After Hazard came on the pitch, Chelsea played some good attacks, but none of them scored.

Instead, in the 79th minute, Zhao Yi broke through with the ball and passed it to De Bruyne, who kicked it from the side and Aguero turned and shot in the penalty area.


Chelsea was beaten to a pulp at the Etihad Stadium.

The defending champion, Chelsea, which ranked first in defensive efficiency in the Premier League last season, has lost seven goals in two games this season!

Before the game started, no one could have predicted this result.

Chelsea's defense was actually at the same level as West Bromwich Albion.

Of course, no one would believe that Zhao Yi made two passes and two shots against Chelsea's defense. He directly blew up Terry, the former best defender in England.

Mourinho sat in the coaching seat with a blank expression.

I don't know what he was thinking.

Guardiola stood up and waved his hand symbolically to express his feelings.

At this point in the game, there was no suspense.

Zhao Yi was once again replaced by Guardiola in advance.

Nasri came on as a substitute.

Waves of applause rang out at the Etihad Stadium.

Zhao Yi stretched out his hands and clapped gently at the stands.

This young man who just turned 18 today has won the recognition and respect of the fans at the Etihad Stadium.

He has made great contributions in Manchester City's midfield.

Whether he is in the forward position or in the front midfielder position put by Guardiola, he has done a great job.

Guardiola applauded and hugged Zhao Yi who was leaving the field.

When the game was over, Chelsea's players returned to the locker room depressed.

They didn't want to stay here for a moment. This game was a huge shame for them.

Begovic had a black face throughout the game, and he repeatedly picked the ball out of the net.

Costa's old face was even darker, and he kicked the ball from the center circle six times.

The Etihad Stadium rang with loud singing.

Tonight is a happy night for Manchester City fans.

They slaughtered the defending champions!

What makes them even happier is the team's offensive power.

The frontcourt players have super control and lethality.

Aguero scored twice and sent out an assist, and De Bruyne scored one goal and two assists.

Zhao Yi made two assists and two shots, and also created a penalty.

With Silva's organization and Sterling's explosive ability, the current Manchester City's offensive ability is definitely the best in the entire Premier League!

The performance of these two games undoubtedly makes Manchester City fans more looking forward to Manchester City's record this season.

It's not just the league, but more importantly the Champions League!

The Manchester City fans and Manchester City management have long lost patience with the consecutive failures.

This season, they are full of expectations!

At the post-match press conference, Mourinho was furious when faced with reporters' questions about Eva.

He believed that it was Eva's entry that forced Hazard to leave the field, Chelsea's offense stagnated, and allowed Manchester City to score a crucial goal.

"Hazard was knocked down, he needs to calm down for a while, he is not injured!"

"Eva, is she just concerned about Hazard's condition?" The reporter wanted to speak for Eva.

Mourinho was very angry,"I am the head coach! Eva's performance was very unprofessional! Her behavior caused the team to lose one player and led to the team's loss!"

"Isn't the team's loss due to defensive problems? You didn't find the right combination of defenders to limit Manchester City."

"Who do you think I should arrange to play? Who of us two will be the head coach of the team?

Why didn't anyone ask such a stupid question last season?

This is you, always talking about success or failure, and you can't see anything else.

I hope that the person who asks the question next time will be smarter."

Mourinho left the conference angrily, making the press conference a little awkward.

Soon, Mourinho directly deprived Eva of her qualification as a team doctor.

Eva will no longer train with the team, nor will she be eligible to enter the hotel with the team.

Of course, Eva can still enter the team cafeteria. Mourinho is better than Ten Hag in this regard.

Chelsea is already in a precarious situation, while Manchester City fans and celebrities are already immersed in a sea of happiness.

"Zhao is the most talented player I have ever seen. Manchester City's signing is very successful.

Some people in Manchester United said before the start of the season that Martial is a hundred times better than Zhao.

Now I really want to...hahahaha……"Manchester City star Paul Dickov was commentating on the game when he remembered Neville's words and couldn't hold back his laughter.

"Zhao scored 7 goals in two games! He is already far ahead of the scorer list!"

"At this efficiency, he can become last season's top scorer in ten games!"

"At first, I really suspected that there was something fishy about this deal of Manchester City. I wonder how much money the Guardiola brothers have taken!

Now, Manchester City has made a fortune!

His performance in these two games has completely conquered me.

The key is that he just celebrated his 18th birthday!"

"I'm really glad that he didn't join Arsenal, let alone Chelsea because of Abramovich's 60 million pounds, otherwise today's game... maybe the score would be reversed!"

The day after the game against Chelsea, Zhao Yi did not participate in the team's regular training.

He and Guardiola asked for a day off.

Guardiola thought it was because Zhao Yi ran out on his birthday night, so he needed to rest today.

In fact, it was not.

Yesterday Aguero did want to take Zhao Yi out to do something.

After all, it is the day of adulthood, which is of great significance.

He can go to nightclubs legally and drink happily!

But Zhao Yi declined.

He has to take a good rest and maintain his physical fitness.

As a player, you must always be strict with yourself, not waste your talent, and not let alcohol and sex drain your body!

Zhao Yi's words made Aguero stunned.

Aguero was moved by Zhao Yi's righteous words.

Such a good kid will achieve unlimited success in the future, and he must not be led astray!

So, Aguero went by himself without Zhao Yi...

The next day, some records of Manchester City The reporter photographed a young lady sneaking into the house that Zhao Yi had spent a huge amount of money to buy.

The other party wore a hat and sunglasses, and was wrapped up tightly, so her specific appearance could not be photographed at all.

From nine o'clock in the morning until the evening, the reporters did not see anyone coming out of the house.

These reporters were really determined and waited for a whole day and a night.

Until the next morning, the reporters took turns waiting, just wanting to take a picture of the young lady's face.

Unfortunately, until Zhao Yi went out and prepared to participate in the team training, he did not see the mysterious girl.

Zhao Yi did not have a car or a license, so he had to take a taxi to the training base.

As soon as he went out, he was blocked by reporters.

Compared with his performance on the court, these reporters were obviously more interested in gossip.

They kept asking who the woman who entered Zhao Yi's house yesterday was.

Zhao Yi was frightened by these reporters.

These people have been waiting from yesterday morning to this morning?

"Zhao, who is that mysterious girl?"

"Is she your girlfriend?"

"You have just come of age, have you confirmed the relationship when you were a minor?"

"You were in the house for a full twenty-three hours, what were you doing?"

"Why didn't she come out to see you off? Was she exhausted?"

What kind of lewd questions are these?

Zhao Yi hurriedly got on a taxi.

The reporters took a lot of photos of the taxi.

Then, the reporters took a lot of photos of Zhao Yi's house, staring at every corner, waiting for the place where the young lady might appear.

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