Football: After listening to the advice, I became the strongest free man!

Chapter 21 Take a free kick, the opportunity is here!

In the locker room.

Players from Real Madrid's second team walked into the door one after another, with displeased looks on their faces.

Some even got so angry that they threw the water bottle on the ground.

"Oh no! Their iron barrel array is so disgusting! There's no chance at all!"

"Is that all they have?"

"They don't dare to face us head-on. They play like a turtle even in friendly matches. It's really irritating!"

All players sat in seats with their numbers printed on them.

The first half of the game was a waste!

Everyone has a lot of energy in their hearts, but it's like being punched on cotton and can't be released at all!

Just as they were chatting away and arguing, Zidane walked in with his pockets in his pocket.

He looked relatively calm and did not show too much anger at their performance.

First of all, this is just a friendly match.

Secondly, they were really unlucky today. Many of their shots hit the door frame or the goal post.

Looking at the overall scene, there was nothing major. It was just a mistake that resulted in a loss of the ball, which is quite normal.

It can only be said that the other party's ability to seize opportunities is too strong.


"Shut your mouths."

Once Zidane spoke, no one dared to say anything.

In this team, Zidane is the real boss.

Everyone looked at the coach attentively.

Zidane pulled a whiteboard from the side with erasers and markers on it.

On the whiteboard, there is a tactical diagram of the stadium drawn, and the position of each player is clearly visible.

In this game, Real Madrid's second team adopted a 433 tactic, focusing on a high-position press and flying from both wings.

"Rodriguez, when you get the ball on the court, if you get to this position, you must look up and look for Hermoso!"

"If someone comes to grab you, you can turn around and Vazquez will be behind you."

"Bai Ran, Bai Ran, come here!"

Listening to Zidane's explanation of tactics, Bai Ran felt that he was an outsider and the purpose of coming was to experience the game.

He never thought that Zidane would include himself in his tactics.

So Bai Ran was stunned for a moment.


Zidane paused and said coldly: "Isn't there Bai Ran in our team?"

Bai Ran couldn't help but feel embarrassed after hearing this, and hurriedly came over.

"In the second half you play right midfielder."

"When you feel that the opponent is going to engage in physical confrontation with you, release the ball! Remember! You must release the ball quickly!"

"Try to reduce the dribbling time as much as possible, and look for Gomez forward at any time, he will run in front!"

"Campuzano will sometimes drop back to overlap with you. When he drops back to get the ball, you have to run forward to attract the defense and open up the space!"

Although these tactical concepts and accusations were all familiar to him, he was suddenly confused when this task was handed over to him for the first time.

Zidane speaks very fast and eloquently, and all he can do is try to remember.

After talking a lot, the players were ready to regroup and play.

At this time, Zidane left Bai Ran alone again.

Holding Bai Ran's back, Zidane spoke earnestly.

"I don't have any high demands on you. As I just said, you just have to do your best."

“But be sure to remember the following.”

“Use your strengths and pass the ball more!”

"Don't dribble the ball for me, and I don't need you to shoot, let alone defend, and avoid physical confrontation. Do you understand?"

Bai Ran nodded, so he is so bad...

"Okay, let's play!"

The second half of the game is about to begin!

Bai Ran, wearing the No. 37 jersey of Real Madrid's second team and white sneakers, stepped onto this familiar green field.

After regaining his new life, this was the first time he played in a game with so many spectators, and he couldn't hide his excitement.

This feeling is like a world away!

The burning feeling in my heart is back again.

"Bai Ran! It's Bai Ran!"

"Bai Ran is here!"

In the stands, those fans from China who came all the way were excited to see Bai Ran on the field!

They waved their flags desperately and cheered for Bai Ran!

"Bai Ran! Come on!"

Bai Ran naturally saw this scene, and thought to himself, this is how it feels to have someone supporting you!

The shouts of the fans really give the players a lot of power! Today he finally felt it!

As the referee blows the whistle, the second half of the game begins!

Although the players of Real Madrid's B team listened to Zidane's updated tactics, their offensive firepower became more intense and they made fewer mistakes, but they still did not have a good opportunity.

Especially after Bai Ran came on the court, the midfielder became more cautious with the ball.

After all, it is easy to lose the ball once it reaches his feet, so his teammates try not to pass him more difficult balls.

For ten minutes, Bai Ran only kicked a few safety balls and did nothing else.

"This can't go on like this!"

Bai Ran was very anxious. If this trend continued, he would definitely lose the game.

Snapped! The ball was passed to Bai Ran's feet.

At this moment, he remembered the coach's instructions!

Avoid physical confrontation, use your strengths and pass the ball more!

Bai Ran, whose passing attribute has reached 64, made a wonderful shot and passed the ball through the gap! And it is very accurate, and the teammates can catch it very comfortably.

nice shot!

Even Zidane on the sidelines marveled at how well the ball was passed!

There is a vast space in front of Gomez.


Gomez galloped his horse and whipped his horse, and with his speed advantage, he ran straight out with the ball.


Unexpectedly, the opponent's central defender, who came from the middle to defend, saw that something was wrong and flew directly to tackle!

Gomez passed the ball, but the ball missed the passer, and the opponent knocked Gomez down directly!

"Ah! I'm sorry, are you okay?"

The central defender also realized that he made a big move and it was completely unnecessary.

But in fact, he didn't have any malicious intentions, it was just a player's responsibility.

All the players came over to see how injured Gomez was lying on the ground.

At the same time, the referee also ran over and showed a yellow card to the opponent's defender!

foul! Free kick!

Gomez lay on the ground for a while and seemed to be fine, so he was kindly pulled up by his opponent.

Free kick?

Bai Ran suddenly became interested, and a free kick opportunity came from the edge of the penalty area...

"Can I punish you?"

Hermoso held the football next to him, took a deep breath and spread his hands.

"Oscar is the number one penalty taker."

The rules in the team are rules. As the captain, even if he likes Bai Ran very much, he cannot be too partial.

But unexpectedly, Oscar walked over directly and handed the football to Bai Ran!

"Bai Ran, you come to punish me!"

After hearing this, Bai Ran was very excited!


Oscar nodded, a smile appearing on his brown-black skin.

"I saw the goal you scored in the training match. Your feet should feel great now. Come on."

The free kick is on the right edge of the penalty area, about 20 meters away from the goal!

The referee placed the ball on the ground and sprayed an arc with white foam on the inside.

And the one standing in front of the ball, preparing to take a free throw, was Bai Ran!

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