The ball fell to Will Hughes' feet.

The 24-year-old English midfielder also has excellent passing skills.


There were no Aston Villa players around Will Hughes to interfere!

In the stands of Wembley Stadium, Aston Villa fans became nervous when they saw Will Hughes receiving the ball! !

Even the tone of the commentator Zhan Jun was full of excitement.

"Will Hughes!"

"Pass the ball!"

"The ball once again appeared at the feet of Watford winger Deulofeu!"

Left side.

After receiving the ball, Deulofeu suddenly pedaled twice and cut inside!

Deulofeu's explosive power is obviously faster than Grealish, so Deulofeu's success rate of cutting inside is also higher than Grealish.

In a split second.

Deulofeu successfully got rid of the interference of Aston Villa's full-back Hutton and went straight to the top of the penalty area!

At this critical moment, Aston Villa's defensive midfielder Jedinak immediately appeared in front of Deulofeu, trying to use his body to stop Deulofeu's breakthrough.


Jedinak's turning speed was too slow. Deulofeu's right foot flicked lightly, and the football successfully passed under the crotch of the Australian international. When Jedinak turned around to interfere, Deulofeu had already made a shooting motion!

Bang! !

The football flew towards Aston Villa's goal at a high speed.

At this critical moment, Aston Villa goalkeeper Lovre Kalinic showed his ability to save.

On the goal line.

Lovre Kalinic's flying save!

He saved Deulofeu's shot with both hands!

Corner kick.

Watford got a chance for a corner kick.

"As expected of a Premier League team, Watford's offense and defense transition is too fast! Aston Villa's players obviously can't keep up."

"Corner kick!"

"Coach Javi Gracia started shouting for Watford's central defenders to press forward! It seems that Coach Javi Gracia wants to focus his hopes of scoring on the corner kick!"

Soon, the two central defenders Cathcart and Mariappa rushed into Aston Villa's penalty area, ready to compete for headers at any time!

In the corner flag area.

Midfielder Roberto Pereira took the penalty kick himself.

At this moment, tens of thousands of Watford fans in the stands of Wembley Stadium stood up and shouted for a goal! !

Bang! !

Roberto Pereira kicked the ball to the middle of the penalty area!

Watford's central defender Cathcart overpowered Aston Villa's defender and jumped high! In the aerial confrontation, Cathcart knocked away Villa's defender Mings!

Successfully occupied a favorable position!

But! !

Just as Cathcart was about to head the ball, a figure suddenly appeared in front of Cathcart.

One step ahead, complete the header clearance!

"Xia Yuan!!"

"It's Xia Yuan!"

"Xia Yuan once again showed his excellent header ability!"

"Xia Yuan jumped high! He cleared the ball with his header!"

"Zhang Zhi, do you think Xia Yuan will become a midfielder who is good at headers in the future!"

Coach Zhang Lu took over Zhan Jun's words and said, "I think his header ability has reached the world's first-class level now!"

"And, have you noticed that Xia Yuan seems to have grown a little taller? He feels a few centimeters taller than before!"

"That's right! Xia Yuan is only 17 years old this year and his body is still in the development stage. His current official height is 183cm, but I estimate it should be 185cm or 186cm!"

Just as Zhan Jun and Zhang Lu were talking about Xia Yuan's header, Aston Villa immediately launched a counterattack.

After Xia Yuan cleared the ball in the penalty area, he was controlled by Aston Villa's midfielder Hourihane at the second point.

The latter didn't think and immediately passed the ball to Abraham in the frontcourt!

A few seconds later.

Abraham controlled the ball with his right foot. After that, Abraham did not continue to choose to pass the ball, but directly rushed into the Watford penalty area with the ball.

When Watford's central defenders Cathcart and Mariappa saw this scene, they naturally rushed to Abraham at the first time.

Immediately double-team Abraham!

In this game, Abraham, like Xia Yuan,

It is the focus of Watford players!

In the end, under the interference of two central defenders, Abraham's shot flew out of the bottom line and did not hit the goal.

But Aston Villa also got a corner kick opportunity.

Abraham's shot was interfered by the opponent's central defender.

"Aston Villa's corner kick opportunity!"


"This time Xia Yuan did not take the corner kick, but participated in the corner kick attack!"

"Glarish will take the corner kick!"

Zhan Jun continued to say to the microphone: "It seems that Coach Dean Smith has also discovered Xia Yuan's header ability!"

A few seconds later.

Grealish took the corner kick.

The football flew to the front point!

At this moment, the player ambushing at the front post of Watford was Xia Yuan!

Of course, there was also Watford's central defender Mariappa interfering around Xia Yuan.

But it is worth mentioning that Mariappa is only 180cm tall.

He and Xia Yuan stood together, and Xia Yuan was almost half a head taller than the central defender!


In this aerial confrontation, Xia Yuan undoubtedly won!

Successfully got ahead of Mariappa and grabbed the first point!

Heading the ball!

The football almost brushed the front post and flew into the goal!

Although Watford goalkeeper Gomez also made a save, because Xia Yuan's header was too fast, Gomez's hands did not catch the football...

Xia Yuan's head shot went into the net!

"It's Xia Yuan again!!"

"Xia Yuan scored twice with a header!!"

"Aston Villa leads Watford 3-1!"

"Oh my God! I can't believe that Xia Yuan actually scored twice in the first half of the game!!"

When Xia Yuan scored with a header, almost all Aston Villa players rushed to Xia Yuan at a rapid speed.

Especially Grealish.

Crazy pulling Xia Yuan's hair... using this way to express his inner excitement!

On the sidelines.

Aston Villa coach Dean Smith was finally able to breathe a sigh of relief.

The score of 3 to 1 was enough for Aston to take the initiative in the game.

In the stands of Wembley Stadium, tens of thousands of Aston Villa fans shouted Xia Yuan's name in unison!

And in the far east.

Xiaguo fans also frantically sent barrages in the live broadcast room to celebrate the goal!

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