Football: After listening to the advice, I became the strongest free man!

Chapter 213 To defend or not to defend? the final decision!

"And we finally did what we wanted. Next we will focus on preparing for the Champions League final."

Zidane's remarks made the fans very satisfied. With Real Madrid in this state and energy to face the final, I believe it is still very competitive.

Whether it's Atletico Madrid or Bayern, Real Madrid has the power to fight!

When reporters talked about how Bai Ran saved Real Madrid in these two games, Zidane nodded happily, beaming with joy and pride.

After all, he was the disciple he brought out personally. How could he not be happy to shine in such a competition?

"Yes, as you can see, Bai Ran's performance is very good. He is the absolute focus of the opponent's defense on the court. Even though Manchester City's defense has done its best, Bai Ran can still create miracles again and again."

"This was the case in the previous games, and it is the same in these two games. He made a great contribution to Real Madrid in the first round, and in the second round he scored two goals and made an assist. I think Bai Ran's strength is beyond doubt and he is at the top of the entire Europe. He has proven himself on the stage.”

The reporters asked again: "Regarding the topic of Bai Ran, we saw that the liquidated damages in his contract are 150 million euros, and now a team has provided an offer of up to 80 million euros, which is very close. Isn’t it?”

"Is there any possibility of Real Madrid releasing Bai Ran?"

Of course Zidane knew this. Far away in England, two of the teams backed by wealthy consortiums had indeed provided bids for Bai Ran. Their agents came all the way to Madrid to seek Bai Ran's transfer. possibility.

After all, this child's future is limitless, and the fan base of Chinese fans has also caused his commercial value to rise sharply.

Nowadays, almost only Pogba and Cristiano Ronaldo, the most eye-catching stars in the world, can suppress Bai Ran's momentum.

But the popularity of these stars has tended to be stable, but Bai Ran is different!

When his enthusiasm breaks out, it is even higher than those of those people!

For example, after the game, Bai Ran's name once again appeared on most of the hot search lists around the world.

Spain. Everyone in England, including China, knew this name and were shocked by Bai Ran's performance!

Zidane responded to this question: "Real Madrid has indeed received such offers, but I don't think either the club or the players want to untie the partnership."

"Real Madrid needs Bai Ran. Our tactical system has gradually taken shape during half a season. Bai Ran is an indispensable part of the tactical plan I formulated at Real Madrid."

"And in the days to come, I will develop many different tactics. Bai Ran also plays a very important role. I have talked with the chairman of Real Madrid about this issue many times. Real Madrid will retain Bai Ran at all costs." "Yes."

"As for the leagues that those two teams are in, and their qualifications for season competition, I think they are far from the ambition and strength of Bai Ran now, even if they directly take out a huge amount of liquidated damages. Bai Ran, I believe Bai Ran will think carefully. "

The meaning of this is very obvious. You can make an offer, or even pay full liquidated damages, but if the player doesn't follow you, what can you do?

Zidane did not say which two teams were in the English Championship, but in any case, they did not even qualify for the Champions League, and the level of the league was incomparable to La Liga. Bai Ran would never go.

I just landed at Real Madrid from Segunda B and started to show off after half a season. Isn’t it crazy to move to the English Championship at this time? ?

Later, the media also interviewed Manchester City coach Guardiola.

Guatu's expression looked very annoyed, and he had obviously experienced a serious blow.

"I can only say that this Manchester City team is still in the process of being rebuilt. They have a lot to learn and improve."

"I don't think it was unfair to lose to Real Madrid. Their performance throughout the game was indeed much better than ours."

"Especially the 17-year-old Chinese player Bai Ran, he poses a great threat to our defense."

"We have noticed this since the first round. We marked Bai Ran very closely in this game, but unfortunately it didn't work."

Bai Ran's ability is too strong. Guardiola sent a center back of Otamendi's level to try to block Bai Ran's actions, but it was still to no avail. Bai Ran could convert the opportunity into a goal no matter what.

As a famous coach of his generation, Guardiola has never seen such a young player.

too strong!

"Real Madrid and I are also old rivals. I have seen Real Madrid's strength when we were in La Liga, but now it seems that they have reached a higher level."

Guardiola's words are obviously saying - Bai Ran's arrival has directly raised Real Madrid's strength to a higher level!

After all, when Guardiola coached Barcelona in La Liga, Real Madrid's lineup was all the same except for Bai Ran.

Their only big transformation--is the joining of Bai Ran!

"Football is a process of sailing against the current. If you stand still, it is equivalent to retreating, because your opponents are improving. I think it is time for us to make adjustments. We will definitely come back next year."

Guardiola was very calm in the face of defeat. Although it was a pity to lose the game in a penalty shootout, he knew in his heart that Manchester City's loss in this game was not unfair at all.

If it weren't for Modric's midfield mistake that ruined Real Madrid's advantage and allowed Manchester City to score a point opportunistically, I'm afraid the 90 minutes of regular time in this game would have ended.

But there are not so many ifs in football, and Guardiola didn't talk much about that goal.

Celebrities from all walks of life also expressed their opinions.

Ronaldo: "Bai Ran gave us a wonderful performance. This game was so dreamy!"

Raul: "Real Madrid played very well. Under the leadership of Zidane, they are well organized, especially the offensive ability in the midfield. With the support of Bai Ran, Real Madrid's offensive level has directly improved."

Enrique: "Huh? I did watch this game. Real Madrid's performance did deserve the victory, but winning in the penalty shootout... To put it bluntly, it was just good luck."

Arsenal head coach Wenger, who is far away in England, said: "I will study every game in the knockout stages of the Champions League. Real Madrid showed an unparalleled level of strength, and the player Bairan also caught my attention."

"We have had contact with Bai Ran before and our relationship is very good. Arsenal has not ruled out the possibility of bringing Bai Ran to the Emirates Stadium. Fans can look forward to it."

Wenger's words are very ambiguous, which also confuses Real Madrid's top brass.

What a head coach says in front of the media is very important, and sometimes it can really affect a player's career.

Ambiguous words like Wenger's, if placed in other players and teams, may cause mutual distrust between players and clubs, and eventually lead to disintegration, but Wenger got what he wanted. Such a story Not uncommon.

In the locker room, Real Madrid sang songs of celebration, and Ramos also turned on his mobile phone to show Bai Ran what Wenger said.

Bai Ran looked at the hook-nosed old man chatting and laughing on the phone, and suddenly showed a look of disdain.

"It's nonsense. When I was at Castilla, Arsenal's scouts only came to see me once, and there wasn't even a formal offer."

"You want me to go to Arsenal? Forget it! If I become captain later, I will be sold again."

When the teammates heard Bai Ran's response, they burst into laughter!

Of course they all understood the meaning of Bai Ran's words!

Selling the captain can be said to be Arsenal's traditional art.

Vieira, Henry, Fabregas...

These catchy stars were once the mainstays of Arsenal and the captains of the Emirates Stadium.

But Arsenal's various mysterious operations have stunned many fans!

The team's top stars have gradually become the club's first shortcut to monetize their huge debts.

With his tenacious style and strong leadership ability on the field, Vieira naturally became the captain of Arsenal. However, in the summer window of 2006, the Gunners captain was sold to the Frenchman Qiuxianruo for 20 million euros. Thirsty old woman Ewing.

Henry, the gun king, won all the championships with the Arsenal team, but in his eight-year career with the Gunners, he never won the Champions League title once.

Henry, who was unable to change the status quo in the team, chose to follow in the footsteps of compatriot Vieira and join a giant club that was more likely to realize his Champions League dream.

So Henry joined La Liga giant Barcelona for a price of 24 million euros.

Later, Fabregas also became the youngest captain in Arsenal's history.

But in those years, he saw that La Masia students from the same background as him were brilliant in Barcelona and won the championship, so he did not hesitate to return to the Nou Camp in 2011 in the form of a discount. In the end, Arsenal won the The total price of 39 million euros sent away the most "loyal" player in the team, "Fa Zhongyi".

Although this team was very charming, it was really too scary. Bai Ran shook his head repeatedly and rejected Professor Wenger's invitation.

At this point, the fiery semi-final showdown finally came to an end, and Real Madrid advanced to the 2015-16 Champions League final as the winner.

This was Bai Ran's first time to engage in such a high-intensity confrontation. The game lasted for 120 minutes. Bai Ran didn't rest for half a minute and played the entire game.

This also made him physically weak. After returning to his room, he always felt weak and even a little sore.

This is a normal behavior. When ordinary people experience high-intensity exercise that they have never experienced before, their bodies will show maladaptive responses, even for professional athletes.

Bai Ran was lying in the room scrolling through his cell phone, looking at the overwhelming comments about the game reports on the Internet.

"Bai Ran is so handsome! That free kick at the end was a godsend!"

"Congratulations to Real Madrid! I hope Real Madrid can win the championship this year."

"Yes, Real Madrid has gone through too many ups and downs this year. If they can finally win the Champions League, it will be an explanation for the suffering they have experienced before."

"This story will definitely come true. Let's just wait for Real Madrid to win the trophy for us! I'm so jealous of Barcelona!"

Barcelona next door was really drooling. They never expected that they would be eliminated by Atletico Madrid in the quarter-finals.

This can be considered a small upset, right?

Barcelona, ​​which is at its peak, has endless dominance in La Liga in the first half of this season, and even Real Madrid, the two heroes of La Liga, is not looked down upon.

A 4-0 victory at the Bernabeu announced that their Barcelona era had officially begun.

But I never expected that just after the halfway point of the season, Real Madrid was in endless turmoil. They sent away Benitez and welcomed Zidane at the Bernabeu, and also brought an inconspicuous little transparent one.

Even an Asian!

But no one expected that it would be this Asian kid led by Zidane who would cause Real Madrid to suffer all the way in the second half of the season. So far, Real Madrid has not lost.

In 99% of the games, Real Madrid wins by a large margin, and Bai Ran plays a huge role in this.

Looking at the game, Bai Ran's mobilization, organization and passing in the midfield are all very essential. His finishing ability in front of the goal is also very outstanding. Bai Ran's shortcomings in the past are his skills in controlling and dribbling the ball. This season has also been strengthened to a certain extent.

This kind of all-around attacking midfielder is exactly what Real Madrid is looking for.

Zidane's transformation of Bai Ran can be said to have perfectly made up for Real Madrid's vacancy.

I don’t know whether Real Madrid can firmly grasp the opportunity in their own hands in the next few key battles, and what kind of result they will get in the end.

Many people also gave Bai Ran suggestions.

"You played really well in this game, but I saw that you were also helping your teammates to defend. Isn't that necessary? Didn't you also participate in defense before? I think Real Madrid was stronger at that time, and you still Work more on the offensive end.”

This comment appeared in Bai Ran's eyes, and a system notification sounded in his mind.

【Ding! 】

[Task Tip: Do not participate in defense in future games]

[Reward: Every time the target is reached, free attribute points +2]

[Achieve the goal in five consecutive official games, the mission is closed, and +5 free attribute points will be given! 】

Bai Ran thought for a moment and realized that this game had two points, five games would equal ten points, and after completing five games, five more points would be given, adding up to a total of 15 free attribute points.

It’s still very impressive!

Now Bai Ran's basic abilities are relatively strong, but the other derived attribute slots will make Bai Ran more comprehensive and his skills more three-dimensional.

With the continuous development of attribute slots, the number of points Bai Ran needs also increases. This demand could be ignored in the past, but now, attribute points are something Bai Ran is in short supply.

But behind this comment, there is still a different voice.

"If you don't understand, don't talk nonsense. Now it's just because Bai Ran's defensive ability is too poor, so he needs an engineer-style midfielder to wipe his butt. That's why it's like this. If Bai Ran can complete the defense well by himself, Task, isn’t it equivalent to freeing up a position for Real Madrid to make more tactical arrangements?”

What this fan said makes sense, and it can be said to be half right.

What he said is right. As a midfielder, defense is an essential ability. The forward is the team's first line of defense, and the midfielder is the second line of defense.

Bai Ran is in a relatively advanced position, which means that after the opponent gets the ball, as long as our forward does not get a chance to steal the ball, the opponent will skip Bai Ran and directly face the defense led by Casemiro. .

Casemiro alone is indeed unable to face the strong offensive cooperation. In other words, their four defenders are completely exposed to the opponent's vision.

Although Modric harasses and blocks from time to time in the midfield, Real Madrid's defense more often relies on Ramos, Varane, Pepe and Navas to block the wall - Navas!

Even though their defensive ability is very strong, it is not safe. As the team's last line of defense, if it is penetrated, it will directly result in scoring for the opponent.

Although Bai Ran is a frontcourt player, his loss of defensive ability is a very fatal existence for the team.

But in today's Real Madrid, under the coaching of Zidane, he also knows in his heart that Bairan's tactical characteristics have advantages and disadvantages. Although it will greatly increase the pressure on Real Madrid's backcourt, his omnipotence on the offensive end can attack the city. The stronghold can also make up for this shortcoming.

There are pros and cons to each.

But what this player said is somewhat unrealistic.

Now Bai Ran's coverage area is actually not small. Zidane gave Bai Ran special privileges. Bai Ran can appear anywhere outside the midfield line, as long as you think there is a chance.

In other words, Bai Ran would leave his position from time to time and go to the wing, center, or even the opponent's penalty area.

The vacancy in this position is filled by Modric.

If the defensive task is given to Bai Ran, then what Bai Ran will face is the running of the whole court.

The coverage area is extremely wide, from the backcourt to the frontcourt, Bairan needs to appear everywhere.

This is a very difficult thing for a player with excellent physical fitness to do.

Yaya Toure could only manage to cover as wide an area as possible.

As a technical midfielder and an Asian, Bai Ran's physical fitness and endurance are not superior. Is it too harsh to ask him to complete such a thing?

At this time, the voice of the system appeared in Bai Ran's mind again.

【Ding! 】

[Task Tip: Participate in defense in future games! 】

[Reward: Achieve the goal in each game, gain +4 special defensive attribute points, complete five consecutive games, the mission will be closed, and additional defensive attribute points +5 will be added! 】

Oh haha!

Bai Ran's eyes lit up, this task would work!

Although the body is a bit tired and more defensive practice is needed, the difficulty is definitely more difficult than the above one.


The reward has been doubled!

If the last five points of attributes are the final reward, then aside from that, this task will add a full 20 points!

Although, it is only for defense...

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