrontational movements with the opponent's defender.

At this time, Bai Ran saw his teammates in trouble and waved quickly: "Come back!"

Gonzalez immediately understood and passed the ball directly back to Bai Ran!

Bai Ran leads the ball and rushes into the space in the ribs!

There are too many people in the restricted area!

But fortunately, most of the attention was attracted by Gonzalez, and no one followed Bai Ran's pace in time!

"I am Zidane, I am Zidane!"

Bai Ran took the ball and burst into a burst of blood!

[Zidane Template Card! Lv2! ]

[Use immediately! ]

Bai Ran looked up suddenly, facing the defensive players who came to defend one by one, and with a step, he deceived the opponent with a slow and fast rhythm, leaving the defensive players behind!

Passed one!

Then the opponent's full-back came up to press, and Bai Ran had sensed it in advance within three meters!

So he took a step forward with the ball, and the full-back rushed from the back, but was shaken out by Bai Ran's center of gravity. Bai Ran stopped and changed direction with his left heel and took it to the right!

Passed two!

The two central defenders saw that things were not going well, and hurried forward to make a flying tackle. This ball can't let him face the goalkeeper!

To ​​limit him, he can only not face the goal. If he keeps his back to the goal, he will have no chance to kick!

Two tall central defenders rushed forward. Bai Ran suddenly had an idea. He stepped on the ball with his left foot and pushed his right foot to the inside of the penalty area. When he turned around, the ball was still under his feet!

Marseille turn!

Zidane's classic move!

Passed four!

The two central defenders were stunned. They didn't expect that this kid would dare to show off in the penalty area. It's good!

At this time, their midfielders also followed up frantically. In front of Bai Ran was the goal and the goalkeeper!

Although his shooting ability was not high, he had the bonus of a shooter's instinct after all.

In the penalty area, he was like a cheetah ready to go, staring at his prey!

When the opponent's goalkeeper flew to save the ball, Bai Ran made a light shot, directly lifted the ball, and jumped into the goal from above the goalkeeper's body.

The ball went in!

A perfect one-stop!

The fans in the stands were boiling. Zidane's scalp was numb when he saw this ball!

My God, what a performance!

The players of Castilla were also stunned. After the ball crossed the goal line, they reacted and ran to Bai Ran to celebrate joyfully.

So handsome, so handsome, Bai Ran's talent almost overflowed!

Bai Ran and his teammates embraced passionately. This ball was indeed very exciting, thanks to Zidane's template card of level 2.

If it was level 1 like before, the gap with Zidane would probably be too big, and he would definitely not be able to pass so many people!

This level 2 template card can not only extend the time, but the system also mentioned before that the higher the level, the closer the football style and ability during this period will be to the person in the template.

Now that Bai Ran has opened this template, he must be more like Zidane than before.

That's why he can pass four people in a row to score!

Domestic fans almost went crazy after seeing this live broadcast.

"Fuck! Fuck! Great shot!"

"Awesome Bai Ran!"

"He's killing the Spanish Second Division B League, invincible!"

"With this kind of performance, he can go to the Premier League!"

"He's definitely a superstar!"

Not only the fans, who are laymen, but even Florentino in the stands raised his eyebrows when he saw Bai Ran's way of playing, and a strange light flashed in his eyes.

It's been many years since I've seen such a strong player at the age of 16.

It's really good!

Even though he is the chairman of Real Madrid and has seen batches of talented players, including talented players like Bai Ran, it is a basic condition to be able to shine in the echelon.

It's a real skill to be able to adapt to the intensity in a professional team!

And he went to the battlefield at the age of 16, which can't be said to be a leapfrog fight. Judging from the scene, Bai Ran is the monster.

After this, the opponent's confidence was completely shattered.

Castia's crushing attack has left them helpless.

These two teams are not at the same level at all!

There was still some suspense in the game when they were leading by one goal. Now the score gap was widened to two goals, which had a great impact on the psychology of the players on both sides!

The side behind completely lost confidence and would play more timidly, while the leading side was very likely to win another game with this momentum!

Bai Ran sent a goal and an assist, and the game came to 2-0!

The next game was a bit miserable, and Bai Ran was still very active on the court.

The opponent's defensive focus was also on him, but this kid always had a way to get rid of it and create opportunities.

Bai Ran broke into the inside and played two beautiful wall-to-wall cooperation with Gomez, and then kicked a cross!

Gonzalez jumped high, and his header was saved by the goalkeeper. Amazing reaction speed!

Rodriguez on the wing opened up space and passed it to Bai Ran at the edge of the penalty area. Bai Ran also played with confidence and shot near the penalty area!

Unfortunately, the ball slipped out of the goal and did not result in a goal.

Bai Ran also held his head with regret, looking very annoyed.

Castilla's condition is getting better and better, and every attack is in good shape.

At this moment, Bai Ran received a pass, stopped the ball steadily with his left foot, and used his vision advantage to make a long pass to find Vasquez who was on the wing.

Vasquez stopped the ball with his chest, and there was a large space in front!

He rushed forward with all his strength, and his teammates were also actively running.

Only Bai Ran took two steps back.

He was retreating!

Zidane can understand, this is the same movement as Pirlo! At this time, Bai Ran has become the core of the deep-lying organization!

I didn't expect his understanding to be so high. I originally wanted to show him the tactical panel, but he immediately figured out the essence of this position!

As Bai Ran dragged back, the attack from the front started to flourish, but just when Rodriguez tried to pass the last person on the side, he staggered and was cut off!

The opposing player immediately launched a counterattack!

With one kick to clear the ball, the ball blasted dozens of meters away!

The opponent's forward is already ready to go near the center circle.

Everyone also moved forward, trying to create a short-term situation where more players beat fewer players.

When a weak team beats a strong team, they can only score goals in this way.

This is a rare opportunity!

Will this be a face-saving goal?

But at this moment, there was just a pop, and Bai Ran stepped on the ball under his feet.

ah! ?

All the players were stunned for a moment, why did Bai Ran appear here!

Taking advantage of the empty defense of the opponent, he immediately made a long pass!

The ball went over the head of the opponent's last central defender and reached the dangerous area.

Gomez relied on his absolute speed advantage to take the ball. His extremely fast speed made it beyond the reach of everyone. After quickly reaching the penalty area, the goalkeeper also chose to attack.

But Gomez directly faked a shot and dribbled the ball forward, easily passed the goalkeeper and hit the empty goal.

It’s 3-0!

What a ball! Bai Ran's credit for this goal accounted for 70%!

The rest is Gomez's precise movement and unparalleled speed.

This awareness and long-passing footwork directly lit up this offense.

This Pirlo-like midfield style made Florentino nod repeatedly.

This kid is playing really well.

A rare midfield talent.

Able to organize, able to break through, calm in front of goal, and capable of finishing.

There were some shortcomings, but the flaws did not hide the advantages. Lafayette only saw that Bai Ran's shining points were more dazzling than others.

This is indeed a good child worth cultivating. No wonder Zidane is so interested in this child recently and often mentions him to himself.

Florentino also watched the game at the Bernabeu, and the little ball boy next to him was Bai Ran, which he just found out.

This alertness and responsiveness cannot be due to luck.

And judging from his passing footwork, he is already very mature, which shows that his skills are also very strong.

really not bad!

After this, the first half of the game also ended.

The advantage in the first half was too great, 3-0, and the opponent could hardly resist.

This time we can really pop the champagne at halftime.

Zidane did not make many tactical changes in the midfield. He just checked the players' physical strength. If there are no problems, the second half can continue.

At the same time, he also asked Vic to replace Hermoso, canceled Bai Ran's position as a free agent in the frontcourt in the second half, and changed the tactics, which can save energy.

Let Bai Ran be responsible for the midfielder duties on the right side, so that he doesn't have to run to different positions so frequently.

In the second half, the team changed sides and fought again.

This time, both sides slowed down the pace.

Castilla's advantage is already large enough. As long as the gap is maintained until the end, there is basically no pressure.

On the other hand, knowing that there is no suspense in this game and there is no need to invest too many troops to fight, it is better to conserve physical fitness for the next game.

Therefore, the game scene in the second half was not as good as the first half.

It continued until the 75th minute. Bai Ran did not stop the ball after receiving the ball. He picked up the ball with his heel and tipped the ball to Vick lightly.

This was also the first time Vic partnered with Bai Ran. After the ball came over, Vic pushed with the arch of his foot and passed a pass to Gomez on the wing.

Gomez looked up and saw that Gonzalez was the only one coming up front to grab points. He hesitated and did not make a pass.

This opportunity is not good. At this time of the game, it is better to keep the ball at your feet to save energy.

The opponent grabbed the ball, and Gomez took his time, using his upper body to distance himself from the opponent, and then handed the ball back to Vick.

At this time, Bai Ran was walking slowly next to Vic, but the next moment he suddenly started to speed up and ran forward!

The phantom appeared on the offside line!

Vic was aware of Bai Ran's presence in an instant, so he followed up with a kick that was very high quality!

Bai Ran didn't make any extra moves after receiving the ball. When the opponent's center back came to defend, he adjusted his position in time!

Push shot with left foot!

The speed of the ball is not very fast, but the arc is very exaggerated!

It hit the far corner of the goal, and the goalkeeper couldn't do anything about it!

The goal was scored again!

In the 75th minute, this was the goal that killed the game!

The game has been concluded and there is no more suspense.

Of course, this ball was played with the non-dominant foot. It is so powerful to be able to hit such quality with the reverse foot!

Bai Ran knew in his heart that this was his talent: bipedal monster!

Even in very awkward situations, you can still hit the door with your non-dominant foot. This is ability!

Zidane put his pockets in his pocket and was very satisfied with Bai Ran's performance. He must have seen it too!

A sea of ​​white rose above the stands, and the fans shouted Bai Ran's name.

With 2 goals and 2 assists, Bai Ran created a total of 4 goals in this game!

Alien-like performance!

Phenomenal player!

Among the fans on one side, there was a white-haired old man who also followed the atmosphere of the fans around him and clapped together.

As expected, it’s Florentino!

He was also shocked by Bai Ran's performance. This kind of player deserves his applause.

And Zidane once said that this kid trains very hard, and training more every day has become a daily routine.

Bai Ran never slacked off when others were on vacation.

This is why he can grow at such a terrifying speed!

At the same time, Florentino also seriously considered the suggestion Zidane told him in his heart.

I didn't take it seriously before, but now it seems...

What Zidane said seems to be really worth a try.

Although Florentino enjoyed watching this game, after the ball killed the game, the expression on his face became a little solemn.

A thoughtful look appeared on his face.

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