Football Kung Fu Player

[15] Dramatic Return! 【1 More】

Wang Xing!

"Why is he here?!"

All the reporters were taken aback, and then rubbed their eyes in disbelief... They were afraid that they might be wrong. Olympic uniform?!

After 1 minute, everyone confirmed.

No mistake, it is indeed Wang Xing.

Although wearing a team uniform, but that height and face [definitely belonged to the King of He - Wang Xing!

" the country quickly, something big has happened!"

"Hurry up, there is such a thing?!"

"Wang Xing switched to football, what the hell!"

"This is the rhythm that will make the headlines on the world's front page tomorrow!"

All the reporters picked up the phone one after another, wanting to feed back the news that shocked the whole world to their own media as soon as possible.

They are so amazing!

This incident was a world-class bomb, which shocked everyone beyond their control.

After that, the photos were snapped at Wang Xing immediately. They obviously didn't want to miss this kind of rare event in a thousand years.

"In a while, I will interview Coach Shen no matter what!"

"This incident is too scary, it is definitely world-class news!"

"Confirm whether Wang Xing really changed to football, or because of his interest... to go to the National Olympics to have fun!

A group of reporters began to discuss 893, and then they were quite unanimous and walked towards the base office. Today...what did they say to clarify the matter of Wang Xing!

The entrance of the originally deserted temporary sports base instantly surrounded countless domestic reporters.

Shen Xiangfu also received the notification from the front desk immediately.

However, he felt that he should talk to Wang Xing about this kind of thing, so he walked to the goal and said to Wang Xing who was practicing shooting: "Wang Xing... Maybe it's a little troublesome, you were caught The reporters saw the appearance on the football field, they should have come to interview this matter... Now, many reporters are gathered around the gate of the base, waiting for me to give them an explanation!"

"Then you go and explain... If it doesn't work, hold a press conference tomorrow, and I'll tell them!"

Wang Xing said casually, the current him is not afraid of being interviewed by reporters at all.

Shen Xiangfu was stunned. To be honest, what he was most afraid of facing was the media... If he missed something, he would definitely be blamed by the fans tomorrow.

He knows better than anyone what Tianchao football has been in the hearts of fans these years.

The media obviously won't give him a good face (cfaf).

"What's wrong?"

Seeing that Shen Xiangfu hadn't left for a long time, Wang Xing couldn't help asking.

"Say it directly? I'm afraid it will affect you..."

Shen Xiangfu was talking there, but Wang Xing smiled: "It doesn't matter, at most, I will be scolded before the game... After a game, the whole world will shut up... People who scold me , I will retaliate fiercely!"

Looking at Wang Xing's confident appearance, Shen Xiangfu didn't know where he got his confidence.

"Okay, then I'll go and talk to them. Tomorrow... hold a press conference. This matter must be revealed to the whole world!"

Shen Xiangfu thought for a while, gritted his teeth, but walked towards the gate of the base with his head held high.

He has never been so confident about the game a few days later.

At the gate, Japanese journalists were protesting with security guards.

"Why don't you let us in?"

"We want to interview Coach Shen!"

"And Wang Xing!"

"Let us in quickly..."

The reporters were furious, and they were all desperate to cover such a big news as Wang Xing.

After all, this is a sensation in the world... Whoever gets the first-hand material will definitely receive a huge bonus, and the country is completely crazy, they already know that Wang Xing has joined the National Olympic Trial Training After hearing the news, they called the General Administration of Sports and the Athletics Association to inquire about the situation and waited for their reply.

A super heavy news is brewing... just waiting for this fuse to detonate.

At this time, Shen Xiangfu walked to the gate of the base.

The sharp-eyed reporters immediately saw him.

"Look, practice!"

"Coach Shen is here... let's ask him!"

"Yes, hurry up!"

Countless reporters all shouted at Shen Xiangfu: "Coach Shen, we want to interview you!"

"We'll check with you!"

"It's inconvenient for you to see!"

The reporters shouted loudly, but Shen Xiangfu was in front of them, and said: "Friends from the press, I am very clear about your purpose... I can tell you clearly that the number one flying man in the world is the pride of our Chinese dynasty in track and field. Wang Xing, just a few days ago, has joined the Olympic family!"

"This matter is true, authentic... I guarantee it in my name, Shen Xiangfu!"

"If you have any questions, you can participate in tomorrow's press conference... Wang Xing will also participate, thank you!"

After Shen Xiangfu finished speaking, he was bowed to the reporter with clasped hands, and then walked into the base.

The next second, the reporter at the door was completely crazy.


Wang Xing actually changed to football and joined the National Olympics!

Holy crap, absolute big news!

"Go, report quickly!"

A group of reporters rushed out of the base and returned to their respective hotels to report on this event that shocked the world.

In less than an hour, the matter of Wang Xing's joining the National Olympics has been widely spread in China, and almost everyone related to sports knows the inside story.

At the same time, sharp-eyed Internet reporters saw a name that was extremely familiar to audiences all over the world on the official website of the National Olympic Games, among the list of players who would fight Han Guo—Wang Xing!

"The roster of the 23-man national team for the National Olympic Games against South Korea is announced, and Wang Xing, the king of track and field, is on the list!"

"The head coach of the National Olympic Games personally admits that Wang Xing has joined the National Olympic Games!"

"The world is shocked, Tianxing changed to football!"

Each of these news is like a bomb, which instantly detonated the focus of media attention, especially the fastest-responding online media, which published relevant news immediately

Yahoo Sports and Wang Xing have a cooperative relationship, and the front page headline instantly turned into this heavy news that Wang Xing joined the Chinese Olympic Games and switched to football.

Moreover, this news is accompanied by an official screenshot of the Olympic Committee football club, showing that Wang Xing appeared in the 23-man roster. At first, some people thought it was PS, but after entering the official website of the Olympic Games, they found that This fact was confirmed.

Immediately afterwards, various photos of Wang Xing being kicked and kicked were posted on the Internet by Yahoo.

For a time, no one dared to doubt the authenticity of this news.

Wang Xing, with such a dramatic scene, once again returned to the public's attention. …

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