Football: After listening to the advice, I became the strongest free man!

Chapter 2 Starting from Real Madrid’s youth training!

If the reward was ordinary, Bai Ran would definitely not be so stupid as to torture himself with a hundred sets of training every day.

But... he gave too much!

Three shining golden cards, the one on the left hand side reads: [Increase 10 attribute points, which can be freely allocated! ]

Bai Ran thought for a moment.

"Since there are attribute points, can I take a look at my panel first?"

I just arrived in this world. Although I have been running in with this body during training, I still don’t know enough.

Numbers can help me understand my abilities more intuitively.

The system didn’t talk nonsense and directly displayed Bai Ran’s panel.

[Host Bai Ran’s age: 16]

[Strength: 28]

[Speed: 36]

[Shooting: 32]

[Passing: 40]

[Dribbling: 38]

[Defense: 22]

Bai Ran folded his arms and nodded.

This pass is absolutely world-class!

Speed ​​and dribbling are also top-notch.

Strength and defense are not as good, but at least they are world-class!

"Isn't I quite strong?"

In a football game he played, a score of 20 is already a full score.

"With my stats, can't I easily become a main player in the top five leagues?"

At this time, the system paused

[Professional football players, key abilities are generally around 60]

[Main players in the top five leagues, generally not less than 80]

[Amateur football enthusiasts, ordinary people are also around 20-30]

Bai Ran couldn't help but feel ashamed when he heard this.

Luckily, this system doesn't mock him.

Otherwise, he would have to piss to see the difference!

It turns out that he is so bad, only slightly better than ordinary people!

That is indeed a little bit away from the top five leagues...

But it doesn't matter, anyway, now that the system is in hand, becoming stronger is not a problem.

In this way, 10 attribute points is actually a huge increase!

But the second card makes Bai Ran salivate even more!

On the golden card in the middle, it is written: [Beckham Skill Card: Crescent Moon Scimitar Lv1]!

Beckham's signature skill!

In the 2002 World Cup qualifiers, Beckham used a free kick to help England tie Greece 2-2 and advance to the World Cup, completing self-redemption!

But Bai Ran noticed that there was a Lv1 behind this skill card.

It should mean level 1, that is, higher-level skill cards should be available later.

And the third gold card says [Development Card: You can randomly add a new attribute slot in the system attributes. ]

Directly add an attribute slot?

Bai Ran also found that his panel now has only six dimensions, which is indeed not comprehensive enough.

Some abilities such as physical strength, vision, and running are still particularly important in higher-level competitions.

These three cards, no matter which one, make Bai Ran excited!

He wants all three!

But the system is the system, and you can only draw one card after completing a task.

Bai Ran felt sorry, but then he thought again, anyway, the system is always there, as long as you complete more tasks, this kind of reward should not be less!

Good! From today on, you have to complete daily tasks every day!

Bai Ran was extremely excited!

In his previous life, he had been a substitute for ten years, living under the shadow of others.

Even when the main players were not injured, he could not play two games in the whole season!

His youth was wasted!

And this time, he must make a name for himself!

Thinking of this, Bai Ran quickly got up, adjusted his state, clenched his fists, and walked to the football field.

Real Madrid's youth training camp has a very heavy task, especially physical training, which is notoriously cruel in Europe.

Most young players sweat profusely after training and have difficulty walking.

Bai Ran is of course the same.

Moreover, as an Asian, his physique is not as good as those big noses.

After a day of physical load, the team's training has ended, and all the boys can't wait to go to the lounge, ready to take a comfortable shower later.

"Bai Ran."

A tall and strong boy with a short haircut, holding training equipment in one hand and an energy water bottle in the other, looked at Bai Ran with a smile.

Bai Ran looked determined, took the training equipment from his hand, and walked straight to the court.

He wanted to practice more!

Complete the goal and improve himself!

He must stand out in the youth training assessment in January!

A turnaround?

This time, it's a leap!

"What's wrong with you?" The players couldn't help but talk about Bai Ran's change of temperament.

Ignoring the eyes of others, Bai Ran simply took out his mobile phone, started recording a video, and put it on the seat on the sidelines.

He planned to make a video clip of his struggle process so that the online fans could witness his transformation together!

Fifty-meter sprint

One group, two groups, three groups!


Ten groups, twenty groups, forty groups...

Sweat like rain!

It was okay at the beginning, but the later it got, the more difficult it became!

The scorching sun burned Bai Ran's willpower!

The big beads of sweat slid down and wet the green grass.

"Speed! Keep up the speed!"

Bai Ran urged himself all the time!

But my legs still felt like they were filled with lead and gradually became numb.

78, 79, 80!


In the eightieth group, Bai Ran lay sprawled on the court, looking at the blue sky, breathing heavily.

No more, I can't hold on anymore...

At this moment, his voice from his previous life seemed to be heard in his mind.

"Does it stop here?"

Yes, should it end here?

Like my incompetent self before, will I be a substitute all my life and live in the shadow of others?

Spend your career mediocrely?


Bai Ran opened his eyes suddenly, clenched his fists and stood up!


At this time, on the side of the lounge building opposite the stadium, the coach was walking by with a stack of documents in his arms. He caught a glimpse of Bai Ran's figure on the court and showed a look of disdain.

Do you know how to practice now?

What were you doing before?

There is still one month left for the assessment, so it may be too late to cram it now!

Besides, he guessed that this kid Bai Ran just worked hard for three minutes on a whim, and after a while he got tired and gave up.

Then, the coach walked into the door of the opposite building.

Bai Ran, on the court, was still sweating, almost exhausted, but he never had the thought of giving up!

Although I have the blessing of the system, if I want to be better than others, hard work must be the only way!

He doesn't care about other people's eyes.

Otherwise, he wouldn't have recorded the extra practice video.

After more than forty minutes passed, the coach finished handling the matter and walked out of the building.

Bai Ran was actually still running on the field!

The coach frowned, his Adam's apple trembled slightly, a calm sneer hung on his face, but there was a hint of appreciation in his eyes.

This kid...

Quite motivated

But he still shook his head. Football is a game of talent. Bai Ran's upper limit was visible at a glance from the day he joined the team.

You can become stronger with hard work, but you can't cross the talent gap.

Bai Ran didn't care at all about what was happening around him and concentrated on his training.

98, 99…


[50-meter sprint, mission accomplished! 】

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