Football Kung Fu Player

【82】Battle Against Mexico (Seeking Automatic Subscription)

"Hey, I've already said that sooner or later, that crazy guy will pay the price." Chen Luo looked at the scenery outside the window excitedly, then found Wang Xing beside him with excitement, and said with a triumphant smile: "When the time comes, let him know You are amazing, so that he does not know the truth that there is a sky beyond the sky, and there are people beyond people."

"Let's relax." Wang Xing said with a smile.

"Okay." Seeing that Wang Xing didn't take that Argentine boy seriously, Chen Luo could only nod his head.

However, in his heart, he still has a complete dislike for that boy with short brown and black hair. This point, at least for now, Chen Luo still can't let it go.

"Dare to humiliate Wang Xing? Is he really too young to like to die?" Chen Luo thought to himself.

on the field.

The spectators who had prepared in advance came to the Olympic seats early. On the side of the Celestial Dynasty, countless spectators who were looking forward to Wang Xing's performance took out the prepared signs in advance, and prepared to go to the Olympic seats when Wang Xing played. With the momentum of lightning, crushing other team fans.

When Wang Xing came to the arena, there was overwhelming cheers, and countless red flowers were thrown high into the sky, although only a small part of the Tianchao audience

But it's not hard to see that other people's fanatical attitude towards Wang Xing is in a state of extreme carnival.

"Wang Xing!" "Wang Xing!" "Wang Xing!!"

There were constant shouts, one wave after another, instantly filling the entire Olympic auditorium, which was originally mixed with other gossip, with general shouts and shouts.

"Cut, relying on the number of people is nothing, it's just a bunch of yellow pigs."

"What's the name of the ghost, do you really think that you have won the championship properly?"

"Wait for our Dahan National Football Team to tell you what strength is!"

Protests filled with dissatisfaction came from time to time in the auditorium of the Korean people, but the sound was only a small wave after it was set off, and it was submerged in the common shouts of the tens of thousands of celestial audiences.

This scene also made the other Greeks feel a little uneasy. This is the home field of myself and others. Even if it is a competition of momentum, they should have the upper hand, especially in this Olympic Games. It originated from them, how can others take over the momentum.

However, when these Greeks were about to celebrate loudly, some people were taken aback for a moment. They soon discovered that the two teams in this competition seemed to ignore their affairs.

"Oh, what the hell!"

In fact, whether it is the Mexican team or the Chinese team, the fans of the two teams are now caught in a frantic rivalry. The Mexican team also has their fans. Although the number is far less than that of the Chinese team, but What's even more advantageous is that these people are already tirelessly and madly competing against this group of Celestial Dynasty fans.

And it would be even more impossible to help the Tianchao Football Olympic team. This is a team that has just beaten them in the face.

"Forget it, let's just watch from the side."

Many Greeks have chosen to watch the fire from the other side, and now there are already Mexican fans competing against the Chinese team, which has nothing to do with them. On the contrary, the Koreans on one side are constantly clamoring for the Chinese audience next door. There is a look of going to war if you don't accept it.

"Team Mexico - come on!"

"Team Mexico...!"

"come on!!"

The Mexicans on one side have already made infinite noise, boosting the morale of the Mexican team playing at the moment.

"There are quite a lot of people." Qu Bo couldn't help muttering when he stepped into the arena.

"Aren't you talking nonsense? There weren't many people in that match." After hearing this, Yan Song rolled his eyes at Qu Bo beside him.

"I mean the people who support the Mexican team, how come it feels like the number of people who support the captain is almost the same.

Qu Bo looked thoughtfully at the audience from various countries in the auditorium, paying attention to the expressions of these people curiously, and then said in a puzzled manner.

"Maybe this year's Mexican team is very popular. After all, the team's strength is not weak, so it's not too strange to have these audiences." Yan Song was very relaxed, looking at himself The celestial audience on this side said with a smile.

"Then perform well and let this group of people understand what a real strong team is!" Qu Bo's eyes flashed with fierce fighting intent.

"Anyway, that's the captain's business." Yan Song and a few teammates on the other side laughed noncommittally.

"What do you think, Mosley." The Mexican coach was not happy because so many people supported the Mexican team. Instead, he said seriously to his friends who squinted their eyes and watched the game excitedly.

"From the videos of previous games, we should be able to see that this little guy named Wang Xing far exceeds our players in terms of speed and skill, so don't worry too much, just do your best it is good."

Mosley was leisurely watching the upcoming game at the moment. Amid the fierce shouts and carnival that resounded through the arena, he seemed to be younger. Wen smiled and looked at the matchup between Mexico and China.

"I don't want this to be your sincere words. How can we say that our Mexican team can't lose too badly. If it's like the Greek team, I'm afraid I will lose all my old face."

Xi Telu looked at the referees on the field with a somewhat embarrassed expression, and when he watched a referee toss a coin, he couldn't help but muttered worriedly: "Let us take a little advantage first."

"Hey, things like advantages are created by people. Rather than praying for you, it's better to think of a better way." When he saw the worries of his friends around him, Mosley couldn't help squinting again. Rolling his eyes, Wen smiled and said, "So, let's take a good look at this match.

"Then I really should thank you!" Sitlo gave Mosley a hard look.

"You're welcome, although I don't think I've done anything, but since you're so happy, then I'll be disrespectful!" Mosley slowly narrowed his eyes, and a trace of spirit gushed out. With a burst of light, he smiled slightly. .

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