Football Kung Fu Player

【108】The Final Counterattack? (Seeking Automatic Subscription)

"Don't think about these dispensable things anymore. Since we all know that the next result may be quite unfavorable to us, let's be optimistic about this game. After all, this is our last hope."

When West Road was extremely nervous and anxious, Mosley still seemed very relaxed. After witnessing that the Mexican football team still had the advantage of controlling the overall situation, they were playing with the current defenders of the Chinese team, and commented with a smile.

"Who can explain this kind of thing clearly." Xi Telu sighed helplessly.

It's not that he doesn't want to believe in the current Mexican football team, but that during this period of thinking in public, after half an hour of deliberation, he gradually understands that the current advantage is just an illusion, like a fog in the fog. It is just an illusion, once it really touches the bottom line~, it will completely disappear.

This point, after watching Tianchao Football Team's calm and relaxed appearance on West Road, he finally came to his senses. In his heart, although he still felt somewhat unwilling

But in the end, I still understand that all of this really cannot be forced. It can be said that I have to thank many people for being able to perform at such a good level.

"I told you all, don't be too impatient, and you won't listen, it's not too late to understand now." Mosley looked at the regret and helplessness in the eyes of Sitlu, patted the shoulder of his friend beside him, and smiled Said: "But if you can score a goal unexpectedly, isn't it also a good thing?" At least we will have some explanations after we go back.

"Forget it, let's see how these guys behave. If they don't perform well, I really can't say anything more. It seems that I really shouldn't pin them on them. What." Sitlu turned his head to the side, looked at Mosley who was comforting himself, and said with a wry smile.

"This is your fault, right? You have to have full confidence in our team, just like me. I have been silently supporting them all the time. Unlike you, when you see no hope, you give up. That's not what a good leader does."

Mosley was still doing leisurely work on the bench of the Mexican coach, and by the way looked at the Mexican team leader who was also sitting with him. Mosley thought of a way to comfort him.

"Forget it, don't talk to me about the next thing. I'd better watch this game slowly. After all, it's not over yet. Who can say what will happen next." Seeing Mosley's leisurely look, Sitlo said with a smile: "Maybe a miracle will really happen."

"Yes, maybe there is." Mosley smiled.

But in fact, in the hearts of both of them, they have already understood this game. In fact, even if the so-called miracle happens, it is impossible to be useful, unless the current names of the two teams are reversed, so they will be 4:0. After all, such a thing is already a dream in broad daylight.

"Okay, after this game is over, I think we should do something more meaningful, such as training our reaction ability more, instead of thinking about the current situation and grinding our guns in front of the battle."

In the Mexican team, some Mexican players were a little confused about the enthusiasm expressed by Reiss, but they didn’t say much, because everyone is in a bad mood now, watching this game From the beginning to the end of the game, maybe only now can make them feel better.

"Okay, don't waste any more time, Te Reiss, take advantage of this opportunity, if we can do it, our Mexican football team can still score at least one goal, in this case, we can also use it This goal is to prove the strength of our Mexico." Art Weir said with a smile while watching Tris beside him treat other relaxed teammates seriously.

"Well, it's only five or six minutes anyway, so it's a last-ditch fight, it's better than wasting time with these players now, it's really boring to waste time with these people here." Reiss Jianshuo His body trembled for a moment, then he took a deep breath and clenched his fists, as if to make the fastest explosion.



The moment Art Weir took control of the ball, before Xu Liang and others had time to continue counterattacking, they saw that the ball was not swaying according to the law of the Mexican midfielder's left and right sides at this moment, but was an amazing strike. The curve rushed directly to the midfield of the Tianchao football team.


After seeing this scene, all the spectators on the Olympic table obviously did not react, and they all looked at the Mexican football team with disbelief. They thought that in the last few minutes, the Mexican football team was still going This boring gesture ends the game.


"It's simply unbelievable. The Mexican football team is currently mobilizing all members. At this moment, each of them has rushed towards the penalty area of ​​the Chinese team. In the last three minutes, they are going to compete for the final Win or lose?!"

Mexico's football commentator has now reacted from the extreme shock, and now he is already explaining the game in an excited and excited tone, although even he doesn't understand what happened Things, but the occurrence of this scene can shock him in his heart.

Because after the boring time of the second half of the Mexican football team, the explosion of their team at this moment has already made everyone feel incredible in their hearts, and even some people's heart rate is following the progress of the Mexican football team. Looking at it from a distance , The scene of the Mexican football team mobilizing at this moment is like a pack of wolves on the ice sheet, hunting and dispatching collectively.

"Is this going to be the final counterattack?" Shen Xiangfu looked at the Mexican football team's outburst with stunned eyes, and couldn't help but feel a little bit in his heart. Then he breathed a sigh of relief and said secretly: "But It doesn't matter, anyway, there is Wang Xing, and these guys want to turn against the sky, regardless of who they are facing."

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