After nearly half an hour, Aguero came out of Guardiola's small office in high spirits.

He found Zhao Yi and asked Zhao Yi to go to the office.

Guardiola wanted to talk to him.

At this time, Aguero's attitude towards Zhao Yi was extremely enthusiastic.

Zhao Yi was a little uncomfortable.

He walked towards the office with some trepidation.

Guardiola has two exclusive offices.

One is a semi-public office where he handles team affairs and talks with players.

The other is his own closed office, which has no windows and is very cramped.

There is only a table, a computer, and a lamp.

No one except himself can enter.

Including all players, management, his friends, and relatives, are not allowed to enter.

Of course, Zhao Yi entered the semi-public coach's office.

Zhao Yi, who was standing at the door, knocked on the door.

After getting Guardiola's permission, he walked into the office.

He had been here before and talked a lot about football with Guardiola.

Zhao Yi had an instinctive respect for Guardiola. In fact, he had respect for any coach who coached him.

"Sit down. Guardiola pushed a chair to Zhao Yi, who kept looking at Guardiola.

Guardiola got straight to the point,"I'm very happy that you can take the initiative to communicate with Aguero and get along well with your teammates.

You are not proud of your relationship with me.

You know, other young players like you will become unscrupulous after being appreciated and supported by the head coach.

You are low-key and humble, wise and easy-going.

It's really hard to imagine what heights you will reach."

Guardiola's eyes were full of admiration.

He came to Manchester City and got the support of the management. He originally planned to clean up all traces of the old Manchester City.

Of course, this would take some time.

Aguero was not actually in his future plans.

However, Aguero was too important to Manchester City. Guardiola was no longer the rookie coach who had just started out. Of course, he still had the courage to get rid of Aguero, but he was more mature than before. It was impossible to drive Aguero away directly.

He also needed Aguero's influence to make his work easier.

Zhao Yi was really flattered when he heard Guardiola's praise.

"If Aguero starts, you will be a substitute. After the performance in the first game, are you really willing to be a substitute again?

Can you accept this gap? ?"

"Of course I can accept it, but I think Aguero and I can coexist."

Guardiola nodded, of course you can coexist.

When Zhao Yi was in Wolves, he could drop back to play the ball.

But now if Zhao Yi drops back, Manchester City's midfielder will have to have another substitute.

Who is willing?

Zhao Yi's dribbling and breakthrough abilities can adapt to the midfield position.

But David Silva and Gundogan can do the job.

His passing is also very good, but compared to De Bruyne, he is still a little short of the mark.

As for Sterling?

His speed and explosive ability are what Zhao Yi does not have.

So Zhao Yi is not yet able to replace anyone in the midfield.

He can be a jack of all trades on the bench, but he cannot start directly.

"Who do you think you can replace in the starting lineup?"Guardiola has his own ideas, but he won't say them out loud.

Since Zhao Yi took the initiative to communicate with Aguero and let Aguero return to the starting lineup, Zhao Yi's loss of the starting lineup must be solved by Zhao Yi himself.

"I don't need to replace anyone, I can coexist with all the frontcourt players on the field now."Zhao Yi is very confident.

Guardiola couldn't help but touch his big bald head and frowned slightly.

"What do you mean?" Even Guardiola now didn't expect what Zhao Yi meant.

Double center forward with Aguero?

That would require sacrificing one of De Bruyne and Sterling.

How to make all the frontcourt players coexist?

Twelve against eleven?

The English Football Association wouldn't agree to that.

Guardiola looked at Zhao Yi with his chest held high and his head raised, looking energetic.

He believed that Zhao Yi had his own ideas.

However, would Zhao Yi have ideas that were more advanced than his?

"3241."Zhao Yi said a string of numbers.

When Guardiola heard this number, he was stunned for a moment.

Then he widened his eyes and felt that some barrier in his brain had broken, as if he was about to see the light.

"At your age, you figured it out yourself? ?"Guardiola has always felt that his tactics have reached a bottleneck and stagnated.

He could never find the reason. Today, he suddenly caught a clue.

"No, it's one of my predecessors.……"Zhao Yi paused and said,"The senior from Huaguo, the famous comedian Gong, proposed a tactical idea ten years ago. I think you can give it a try."

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