Football Kung Fu Player

【69】Join The National Football Team? Dream!

The game is over!

Enjoying the cheers and celebrations from everyone, everyone in the Olympic team raised their arms and shouted to welcome all the fans present.

But soon they discovered an embarrassing thing, that is, all the people present were shouting Wang Xing's name loudly at this moment, and the hoarse cheers resounded continuously on the field.

"The captain's charm is too great."

Witnessing everyone cheering in unison, Qu Bo glanced at the people standing up and cheering with wide eyes, and smiled enviously.

"That's it!"

"It really doesn't give us those who have a small fan base a way out!"

The other members of the Olympic team were all nodding their heads desperately at this moment. At the end, they couldn't help but glanced at each other and laughed heartily.

They won! There is nothing more refreshing than this long-lost victory.

Shen Xiangfu, on the other hand, held his hands excitedly, with fiery eyes, watching the enthusiastic atmosphere of the Olympic team at the moment, feeling extremely happy in his heart.

In competitive games, the loser will never be remembered.....


At this moment, all the players of the national football team looked somber and lost their souls, so many reporters took a few photos by the way, and kept them as a backup. When the time comes, they will casually publicize the defeat of the national football team. 090 In this way, everyone can understand how outstanding the Olympic team is in this game!

Ali Han was also silent at this time, he had nothing to say, facing Wang Xing's superb skills, he could only be defeated obediently, and all the little calculations were trampled under his feet.

"No! Wang Xing must join our national football team. He has such strength. Staying in the Olympic team is like a dusty orb. Only our national football team can let him really show his talents on the field!!"

At this moment, Ali Han punched the guardrail in front of him, and secretly made up his mind to let Wang Xing join their national football team at all costs!

"Wang Xing, what you did this time is so beautiful that even my old face is stained because of you.

Shen Xiangfu accompanied Wang Xing excitedly, dancing and gesticulating Wang Xing's extraordinary figure just now, because of his excitement.

"Old Shen, this is just the beginning. If you are so excited now, you won't have a heart attack when I win the World Cup."

Wang Xing looked at Shen Xiangfu who was now excited and overwhelmed, and said with a smile.

"If I can watch you lift the World Cup in person, I will be fine even if I have a heart attack now." Shen Xiangfu said cheerfully.

"There will be a day, I promise..."

Wang Xing raised his head and looked up to the sky, looking at the huge transparent skylight, the blue sky exuded Wang Xing's fiery spirit.

"Haha, then I have to wait."

Hearing Wang Xing's assurance, Shen Xiangfu was stunned for a moment, and then laughed.

At this moment, Shen Xiangfu seemed to be out of the corner of his eye, and saw a slender figure from the national football team suddenly walking towards them, screamed in his heart that something was wrong, and hurriedly pushed Wang Xing, wanting to take Mr. Wang Xing with him leave here.

After seeing Ali Han waving at Wang Xing, Shen Xiangfu's face was full of annoyance. This foreign devil must have come to dissuade Wang Xing from joining their national football team.

Ali Han's expression was a bit flattering, the same as Shen Xiangfu's when he saw Wang Xing for the first time, his smile was particularly bright, it seemed that he was already on the schedule of their national football team at this moment.

"Ali Han, you came to see me, what's the matter?"

Wang Xing glanced at Ali Han, who was smiling brightly, and asked with a light smile.

I can't see that the head coach of the national football team came to see me now for something, and I'm afraid he came to discuss with me again, whether to go to the national football team or not.

But for this matter, since they rejected Wang Xing once, then with Wang Xing's character, they would naturally not nod in agreement.

"That is, if you have nothing to do, you should leave quickly, Wang Xing has been exercising too much (cfae) and now he is going to rest.

Of course, Shen Xiangfu would not hand over Wang Xing to Ali Han for nothing. Originally, he was also full of anger when Ali Han wanted to mobilize his own players. How could he hand over his best player to Ali Han now? What about Ali Han?

But he couldn't take the initiative to refuse, so he could only use Wang Xing's lack of physical strength as an excuse to take the opportunity to get rid of Ali Han.

"Wang Xing, can you reconsider that our national football team is the team you should really gallop on. Although you have won our national football team this time, you can see that the strength of the national Olympic team is not enough at all. Support your future success."

Ali Han was embarrassed and annoyed at the moment. Facing Wang Xing, he really suffered. Sitting here in good condition, he even made up a lie about resting due to lack of physical strength, to take the opportunity to get rid of himself

At this time, Wang Xing looked at Ali Han indifferently, and asked back: "So, you are going to invite me to the national football team?"

"Right!" Ali Han nodded desperately.

"Sorry, I should have said that I will only join the national football team if your national football team beats me, or if Lao Shen agrees to transfer me away. At that time, you agreed very quickly!"

Wang Xing described the conditions for agreeing to the national football team in an understatement. Now the national football team has not met any of them. It is completely daydream to think of transferring himself there with nothing.


Ali Han's face suddenly turned green and red, and he didn't know how to explain it.

How could he have thought at that time that Wang Xing could really win the national football team, and he was completely prepared to drink champagne to celebrate the victory of this friendly match.

"Everything changes, can you accommodate me, the national football team is your real destination!"

At this moment, Ali Han looked at Wang Xing firmly, as if he was telling an undeniable fact.

"No, this is where I belong."

Wang Xing didn't have any scruples about Ali Han, and said with a light smile.

Hearing Wang Xing's words, Shen Xiangfu's eyes filled with excitement. Wang Xing's move to reject Ali Han again at this moment undoubtedly made him so happy that he couldn't find his way.

"I won't join the national football team. I'm sorry. Now I'm going to prepare for the next Olympics. Please let me go."

Wang Xing got up, glanced indifferently at Ali Han beside him, and left the arena with Shen Xiangfu straight away.


Ali Han sat weakly on the chair, couldn't help but hold his head in remorse, and said with regret in his heart, "If] if he hadn't been rejected at that time..."

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