The two sides kicked off again, and Otamendi stayed close to Zhao Yi.

Zhao Yi began to retreat to the midfield to get the ball. After receiving the pass from Fernandinho, he did not choose to pass the ball, but began to dribble forward.

Otamendi followed without hesitation and blocked in front of Zhao Yi.

Compared with Kompany, Otamendi's defensive ability is still a little worse.

After Zhao Yi changed his center of gravity twice, he did not succeed in breaking through, but found the angle for the pass.

After a very standard triangle pass between him, David Silva and Fernandinho, Zhao Yi easily got rid of Otamendi and the other defenders.

""Beautiful!" Fernandinho stood behind Zhao Yi and couldn't help but praise him.

Fernandinho and David Silva are old teammates, so it's not surprising that they can play this kind of passing and cutting cooperation.

Zhao Yi just came to Manchester City and seamlessly integrated into the two to form a triangle attack, which shows that this kid's football IQ and passing level are first-class.

Playing football with smart people will become very simple.

After getting past the defense, Zhao Yi encountered De Bruyne's pursuit.

De Bruyne was a little excited, and he wanted to knock Zhao Yi down directly.

As a result, Zhao Yi pushed the ball lightly to the right, and Silva quickly arrived at the position.

When De Bruyne chased Silva to put pressure on him, Silva kicked the ball to the middle.

Zhao Yi arrived and kicked it immediately.

The football rushed to the penalty area.

Kompany, who should have been in the back defense, had already run into the penalty area.

He jumped up and head He headed the ball into the goal.

Kompany ran back with a smile and took the initiative to hug Zhao Yi.

He was really surprised that this little guy could have such a tacit understanding with David Silva.

And the last overhead pass had just the right strength and speed.

He thought that one hundred million was a bit exaggerated before.

Now, he can seize the opportunity to score a goal in such a short time, and he can also retreat to hold the ball and make passes as the spearhead.

This kid's tactical position will be very high!

This kind of overhead pass to find teammates, with a broad field of vision and precise footwork.

What's even more terrifying is... this guy started out as a center forward.

When teammates saw Kompany hugging Zhao Yi, they also applauded.

Is this the way a modern center forward plays?

Run back to the midfield to play smoothly with teammates, and finally assist the central defender to score?

Okay, Guardiola needs this kind of person. Only then.

No wonder he was willing to spend 100 million.

Looking at Guardiola nodding frequently on the sidelines, Aguero felt something was wrong.

It's bad, Guardiola's confidence lies here.

If he continues to be angry with Guardiola and act like a petty person, he may really be kept on the bench by Guardiola forever.

In the following training match, Zhao Yi fully demonstrated his dribbling and breakthrough abilities. After retreating from the front, Kompany was officially used from a central defender to a center forward.

Good guy, Kompany has dreamed of his whole life, and this training match finally came true.

Before the end of the training match, Zhao Yi broke through and made an inverted triangle pass back to Kompany at the corner of the penalty area.

Kompany made a burst shot, and Team B ended the game 5:0!

This position used to be where Cunha passed the ball, and Zhao Yi shot as soon as he received the ball.

So Zhao Yi knows this cooperation very well.

Kompany Pani's mouth almost opened wide. There is such a good thing?

Hey! This center forward can be used as a front midfielder.

And at such a young age, in two years, when the technology is fully mature, this thing will be a monster!

No wonder he can lead a League One team to win the FA Cup.

When the training match was over, Guardiola called all the players together.

He needs to instill his football philosophy into these players.

Since football entered the 21st century, tactical play has made great progress.

No longer sticking to traditional forms.

It is difficult to establish a real dynasty with fixed formations and tactics.

Once thoroughly studied by the opponent, it is basically useless.

Therefore, the same set of player systems requires different tactical thinking. Only by constantly adjusting and upgrading can we maintain strong combat effectiveness.

And this requires the individual ability of the players to be not only strong, but also comprehensive.

Not only the front midfielder can organize, but the back midfielder and even the defender also need to be able to hold the ball.

Therefore, the classic front midfielder and the traditional number ten have been slowly eliminated.

Guardiola's tactical thinking has been innovating and seems to be ahead of this era.

He is almost paranoid about the development of tactics and player potential.

The back midfielder organized the attack, the central defender held the ball and attacked. He wished that the goalkeeper could be the starting point of the attack and pass the ball through the midfield.

Let all the players of the team be the starting point of the attack.

Guardiola bought Sterling as a wing explosion point, bought De Bruyne as a cruise missile, and bought Gundogan as the core of the team's organization.

The reason for buying Otamendi was not because of his defensive ability, but because he hoped that he could become a ball-holding central defender like David Luiz.

As for buying Zhao Yi, of course, it is as a core player for Manchester City in the next ten or even fifteen years! With his age and potential, he is destined to become the prince of the Blue Moon and the future owner of Manchester City.

After the meeting, Guardiola deliberately kept De Bruyne.

Guardiola has some understanding of De Bruyne's character.

Some experiences in his youth made him introverted and eager to prove himself to everyone.

He looks very honest and even a little cute, but deep down he is full of paranoia and loneliness.

He has grown into the strongest new generation midfielder in the Bundesliga, but he performed poorly in this training match, which obviously has psychological problems.

Originally, the transfer to Manchester City would be his new starting point and a more brilliant career.

But it turned out that Zhao Yi was the one favored by Guardiola.

This made him a little depressed.

Guardiola and De Bruyne had talked for a long time before.

This time, they talked for almost an hour.

He liked and admired De Bruyne's football talent too much.

After this conversation, De Bruyne somewhat opened up some of his heart knots.

Finally, Guardiola asked him a few questions

"Do you want to fully display your football talent?"

"Do you want to prove to the world that you are the No. 1 midfielder?"

"Can your skills make you the core of the court, and can your character make you the leader of the team?"

De Bruyne tilted his neck and thought for a while, but there was no answer.

"Compared to scoring a goal to end the game, you prefer to send a fatal pass to assist your teammates. You are full of dedication and selflessness.

You are eager to make the people around you better, and you have always done a good job.

Your existence will make this Manchester City more united and more deadly!

Instead of becoming a group of scattered sand and becoming a laughing stock of others."

De Bruyne was abandoned by his foster family since he was a child, and he had a conflict with Mourinho and stayed away from the Premier League. What's more unfortunate is that his fiancée also cheated on him.

He always wants to do better, but he is always plagued by bad luck.

These experiences make him particularly sensitive and make him very concerned about other people's evaluation of him.

He prefers to assist his teammates. Because of this, seeing his teammates are particularly excited and happy because of his assists is a great achievement for him.

It can also be said to be a typical pleasing personality.

He will become a very top auxiliary, but he will never be a leader.

Guardiola's words circled in his mind. In the end, he didn't speak. He didn't know what to say, and he was ashamed to express his heart.

But he was sure that Guardiola was not only his coach, but also his confidant.

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