Football Kung Fu Player

[79] A Distance That Is Indistinguishable From A Foul! 【2 More】

Table tennis is China's national sport. Generally speaking, the champion will always be a Chinese player, and there will be no second-handed players. Many world champions have never won national championships.

There is a rumor that a world champion who has never won a national table tennis championship is not qualified to be called a Grand Slam player.

Because the domestic strength is too strong, stronger than the Olympic Games.

As for the long jump, it is the same in the United States.

The American long jump athletes are really too strong...Carl Lewis and the current world record holder Mike Powell are known as the two champions in jumping. The two champions win each other, and there is nothing wrong with other athletes. . . . and these days, Dwight Phillips and John Moffitt do the same.

The two have always been champions and runners-up in the long jump event, either Phillips or Feite!

Champions take turns sitting.

The runner-up is also one between two people...they leave someone else a third runner-up.

The US team is absolutely dominant in this project.

But now, the appearance of Wang Xing has made the Americans feel the pressure... At this time, he participated in the long jump, and the Americans panicked.

This is a project that they have been monopolizing for a long time. I didn't expect this boy from the Celestial Dynasty to come to share a piece of the pie!

How can two 897 people bear this?!

Wang Xing smiled, he had seen these two guys a long time ago...Chen Lao also told him that the strength of the Americans in this project, but...With Ti Yunzong and Deng Sky Ladder Two-door Lightness Kung Fu

The jumping distance is not as much as you say, but as much?!

"Wang Xing........."

An athlete greeted Wang Xing, he was a contestant of the Tianchao long jump team—Zhou Can!

In the world, the Celestial Empire is average in the long jump, but in the whole of Asia, it is absolutely dominant.

Zhou Can's strength is the top player in Asia.

"How about it?"

Wang Xing asked a routine question, but Zhou Can shook his head: "The gap with black people is too big, and you know that long jump requires explosive power!"

"Well, leave it to me!"

Wang Xing had no other way to comfort him, so he had to use his usual routine, which was him.

"I can only rely on you, come on!"

Zhou Can gave him a high-five, and then the second round of long jump started amidst the whistle of the referee.

The first player to play was the Japanese player.

In the long jump event, Japan is second only to China, and it is considered to be the second in Asia... This time, as the host, they sent two players to participate. This is currently the strongest long jump player in Japan Shinichi Terano .


Terano Shinichi exhaled rhythmically, and then ran to the starting line of the long jump.

Speaking of the long jump event, it is actually completely irrelevant to the standing long jump practiced in our school.

The long jump consists of four parts: run-up, take-off, airborne and landing.

Wang Xing originally thought that for him, the run-up should be the least practiced... because, relatively speaking, the run-up is similar to the 100-meter sprint.

However, when he really started to learn the long jump before, he discovered that there is a lot of knowledge contained in just an approach run.

The purpose of the run-up is to make your body reach the highest speed. Generally, the run-up distance of male athletes is between 40 meters and 45 meters, and the pace during the run-up is 22 to 24 steps.

And when it comes to each athlete, his approach distance will be more accurate, and his approach pace will be a fixed number of steps. In the actual competition, the athletes also need to adjust the approach distance according to the softness of the runway, the coldness of the climate, whether it is downwind or headwind, physical condition and other factors.

At the same time, there are also related technical requirements for the starting posture of the run-up, the acceleration method of the run-up, etc.

The most critical thing is that in the last few steps of the run-up, especially the last three steps of the run-up, it will directly affect the situation of stepping on the springboard and jumping afterwards, which is especially important for the whole run-up process. For a professional athlete, adjusting the approach of the last (cfah) few steps is the most basic technique.

After the run-up, it is the take-off, which is divided into three parts: upper board, cushioning and stretching. Each part has different mechanical characteristics and specific requirements.

It is the most basic requirement not to step on the marking line when going up the board.

In terms of technology, there are requirements for the landing angle during take-off; and in the buffer stage, there are also requirements for the maximum knee-bending angle during the jumping process of the athlete's take-off leg; as for the stretching stage, it is necessary to raise the center of gravity of the body as much as possible. There are technical requirements not only for the lower limbs, but also for the upper limbs.

After the take-off is the stage of vacating.

This stage is a difficult point.

The postures of athletes in the air mainly include "squatting", "standing up" and "walking".

The squatting pose is the easiest and best posture to master, that is, the whole person is squatting in the air; while the standing pose is much more difficult than the squatting pose, and the advantage is that it can better control the forward rotation direction of the athlete's body in the air, but It is not conducive to obtaining a good landing posture; while the walking style is more conducive to maintaining the balance of the body in the air, and it also has advantages in controlling the landing posture.

There are pros and cons to each of these three positions.

Although more and more people, especially American players, are beginning to use the walking posture, because it is like walking in the air, and it seems to be able to run a few more steps, but this does not mean that no one uses other postures, even if Even in the highest level competitions in the world, there are still some athletes who use squatting to vacate. For example, the former 2008 Olympic long jump champion Saladino, he likes to use the simplest squatting.

As for the final landing, the athletes are required to quickly bend their knees and stretch their calves forward when they land on the ground. When they touch the sand surface, they should move their bodies forward as much as possible, and then use their strength to stand up.

In the landing, it is absolutely taboo to land on the butt|buttocks first or use the hands to support the ground first, and we have seen many athletes sit in the sand pool after landing, but in fact they hit the butt|buttocks When they were on the ground, their bodies had already slid a large distance forward, and the place where their buttocks touched the ground was actually behind the feet.

But in this way, the distance is not counted as the feet...but the parts of the body that are in contact.

Therefore, the long jump sport is actually quite difficult.

But these, in fact, have nothing to do with Wang Xing, he is in the air, basically breaking away from the laws of nature.


After the Japanese ran up at a frenzied speed, the whole person flew in the air, and then pedaled in the air with both feet. This is a walking long jump.


Unfortunately, he didn't stand firmly on both feet, and he landed directly on his buttocks, in the style of flat sand and falling geese.


A distance that is indistinguishable from a foul………….

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