The ball was thrown into the air and the ball was thrown into the air.


Xhaka and Guendouzi, two Arsenal midfielders, appeared on the left and right sides of Xia Yuan, trying to grab the ball from Xia Yuan's feet.

Xia Yuan was not panicked.

When the two players were about to exert their strength and prepare to grab the ball, Xia Yuan chose to pass the ball straight.

Two seconds.

The ball appeared at McGinn's feet.

At this moment, McGinn's position was at the top of the arc of Arsenal's penalty area.

Arsenal's midfielders, Guendouzi and Xhaka, focused their attention on Xia Yuan, but ignored McGinn's existence.

This gave McGinn a chance!

You know, McGinn is a player with a long-range shot ability.



"The ball was destroyed by Arsenal's center back David Luiz!"

"David Luiz's crucial assist!"

McGin did not create a miracle.

His shot was blocked by Arsenal's center back David Luiz and did not threaten the goal.

The second point was controlled by Xhaka.

Arsenal's counterattack opportunity!

At this moment, Arsenal's frontcourt offensive players have already rushed up, Saka on the right, Nicola Pepe on the left, and Aubameyang in the middle!

Three arrows fired at the same time!

These three players are running at a very fast speed. As long as Xhaka passes the ball to any of the three offensive players, it will definitely create a huge threat to Aston Villa's goal.

Xhaka is naturally very clear about this.

Just as he was about to pass the ball, Xia Yuan also rushed in front of Xhaka.

With a sliding tackle, Xia Yuan successfully destroyed the ball before Xhaka passed the ball.

"Xia Yuan!!"

"Nice slide tackle!"

"He destroyed Arsenal's counterattack opportunity!"

"Too crucial! If Xhaka passes the ball to the front court, the consequences will be disastrous!"

In the studio of, Zhan Jun praised Xia Yuan's slide tackle crazily.

On the sidelines, Aston Villa coach Dean Smith was also scared and sweating. He hurried to the coach's command area and kept pressing his hands down.

"Don't panic! Stay steady! ! Do a good job of defense first! Don't fight the opponent hard!!"

The game time has reached 35 minutes, and there are only ten minutes left before the end of the first half. If Villa loses the ball before the first half, perhaps this game will really lose suspense.

In the last ten minutes of the first half, Aston Villa's players also followed the coach's tactics and did not choose to attack rashly.

The offensive players even retreated to the half court to defend.

Arsenal, who played at home, saw that all the players of Aston Villa had retreated to the half court, and immediately pressed forward!

In the last ten minutes of the first half, Nicolas Pepe and Saka on the two sides were at full firepower, relying on their speed advantage to force breakthroughs.

It can be said that Aston Villa's defense was quite flustered during this period.

However, Arsenal's attack seemed threatening, but because Villa had too many defenders, it was not easy for Arsenal to directly threaten Aston Villa's goal.

In the end.

The score in the first half was fixed at 2:1.

Arsenal's top scorer, Aubameyang scored twice to help the team lead Aston Villa, who played away.

After entering the halftime break, Aston Villa coach Dean Smith was still emphasizing defense in the locker room. He was very sure that with the current strength and state of the team, it was absolutely impossible to beat Arsenal at the Emirates Stadium.

Xiaguo and major websites also published articles to report the first half of Arsenal vs. Aston Villa.

"": "Arsenal, sitting at the Emirates Stadium, launched a dimensionality reduction attack on Villa! In the first 45 minutes, Arsenal's two flanks took turns to attack Villa's defense! Perhaps Villa's winning streak in the Premier League will be ended by Arsenal!"

"Today's Sports": "One-sided game! Aston Villa was overwhelmed by Arsenal's attack! Xia Yuan lost his magic, and his pass could not help the team score a goal!"

"Sports Weekly": "Aston Villa's worst first half of the new season! Under Arsenal's strong attack, Villa's players seemed to be sleepwalking throughout the game. The only one who can be praised is Xia Yuan!"

In the comment area, Xiaguo fans and

The media had the same view, and were not optimistic that Aston Villa could beat the hot Arsenal away from home.

"Oh, I should have known not to stay up late! Villa played too ugly in the first half! Almost 80% of the time was spent on defense!"

"Although I am a fan of Villa, I must admit that Arsenal will win tonight!"

"It is bound to lose! Villa can't organize an effective attack at all!"

"Although Xia Yuan played very hard in the first half of the game, to be honest, football is a team sport, and the strength or weakness of individuals is too insignificant for the whole!"

"Why are you pessimistic about Villa? Now Aston Villa is only one goal behind Arsenal. I believe Xia Yuan will definitely lead the team to victory!"

Fifteen minutes later.

The second half of the game between Aston Villa and Arsenal officially started.

After Villa kicked off, striker Wesley passed the ball to midfielder Nakamba, and the player passed the ball to McGinn.

Five seconds later, the ball appeared at Xia Yuan's feet.

At this moment, there was only one Arsenal player in front of Xia Yuan, Guendouzi.

So, Xia Yuan suddenly made a move, and he used the change of rhythm to instantly leave Guendou behind!

When everyone thought that Xia Yuan would choose to pass the ball, he took a different approach and broke through with the ball directly!

It must be said that Xia Yuan's breakthrough immediately alerted the Arsenal midfielders. In an instant, Xhaka and Ceballos rushed to Xia Yuan at the speed of a 100-meter sprint.


Xia Yuan took the lead and passed the ball to Grealish on the left!

At present, there was only one defensive player in front of Grealish, Kolasinac, and the other Arsenal midfielders came around Xia Yuan.


"He got a chance to play 1v1 with Arsenal!"

"Will this Aston Villa No. 10 player choose to break through?"

In the stands of the Emirates Stadium, Arsenal fans stopped cheering instantly and turned their eyes to Grealish.

A second later, Grealish suddenly pushed his right foot inward!

Cut inside!!

Grealish finally chose to break through.

As a player with a high football IQ, Grealish knew very well that this was a good opportunity to break through. As long as he could get rid of Kolasinac's interference, he could get a chance to shoot at the penalty area line!

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