"Fifth goal!! The most perfect Premier League debut!!"

"Zhao! The game was in the 59th minute, the fifth goal!!"

"For him, the Premier League is not much different from the English League One!!"

"Manchester City fans, are you ready?"

"Premier League defenders, are you ready?"

"Zhao, who will be an adult in a week, has taught the adults in the Premier League a good lesson! Oh my God! This 100 million, and there are still people who say it is parallel imports? ?"

The fans were shocked and the commentators were boiling.

The Premier League is really going to have trouble.

Maybe the whole European football is going to change.

Guardiola applauded wildly, and within a few minutes, Zhao Yi was replaced by him.

Manchester City's away fans stood up and the applause continued until Zhao Yi left the court and hugged Aguero, who came on as a substitute, and returned to the bench.

Guardiola let Aguero come on as a substitute at this time, which was undoubtedly an olive branch and took the initiative to give Aguero a chance.

If Aguero chooses to go with the flow , he will be replaced. Aguero is still an important player under Guardiola.

If Aguero continues to be petty and doesn't get along with Guardiola, he will probably be directly pressed on the bench by Guardiola in the future. He won't even have a chance to play.

Aguero was originally waiting to save the team in times of crisis and become the hero who saves Manchester City when Manchester City can't open the situation.

At that time, his voice will be more important, and Guardiola must use him for the sake of results.

The result is very different. When he came on the court, West Bromwich Albion had already had a good team. He was out of breath.

Manchester City didn't need him to save him at all.

Aguero exhaled lightly. He was still hesitating whether he should take the initiative to find Guardiola to resolve the issue between the two.

Therefore, Aguero's performance after he came on the court was not good enough, and there was no particularly eye-catching performance.

This made Zhao Yi, the starter who had been a gem before, even more brilliant.

Four goals in eleven minutes, five goals in sixty minutes.

Breaking the record for the debut of new players in the entire Premier League.

Manchester City fans feel that the 100 million is really worth it.

Of course, Aguero's influence on Manchester City fans is huge, and Zhao Yi's current reputation is much worse than Aguero's.

However, if Zhao Yi continues to perform like this, it won't take a season for Manchester City fans to worship him as a god!

In the end, Manchester City defeated West Bromwich 5:0 away!

Get off to a good start in the Premier League.

After the game, Guardiola affirmed the performance of several new players in the team in an interview.

He believes that they are full of competitiveness and desire to win.

This is exactly what an excellent player should have.

"Yes, I heard a lot of negative reports about Zhao before. Some people said he was too young, some said he had never played in a top league.

Many people thought he could not adapt to the Premier League.

But these discussions did not affect him. He showed his talent and potential to everyone."

"Some people say that there is some rift between Zhao and both new and old team members. Is that true?"

"First of all, the term"new and old players" is incorrect. Manchester City's current dressing room has a good atmosphere, and there has never been a saying that the new and old members divide the dressing room.

Does Zhao have a bad relationship with the players?

If you watched the game, you will know that all the players are willing to share the ball with Xiao, including the central defenders!

Because every time the ball is given to him, it means that it may be an assist. Who would not want to give the ball to such a striker? ?"

The reporter listened to Guardiola's praise for Zhao Yi.

Guardiola's mouth almost laughed.

Suddenly, the reporter asked the key question

"In your eyes, has Zhao surpassed Messi?

Guardiola grinned, and then stopped smiling.

He thought about it carefully and shrugged his shoulders.

"Messi... There really is no better player than Messi in this world.

Zhao... He is very, very good, strong, confident... I think he has surpassed Messi of the same age."

Guardiola's evaluation of Zhao Yi has exceeded the imagination of reporters.

Those who know Guardiola know that Messi is like a fairy in his mouth.

Not to mention Ronaldo, even Cruyff, Maradona, and Pele are a level lower than Messi.

Now he thinks that Zhao Yi has surpassed the seventeen-year-old Messi.

This kind of evaluation is already unbelievable for Guardiola.

And the Manchester City media has praised Zhao Yi to pieces.

They don't care whether Zhao Yi is a flash in the pan or how he will perform in the future. Anyway, his performance in this game is a big deal. That's enough to brag about!

After all, as soon as Zhao Yi came on the court, he broke Aguero's Manchester City debut goal record, and it is very likely to break Aguero's record of 16 goals in 10 debut games. At this age, as long as he makes a little more progress, Manchester City will have no worries about the front line in the next ten years! This group of midfielders and forwards are old. If they buy some midfielders and backfielders next season, Manchester City will take off directly!

After praising Guardiola, Zhao Yi and the new players bought by Guardiola, the Manchester City media began to imagine the next round of the league.

Because their next game will be at home to welcome the defending champions, the blue army Chelsea!

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