How come an Asian who is at the bottom of the pile can be directly named and transferred by Zidane! ?

Why should the Chinese kid, who is the worst in both physical fitness and football skills, be ostracized and looked down upon by everyone, and have such a privilege! ?

They can't even figure it out why!

Even Bai Ran himself didn't react!

Is this considered... a recommendation?

What about the promised one-month assessment? Does this mean he will enter the second team directly?

Could it be because of that world-beating kick in the training match?

No way!

He has heard many legendary stories about unknown players who became famous with one goal.

But those are professional games, even World Cup games!

How can anyone become famous from just one goal in a training match at the youth academy!

Bai Ran glanced at the coach and said in a trembling voice: "Do I still need to participate in the assessment one month later?"

This made the coach laugh.

Young people are just cute.

"Congratulations, Bai Ran."

After saying this, the coach turned around and said to all the players: "All your efforts will not be in vain."

"Everything you give will be seen by God and will not be buried."

The coach can also clearly see Bai Ran's changes in these days.

He guessed that Zidane also took a fancy to Bai Ran's shining point and gave him such a precious opportunity.

Everyone has a love for talent.

Although Bai Ran's talent is not high, his perseverance, his execution ability, his hard work... What coach doesn't like such a player?

Of course, the world-wide wave in the training match that day must also be something Zidane takes a fancy to.

It happened to be that game, and Bai Ran was scheduled to play!

And just at the last minute, he performed to a jaw-dropping level!

All of this may be destined by God.

But luck is also part of football!

"Okay, let's continue with today's training."

After everyone was disbanded, they trained individually. Only Bai Ran followed the coach's steps and walked up.

"But coach, I have made a lot of preparations for the assessment in a month!"

"I practiced passing, practiced physical fitness, and..."

After receiving the news, Bai Ran couldn't accept it for a while and couldn't fully adapt to it.

Then do all the efforts I have made before have any meaning?

The coach smiled in relief and patted Bai Ran on the shoulder.

"Isn't this what you did just for today?"

Bai Ran was startled and seemed to realize something.

The coach's voice continued.

"I think it's time for a new challenge."

"Come on."

Bai Ran scratched his head: "Coach! Do I still have to train with the team today?"

"Of course, let's say goodbye to our teammates by the way." After the coach finished speaking, he turned around to guide the players' actions.

It's better to say goodbye. Bai Ran didn't say these words, but he really thought so in his heart.

Just by looking at the absent-minded looks of the players during training, you can tell that they were transferred from the professional team coached by Zidane. None of these people are convinced!

Normally they look down on themselves, but today the carp really crossed the dragon gate, and they were almost furious!

Originally, everyone was competing equally and facing the assessment one month later, but you sent me away early. Who can feel comfortable?

Moreover, if a player of Bai Ran's level were allowed to participate in the assessment normally, there would be another question about whether he would be able to pass!

And there is a high probability that he will not pass!

They are also holding back a burst of anger in their hearts!

Bai Ran smiled bitterly and shook his head, let them think what they want!

Now that I have been transferred and joined a professional team, my level must have improved by more than one level. Training well, completing tasks well, and improving my attributes are the top priorities!

What other people think of you has nothing to do with you!

On this day, Bai Ran had so many thoughts in his mind that time passed very quickly. In the blink of an eye, it was afternoon, and the training was about to end.

Today is the last day of the stage task. After completing it, you can draw cards. Bai Ran was still very uneasy.

Which one will be drawn?

Everything seems good!

With this thought in mind, Bai Ran came to the training ground carrying training tools as usual.

Bai Ran didn't pay attention at first, but when he raised his head, Bai Ran was suddenly stunned.

"You, you guys..."

In front of Bai Ran, there were seven or eight young men standing. They were tall and tall, wearing Real Madrid uniforms. Their faces were sweating profusely, but they had high morale!

As the center back captain of the youth team, a tall young man with a height of 1.94 meters walked over and glanced at Bai Ran, full of indifference.

These two people had not dealt with each other from the beginning, and he had bullied Bai Ran a lot.

Bai Ran couldn't help but get goosebumps and swallowed his saliva.

Not so!

How many of them dare to take action in the club?

The captain looked at Bai Ran with a cold face, and after a full two minutes, he finally spoke.

" do you usually practice extra? Take one of us with you."

After saying that, he stubbornly crossed his arms.

"It doesn't matter if you don't tell me. We don't care about learning from a yellow man like you."

"Just curious."

Bai Ran couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief when he saw the captain's look, thinking he was going to be beaten!

So he smiled, nodded and said, "Then you can practice with me first."

How to say something on the Internet

Denigrating Bai Ran when young!

Understanding Bai Ran when sensible!

Becoming Bai Ran when mature!

They actually started to imitate him!

Bai Ran is not a stingy person, but these people don't have a system... can it work?

So far, he didn't even understand that it's not just the system that is powerful.

His tenacious willpower is also unique in the world.

How much courage and courage does it take to support this body from the pain of near fainting countless times?

Bai Ran didn't know.

He would only tell himself not to fall down!

Today his mood was different from the past, and he quickly finished a hundred sets of sprint running exercises.

"Bai Ran, slow down!"

"Ouch, I can't stand it, I'm so tired!"

"Bai Ran, how did you do it?"

Everyone on the side was so tired that they lay on the ground and couldn't straighten their backs, but Bai Ran took a bottle of water, stood up like nothing happened, picked up his phone and took a video!

"Brothers! Big things are happening! Big things are happening!"

"I was called up by Zidane, and I'm going to report to the second team tomorrow! I'm so excited!"

"Thank you for your continued support. If you have any good suggestions, please leave a message or send me a private message!"


But who would have thought that within half a minute of the video being sent out, the message would become 99+!

This news immediately caused an uproar in China!

Suggestions? Who would care to give Bai Ran suggestions!

This fucking news is too explosive!

This is the first time in China's history that a player from the youth training team has been called up to the second team!

What a success!

This news even dominated the charts as soon as it was released!

In China's sports and entertainment forums, this video has been circulated like crazy!

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