Football Kung Fu Player

[61] Are You Going To Shoot Again? 【1 More】

It was the turn of the Olympic team to attack first. At this moment, everyone's eyes on the national football team were focused on the target. The Olympic team's combat method is centered on Wang Xing. Wang Xing quickly attacks the restricted area. The Olympic players pass the ball to Wang Xing from a long distance, and Wang Xing starts to attack again.

The way the national football team responds is also very simple, as long as their passes cannot fall on Wang Xing accurately, then restricting the passing of the National Olympics is what the national football team does.

Ali Han nodded secretly, seeing through the Olympic fighting method, it is actually quite easy to crack, if you can't restrict Wang Xing, why not restrict others?

It is to limit the Olympic Games, so that the Olympic Games will make mistakes in passing the ball.

The Olympic goalkeeper kicked the ball straight to Qu Bo on the left with his left foot. Just as Qu Bo received the ball, he suddenly noticed ten figures rushing towards him out of the corner of his eye.

Is it Hao Haidong?

The ball is under his feet, but the speed of the national football team is not slow. Almost as soon as he touched the ball, Hao Haidong stuck to it like a snake.

Qu Bo's face changed slightly. He was not as good at handling the ball as Hao Haidong. He was entangled by Hao Haidong at this time, and he was about to lose the ball. He could only vaguely find the direction of Wang Xing, and kicked it hard.

"Sure enough, I made a mistake!" Alihan clenched his fists violently.

The direction of the ball was not Wang Xing, but Zheng Zhi, who was acting as a defender on one side. When the latter noticed this scene, he was slightly stunned, and then he couldn't help being ecstatic. Send a pillow, how can I not cherish it.

Alihan also laughed out loud at this moment. His strategy was successful after all. The strongest member of the Olympic team is undoubtedly Wang Xing. As long as Wang Xing is restrained, then all this is not a big problem .

He could already foresee that after Zheng Zhi got the ball, what kind of fierce offensive their national football team would have, defeating the national Olympic team.

"Wow, the Olympic team's ball, it's just how Qu Bo kicked it, why didn't he see where Wang Xing is!" An eager and anxious voice came from the audience.

"It's over, it's over, even if Wang Xing is awesome, he can't stand up to a group of pig teammates!"

"Hey, why is Wang Xing so fast?"

Just when everyone felt that even Wang Xing was helpless, Wang Xing suddenly accelerated his speed, sprinting as fast as an arrow leaving the string.

"Stop him, stop him!" Ali Han roared loudly, Shao Jia had prepared early in the morning, and quickly avoided his defense target, and stopped in front of Wang Xing.

"Stop him, even if it's only for a few seconds!" An idea popped up in Shao Jiayi's mind, as long as he stops Wang Xing for a few seconds, Zheng Zhi can get the ball, and then...


Wang Xing's rushing figure stopped suddenly. From the rapid movement to the momentary stillness, Shao Jia suddenly had an illusion. At this time, Wang Xing's body swayed, and the whole person seemed to be indistinguishable from left to right, as if Left and right.

Lingbo microstep!

The combination of top-level bodywork and footwork is a powerful explosion in an instant!

When Shao Jiayi was still judging whether Wang Xing was going left or right, he suddenly realized that Wang Xing had disappeared, and when he turned his head suddenly, he realized that Wang Xing had already broken through him, and instantly pulled away from him. distance.

"Damn! How can I prevent this!!"

She was thrown by Wang Xing more than once. When Shao Jia knew that Wang Xing had swayed her past, she couldn't help being a little bit aggrieved at the moment. She couldn't help stepping on the lawn angrily, shaking up a lot of gravel, and looked at Wang Xingyuan The back of Qu, with a troubled look on his face

"How did he do it, why, why I can't see how he broke through me, it obviously felt like he was going to the left, but this guy broke through to the right!"

"This Wang Xing, is there really no one who can stop him?"

Coach Arihan saw this scene, but he couldn't help but secretly sighed in his heart. He had seen the top football players, however, no one's talent and strength could compare with Wang Xing.

"It doesn't matter, now Zheng Zhi has grabbed the ball, Wang Xing, no matter how talented you are, it won't do anything, your teammates are too bad, football is not your personality


…… Ask for flowers…………

Alihan rubbed his hands, but there was a smile on his face. The national football team still had a chance to come back.


The ball had already landed under Zheng Zhi's feet. Zheng Zhi had a relaxed expression on his face. It seemed that Wang Xing hadn't grabbed the ball before him.

So this way...

Zheng Zhi turned around, but the expression on his face froze. At some point, Wang Xing's familiar yet unfamiliar face appeared in front of him.

how can he be so fast

Zheng Zhi slipped his foot, hooked the ball with his right foot, and wanted to retreat, but Wang Xing's speed was even faster, and Zheng Zhi only felt that the sole of his foot was empty.

Wang Xing, however, intercepted half a step. He first hooked the ball under Zheng Zhi's feet, and snatched it back with a sideways kick. With a sideways elbow, the side of his foot supported the football, and he threw it up to let it fall. On the generous instep, and when Wang Xing ran with the ball again, there was already a considerable distance from Zheng Zhi.

Zheng Zhi looked confused, the soles of his feet were empty, he felt that the football was no longer under his feet.

"How could this happen?" Alihan was also dumbfounded. In the last second, he was glad that his tactics were effective and successfully blocked Wang Xing's speed and ability to score goals.

However, in the next second, Wang Xing told Alihan with practical actions that your tactics are vulnerable to my real strength.


At this moment, Ali Han felt a sense of powerlessness. The tactics he racked his brains to think of had no effect on Wang Xing at all.

It's not that our army is incompetent, it's just that Wang Xing is a solid person.

On the field, there was a bright red figure swinging two solid and powerful thighs quickly, swinging up and down, as if desperately, Wang Xing was running desperately at this moment, on the straight line from the forward to the midfielder, it seemed to be A long thin line was drawn behind him.

Directly prepared to rush into the penalty area of ​​the national football team!

Going to shoot again?

For a moment, everyone at the scene couldn't help clenching their fists, staring at the bright red figure. .

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