In anticipation of the next round of competition, Bai Ran is training day after day.

At the same time, as the time comes to September, the weather has become cooler, which makes the players less uncomfortable during training, which is undoubtedly good news.

During this period, everyone was also paying attention to the turbulent situation of Real Madrid's first team.

Especially the fans of Real Madrid, as well as all the staff of the club, are always checking the changes there.

Since Ancelotti lost all four positions last season, he dismissed get out of class sadly, and Benitez will be the head coach of Real Madrid in the new season.

I thought that the coach from Naples in Serie A would lead Real Madrid on the right track, but unexpectedly, in the opening game of La Liga, facing Sporting Gijon in the first game, Benitez gave the fans a "surprise".

In the first game, at the Molinon Stadium, facing the newly promoted Sporting Gijon, who had just been promoted from Segunda División, it ended in a 0-0 draw!

In Real Madrid, this is a great shame!

This is something that the chairman of Real Madrid cannot accept, and the fans of Real Madrid cannot accept it even more!

From the first game, Benitez has been criticized and questioned.

The major media also made things difficult for him.

There is even a famous meme circulating in football circles...

"Benitez comes to the Bernabeu with the glory of fifth place in Serie A and will start a new dynasty for Barcelona."

The fifth place in Serie A is nicknamed "Glory" by fans.

And his arrival was ridiculed as "opening a new dynasty for Barcelona."

Regarding his annual salary of four million, some extreme fans criticized him in unison. How can he lead Real Madrid with such ability?

However, luckily among misfortunes, Real Madrid did not disappoint in the second round of the league. They defeated Real Betis at home with a 5-0 victory.

This allowed Benitez to save some face, but public opinion about him was still filled with negative voices.

"Bai Ran! Look! James has scored! My favorite star!"

On the bus of Real Madrid B team Castilla.

The players are eagerly awaiting the arrival of away games.

Menzagero is their opponent in the third round. Its home stadium is the Carrillo Stadium, which is surrounded by mountains and rivers. It is also the destination of the Castilla bus trip.

Vic excitedly held up his phone in front of Bai Ran.

Bai Ran lowered his head and saw that it was the match where Real Madrid beat Real Betis 5-0 two days ago.

Ronaldo and St. Bale both scored two goals and had one assist, taking the greatest credit.

Benzema also scored a goal.

Although Bai Ran did not watch the game, it is said that goalkeeper Natai also saved a penalty kick.

Vic is a fanatical J. Ronaldo fan, so Bai Ran has no interest in what Vic has to say.

"Okay, okay, please don't block my phone."

Vic was a little curious and asked suspiciously: "What are you looking at? A press conference?"

Bai Ran shook his head and frowned: "Interview."

On the screen of the mobile phone, there was an interview with Raul by the New York media!

After returning there from Madrid, Raul's mental outlook seemed to be much better.

The knot in my heart was lifted, and my whole feeling was different.

Under the light, Raul was wearing a suit, sitting upright, with a very calm expression, and said in a deep voice: "In short, after considering all aspects, I have decided to retire."

"Oh my god..."

Reporters were in an uproar. The retirement of this legendary star will definitely cause a sensation.

Raul continued: "The specific time has not been determined yet, but it should be soon."

A reporter hurriedly asked: "Is there any specific reason for your retirement? And what are your plans after retirement? Can you please disclose it?"

Although Raul had adjusted his mentality, when he mentioned this matter, his expression still flashed with sadness.

"First of all, I am very happy to play in New York. This is a good experience in my life. The teammates here are very kind and the fans are also very enthusiastic."

"But maybe because of my age, I increasingly feel that it is difficult for me to bring a positive effect to the team."

"As you can see, I am already 38 years old and should give opportunities to younger players with more potential. If I had to choose a time to end my football career, I think it would be now."

At this point, Raul paused.


"I actually don't have any specific plans after retiring, but I will probably engage in coaching. Cultivating new football superstars will give me a sense of accomplishment."

"But that's all for the future. For now I just want to spend time with my family."

At this time, another voice came from the crowd of reporters.

"Mr. Raul, it is reported that you visited Madrid a few days ago. Did you make the decision during that trip to Spain?"

Raul had nothing to hide, so he nodded.

"Yes, I went to my old friend Zidane and got some advice."

"You know, he was coaching Real Madrid's B team very successfully and I went to see their youth team."

"They are full of talented young talents, and in their youth training, I also met a kid who impressed me very much. It was because of these that I came up with the idea of ​​​​engaging in coaching."

Everyone looked at each other, and Raul was extremely impressed!

The child he was talking about must be very strong!

I don’t know if they are from Brazil or Spanish natives?

The reporter couldn't help but ask: "Is it convenient to talk in detail about the young player you just mentioned?"

Faced with this problem, Raul's thoughts instantly crossed the ocean and seemed to return to Madrid.

The scene of watching the young man named "Bai Ran" dragging a tire under the scorching sun was deeply imprinted in his mind.

Thinking of this, Raul smiled slightly: "Let's wait and see, you will definitely see him in the future."

"Bai Ran."

"Bai Ran!"

"Get off the car!"

Hermoso's voice interrupted Bai Ran's thoughts.

Looking up, I saw that I was the only one left in the bus.

It was so fascinating to watch...

Bai Ran quickly packed his luggage and prepared to get off the car.

As expected in this game, Zidane once again put him in the starting lineup.

Settling down at a hotel near the home team's stadium, the players each carried their backpacks to Camarho Stadium.

The game was about to start in half an hour. Bai Ran sorted out his condition and changed his jersey in the players' locker room.

"Players from both sides are invited to enter!"

The sound of the broadcast was loud. Bai Ran put on his socks and shin pads and hurried to the tunnel to form a long queue with his teammates.

Bai Ran was almost shocked when he first came here!

Bai Ran couldn't help but swallowed when he saw that the Menzagero players in red jerseys were tall and tall.

I'll probably be able to bear it by the time I get to the competition.

But I just used them to test my sense of smell in front of the door like Raul!

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