San Siro Stadium, inside the home team's dressing room.

captain Romagnoli walked in angrily, applying ice packs to his grubbed temples.

"Damn, Ye Chen, this kid is shooting at my head, if I deviate a little more, I will break the phase!"

Teammate Leo said coldly: "If Ye Chen's shot is a little more deflected, you won't be able to stand and talk."

Romagnoli glared at the black striker.

"Leo, ask yourself, what did you play in the first half!"

"You took the ball to the penalty area, you couldn't pass the ball, you didn't dare to pass it, didn't you wake up today!"

Leo was a little unconvinced, but did not dare to openly quarrel with the Milan captain in front of his teammates.

He sat down in his seat and gulped down sports drinks to relieve his tired body.

James Paul looked at them both coldly.

The coach does not like to meddle in internal disputes between players.

But he felt that it was necessary for him to alert his disciples.

"Boys, sober up, you're playing the Milan derby now, the Milan derby!"

"In the history of Italian football, there is no game more important than the Milan derby, it is the supreme game!"

He stepped forward and grabbed the sports drink bottle in Leo's hand, knocking on the tactical board.

"I know, you were surprised by the sudden appearance of that Huaxia man! That's right, Lao Tzu was also taken aback! "

The Inter team, put us a smoke bomb that smells worse than a mole fart!"

Hearing this, several Milanese players crunched their teeth!

"Conte, this old fox, changed the starting list ten minutes before the opening game, and this despicable move is what he can do!"

"Thanks to the fact that we also practiced close to Lukaku for a week, the result was all in vain, or let Ye Chen score!"

"I wondered, are the editors of Gazzetta dello Sport and Torino Sport all fools? I don't know where I got the fake news, but I also said that I got inside information, and I swore that Ye Chen would be injured for more than a month, and I played us all!

"It's not me who said, if Ye Chen wasn't present today, we would be able to boldly press out and attack in the first half, not only would we not lose the ball, but the lead would definitely be us!"

Seeing the chatter in the dressing room, all discussing Ye Chen's bizarre appearance, Paul Jen shook his head in disappointment, and had to cheer up the players:

"Young man, can you have some ambition!" What's wrong with one Ye Chen, Inter is not his team alone, we have 11 people on the field, are you afraid that he will not succeed, you..."

James Paul suddenly paused and looked at Casey.

"Casey, what did you just say?"

"Huh?" Casey was stunned, "I said, the lead may be us, not Inter."

"What did that sentence say before?"

"If Ye Chen is not on the field."

Gian Paul nodded and fell into silence.

When the players saw the manager who had just spoken generously, they suddenly stopped making a sound, and they all stared at him, not knowing what was wrong.

"What was he thinking?" Leo lowered his voice and asked Biglia beside him.

"I don't know, maybe I thought of a strategy to turn around in the second half."

On Jampaul's face, the elegant expression disappeared, and his eyes gradually revealed a murderous aura.

He will show the tactical board of Inter's formation and put it in front of the players.

"In the second half, we did this!"

With a thick carbonated pen, Paul Zhan drew a cross on the white tactical board with Ye Chen's name.

The players looked at each other.

This X symbol, in Italy, is not an easy symbol to use.

"Boss, you're going to kill him?" Leo asked cautiously.

Paul Jen smiled coldly, "So to speak, but, tactically, kill him!" "


In the second half, there were no tactical adjustments on either side.

On the Inter side, although Conte was dissatisfied with the team's performance in the first half, he was limited by the only cards on hand, so he stood still for the time being.

But the second half opened just a few minutes.

Ye Chen felt a strange situation.

No matter where he goes, AC Milan's midfielder Biglia is always close to himself and inseparable.

Ye Chen attacked, pulling the side on the right side.

Biglia followed.

Ye Chen defended, recovered the middle circle, and Biglia followed.

When AC Milan sent an attacking corner, Biglia did not go to the box to compete for the top, but followed Ye Chen and dangled outside the box.

Even between the dead ball, Ye Chen went to the bench on the sidelines to ask for water, and Biglia followed him!

"Hey, Argentinian, what are you doing behind Ye Chen's ass?"

Inter third-way goalkeeper Berni looked at Biglia and threw him a bottle of water.

"Thank you," Biglia took two sips and said with a smile, "It's just a staring tactic, it's not strange!"

Ye Chen looked at the strange uncle behind him, looking at himself strangely and smiling.

There was a strange color in his eyes.

He suddenly snorted, hurriedly drank the water, and ran back.

If it was just a close watch, Ye Chen would not pay attention to it.

A lot of players have experienced such treatment.

For example, Messi, every game, at least one player is close to him, sometimes even two!

But what happened next made all the Inter players, including Ye Chen, break out in a cold sweat!

Ye Chen just received the ball on the right side, and Bigliazi stepped heavily on his heel behind him!

"I'll go!"

Ye Chen stumbled, stumbled, and barely controlled the ball.

Just wanted to pass the ball out, a black shadow flashed!

Kathy made a sliding shovel and turned Ye Chen over!

If only it was just a shovel of people.

This time, Casey deliberately lit up the studs and slammed them on Ye Chen's ankle!


Ye Chen screamed, lying on the grass, covering his ankles.

In order to strengthen the grip, some players will wear SG sneakers mixed with metal spikes, the cold and shiny part of the picture is metal spikes

Barrera standing very close, he clearly saw that Ye Chen's ankles were seriously deformed by Casey's sneaker shovel!

Casey is wearing SG sneakers with metal spikes!

Barrera was anxious, and he rushed over and shoved Casey.

"Damn, are you kicking a ball or a kick!"

Casey's attitude was good, he raised his hands with his hands folded up, and made a gesture of surrender, looking apologetic.

"I'm sorry I'm sorry, the venue is a little slippery, I really confiscated it, I didn't mean it!"

Although Casey said so, he felt good in his heart when he saw Ye Chen moaning in pain while covering his ankles on the ground.

What Paul Jen said about letting Ye Chen die tactically is actually a leaf cutting tactic!

Through a fierce foul, he did not hesitate to hurt Ye Chen at the cost of taking cards!

The referee came over and showed Casey a yellow card warning!

The referee looked at the ground, deep in the mud that had been turned out of the sliding shovel imprint, and did not need to think about it, he also knew how fierce Casey rushed over at this moment.

"Inter's team doctor is on the field!" The referee calls to the sidelines.

"Hurry up and see Ye Chen, hurry up!" Conte pushed the team doctor and almost overthrew him!

Ye Chen is the core figure of the team, and he must not be injured.

Brozovic is injured, Sensi is also injured.

If Ye Chen was injured again, Conte would really have no cards in his hand.


Ye Chen lay on the ground, panting heavily.

Beads of sweat, the size of beans, came out of his forehead and flowed into his eyes.

He really hurts!

Steel nails, like shovels, swept over his ankles.

Almost diving into his flesh.

This skin trauma is secondary.

If the ankle is twisted, it is a big injury!

Light can be one month, slow can be three months.

This is miserable!

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