What's more, when Bai Ran scored the goal, he applauded repeatedly.

Scoring in three consecutive games, is this the performance of a rookie in football?

Even if he is only in the Spanish League B, he can still be considered a prodigy!

"If this continues, Bai Ran will definitely enter the five major leagues in the future, I'm telling you!"

It's no wonder that the fans praised him enthusiastically, he is only 16 years old!

The future has endless possibilities.

As long as this momentum is maintained, entering the five major leagues is considered a conservative estimate.

At this time, all players return to their positions and the game continues with Menzagero serving from the center circle.

The coach was anxious on the sidelines. With a 0-1 deficit, the team had to start a decent offense.

But before that, one thing needs to be done.

"Hold that Asian boy to me!"

"Don't let him move!"


Bai Ran's Spanish wasn't very good, so he didn't understand what he was shouting from the sidelines. He only knew that after the coach finished shouting, three or four strong men came over.

No, brother, aren’t you doing anything else?

Bai Ran frowned and looked at the scene in front of him, he was already being stared at in this situation!

After receiving the ball, your teammates break forward and want to find Bai Ran as usual, but this time the situation is different from just now. This time the opponent doesn't give you a chance to pass the ball at all!

What to do?

Bai Ran was so anxious that he was sweating profusely!

Zidane also ordered: "It doesn't have to be Bai Ran, try playing from the wing!"

"Vazquez, you can go up and fill the position!"

In this situation, Zidane was very bold. He even asked the full-backs to step in and follow the frontcourt players to attack, completely handing over the defensive task to Patry in the midfield.

But since three or four people were closely guarding Bai Ran, they couldn't launch any decent offensive.

Fortunately, at this time, Castilla's left back suddenly dribbled the ball in a different direction and passed a defender. The opponent's midfield was almost empty!

Everyone is on Bai Ran's side!

The full-back handed the ball directly to Hermoso comfortably. After receiving the ball, Hermoso wanted to find Bai Ran.

After all, these two people have a little chemistry by now.

The cooperation between the two can be said to be relatively tacit in the team.

With one look, you know what the other person wants to do.

But at this moment, it seems not possible...

Not to mention the looks, these big men on the other side surrounded Bai Ran, and he couldn't even see Bai Ran's shadow!

So, Hermoso slowly moved forward with the ball, but for a moment he didn't know how to release the ball.

At this time, Zidane's voice shouted from the sidelines.

"Look far away! Open up your horizons!"

"Right side! There's Gomez on the right side!"

Hermoso stopped the ball one and a half meters away from him, took a step forward, and passed the ball directly to Gomez on the far end!

This ball was passed well!

Gomez made an early move, and the ball was also an overhead pass, going directly to the edge of the penalty area!

The full-back who came to defend was left behind by him, and at this time, the opponent's midfielder had just returned from Bai Ran's side to rescue him.

But from the midfield to the edge of the penalty area, there is at least dozens of meters. How can it be reached in an instant.

The opponent failed to defend in time, and Gomez directly kicked the ball in. The ball was a low ball.

Gonzalez in the middle had been waiting in the small penalty area for a long time. When the ball rolled to his feet, he poked it gently with the instep of his inside foot.

The goal was scored!

There was another excitement on the field. Gonzalez was very active in this game!

In the third round of this season, this is also his third goal. The efficiency is very high, second only to the team's double MVP Bai Ran!

He opened his arms in excitement and flew across the field like a glider, with a joyful smile on his face.

Bai Ran was also relieved, raising his arms high to celebrate the team's 2-0 lead.

Zidane finally calmed down and sat down in the coaching bench on the sidelines to drink water.

Although Castilla tore apart the opponent's defense with this goal, the opponent also knew the key point of their offense.

As long as they keep an eye on that Asian kid, their offense won't be smooth at all and they can only rely on the players' personal abilities.

Even if you lose the ball, you still have to play like this!

So, when the game continued, Bai Ran saw those familiar defenders again.

"Alas!" He couldn't help but put his hands on his waist, shook his head, and laughed bitterly on the court.

At this time, the referee glanced at his watch and blew the whistle in his hand.

The first half of the game is over.

Castilla leads Menzagello 2-0 away from home.

The players looked calm and gathered in the tunnel, ready to go back to the locker room to rest.

In the locker room, Zidane arranged the personnel tactics on the field and pointed out the obvious shortcomings they did in the first half.

"When you attack, you have to be more active when you play football."

"Don't bury your head in watching the ball, only stare at the teammates in front of you."

"If the opponent is all targeted, do you want to fight 1 against 11?"

Speaking of this, Zidane glanced specifically in Hermoso's direction, implying that he was criticizing him. If he couldn't find Bai Ran, he wouldn't be able to play football?

"You can schedule it remotely!"

"Also, when defending, don't always..."

Bai Ran didn't really listen to what Zidane said, and just wiped the sweat from his head with a towel.

He was thinking, facing such a defense, should he just hang up on the court?

Zidane spoke for ten full minutes, not a single word criticizing himself.

But from Bai Ran's point of view, he felt even more uncomfortable!

It's better to let the coach scold him in the face!

After the lecture was over, Zidane saw that Bai Ran was uneasy and in a daze, so he said, "Bai Ran, you performed very well."

At this time, players need encouragement.

It can be seen that Bai Ran is having self-doubt.

Zidane didn't want things to go down like this.

Bai Ran raised his head and glanced at Zidane. When he heard what he said, Bai Ran said nothing and lowered his head again.


Zidane was also helpless. Bai Ran was still young and he didn't understand that actually attracting the attention of so many defensive players was already a great success.

Even Messi doesn't get such treatment in every game.

What's more, wouldn't this help the team rotate better?

Furthermore, even though he was being targeted like this, Bai Ran still relied on his super running position and sense of smell to score a goal.

His performance was really eye-catching.

But no matter what, his game status is no longer right.

"You should rest first, Vic. You can play on the right midfielder in the second half. Remember what I told you..."

When Bai Ran heard that he was being replaced, he picked up his jersey and walked out of the locker room.

In the bathroom.

The sound of water flowing was loud.

Bai Ran picked up a handful of water and poured it on his face!

good performance?

Bai Ran doesn't think so!

Although he scored a goal, he believed that he could have performed better.

Not even Zidane's ten seconds of real manhood were used!

Because the opponent's marking was too suffocating, he couldn't get the ball at all!

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