At the post-match press conference, Koeman believed that Manchester City has undergone a qualitative change.

Guardiola has instilled new tactical concepts into the team, and the new players in the team have very high football IQ and talent.

Normally, it takes three to five years or even longer for a team to rebuild.

But Manchester City is obviously different.

"I don't know how to describe what I saw, Zhao... He is a striker with the body of a center forward, but was placed in the attacking midfielder position.

And he did his job very well.

The fact is, when he came to Goodison Park, there were boos everywhere.

When he left, the boos were gone.

It is normal for our fans to regard him as an enemy, but our fans know football very well.

They will not boo such an opponent.

It is not a shame for us that he conquered Goodison Park.

Because he will conquer every away game in the Premier League."

Praise from opponents, praise from head coaches.

And Aguero, who originally had a bad relationship with Zhao Yi, personally called him a good brother.

Zhao Yi used three Premier League games to conquer the coach, the opponent, and the team's predecessors.

Coupled with his explosive data output, this player who had just arrived in the Premier League blew up a hurricane and became the focus on and off the court.

The media have given the spotlight to this young man who has just become an adult.

The headline of Sky Sports is very interesting

"Now, Zhao may not be a parallel import."

"Manchester City just looked like a sucker."

The rest of the media was very direct.

"8 goals and 5 assists! Most players don’t have this kind of performance in a whole season!"

Yes, a qualified Premier League starting midfielder who can deliver such data for a whole season is already a good player in the eyes of the coach.

And this kid who just landed in the Premier League only played three games!

"Zhao Huang! Premier League defenders are not ready yet!"

The media hype has made more fans know about this Manchester City supernova.

There are many fans in England, but there are also a lot of fans who only know their own players and some famous stars.

For players like Zhao Yi, not many people know about them.

After one game after another, more and more fans will know such a player.

"Eight goals in three Premier League games? Five assists?"

"You guys should really watch his games, oh my god!"

"Why are you looking at him? He's not an English player."

"It’s Asia, it’s China, so it doesn’t matter whether it’s strong or not, right?"

"This guy hasn't joined the Chinese team yet!"

"What??? There is such a thing?"

"Can you join England?"

"Of course, definitely!"

"Chinese football is in a rotten state. If he wants to develop his football career, he must join a European team!"

"I used to think he and Kane were in conflict, but now I realize that this guy can stand behind Kane……"

"Quick, quick, go to the official website of the English Football Association and let this guy join England!"

Zhao Yi's name gradually began to be known by many fans.

Of course, he was also targeted by various business giants.

In fact, when Zhao Yi was in the English League One, many companies approached Perrin and Guardiola, but they were all rejected by Perrin for various reasons.

Except for a local English pants brand, Perrin turned away all brands.

The reason is simple. Perrin believed that as Zhao Yi joined a higher-level league, his value would rise.

And the fact is just as he expected.

Now he is busy again.

A large number of brands have found him again.

Among them, of course, are the two strongest giants in sports brands.

Nike and Adidas.

Perrin almost stopped negotiations with other brands and started talking with these two.

Because cooperating with these two companies not only brings considerable endorsement fees, but more importantly, these two companies have strong capital and a very complete and mature system. They have a huge influence in the global sports world.

The selection of the Ballon d'Or, the World Footballer of the Year and various awards requires very strong public relations and publicity.

Becoming the spokesperson for these two companies will be a huge boost to Zhao Yi's future development.

Although some Chinese brands have offered terrifying endorsement fees and various favorable conditions, Perrin values the future more, so he does not plan to let Zhao Yi cooperate with Chinese brands.

"What? Ten million euros? One year?" Zhao Yi was stunned when he heard the price Perrin said.

The price Adidas gave Messi was just at the level of ten million euros.

Why did they give him so much endorsement fee?

"Yes, you heard it right...haha...Nike is still rich and sincere!"

"There must be some other condition, right?"

"There is only one unconventional condition, but it is not a big problem for you.

You just need to join the Chinese football team."

Zhao Yi narrowed his eyes and listened to the voice coming from the other end of the phone.

Nike replaced Adidas last month and became the sponsor of all echelons of Chinese football.

All teams, including the national team and professional leagues at all levels, use equipment provided by Nike.

Nike is eyeing the huge Chinese market.

As a Chinese, Zhao Yi has the best time and place. With the national pride and patriotism of the Chinese people, he will attract a large number of new buyers for Nike.

And Zhao Yi joining the Chinese national team will make his reputation in China unprecedented.

With an endorsement fee of 10 million euros a year, not only will he not lose money, he will probably make a lot of money.

"It should be easy for you to join the national team, right?"Perrin asked hurriedly without hearing Zhao Yi's response.

It's not difficult. Even if there are serious problems with the national team system, as long as Zhao Youzhi helps a little, Zhao Yi can still easily join the national team.

"Your national team won't refuse to recruit someone like you, right?"Perrin felt more and more that something was wrong.

Zhao Yi exhaled lightly,"In your opinion, my level is okay and I can easily join the national team.

But... in the eyes of the national team, let alone someone like me, even someone like Messi and Ronaldo may not be recruited."

Football level is not a condition for joining the national team.

Perrin blinked his eyes, what nonsense.

This kid is crazy.

Not to mention the Chinese team, even Germany, France, Spain, England, Italy, Brazil, these national teams would not refuse to recruit Messi and Ronaldo, and not recruit you now!

"You... you didn't like Nike, so you found such a weird reason, right?"

Perrin couldn't figure it out. With his IQ, he could only think of this possibility.

""Don't talk about this anymore. Please continue the conversation. I need to take a break."

Perrin understood that if Nike wanted to sign the contract, it had to give up this clause.

Zhao Yi hung up the phone.

He wanted to do something for Chinese football and wear the national team jersey on the World Cup stage.

He wanted to hear the passionate and proud shouts of Chinese fans.

However, he finally had a chance to start over, to show himself to the fullest and live a more relaxed and comfortable life.

If he went back to suffer again, wouldn't that be a disease?

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