Football Kung Fu Player

【111】The Captain Is Really Fierce (Seeking Automatic Subscription)

"Too bad, are you going to torture the Mexican football team?"

Just when everyone was feeling confused, they finally saw Wang Xing, who originally belonged to the Tianchao football team striker, on the field. At this moment, he chose to run forward without any delay. The attack of all the players of the Mexican football team this time has no trace of fear at all.

"Is this going to sweep Mexican football alone?" A man who looked at Wang Xing sprinting dryly could not help but murmur in amazement.

"Impossible. No matter how good he was in the first half, it was more or less depressed in the hearts of the Mexican football team in the first half. They should not be as afraid of Wang Xing as they were in the first half." A seemingly professional football fan seriously pointed out the shortcomings of the Chinese football team this time.

"Not necessarily. How can the Tianchao Football Team perform well in the first half? Even without Wang Xing, their performance is still amazing. In this regard, since Wang Xing did not participate in the first half, those few players They already look like they almost scored a goal, so it shouldn’t be adulterated.”

Some foreign tourists who were very optimistic about the Tianchao football team were somewhat unhappy at this time, and when they heard someone around them belittle the Tianchao football team, they made a move to uphold justice.

"I'm just telling the truth. You can choose not to believe it, but you will definitely admit it." The fan still didn't seem to admit defeat, pointing triumphantly at Wang Xing who was running on the field, and sneered: "In the past During the match, apart from the Greek football team, which was defeated at the beginning, and even the Paraguayan football team, they all overestimated the Tianchao football team. Although Wang Xing's strength is world-class, his other players ,Looking at the world, they are just second- and third-rate end players~"

Speaking of this, the Qiumi said proudly: Well, my opponents are just like teammates who are afraid of pigs. Facing the biggest shortcoming of the Tianchao football team, it is impossible to solve it at the beginning, and we can only let it go. Wang Xing performed astonishing performances one after another, but as long as it takes a while, I believe that many famous directors of world-class teams will make tactics against Wang Xing. "

"Besides, during this period of time, some European ball valves have naturally started to study Wang Xing, so in future games, it is almost impossible to play better. After all, the Tianchao Football Team , it’s still not in the flow.”

"Your words are indeed correct..."

When these people heard the fan's professional analysis, they were also a little speechless, and couldn't say anything to justify. After all, facing such a professional analysis, they are just some beginner fans who love exciting games. It's impossible to argue with that.

"So, in this Mexican football team's attack, according to the current state of high morale, even this Wang Xing can't make a move to block it. He can only watch them score goals." The yellow-skinned foreign fans laughed jokingly: "Of course, it's not shameful, because afterwards they can completely explain that it was the result of letting the water go. No matter how many excuses they can find."

The other tourists on the side looked at the tourist who had become confident due to some analysis, and couldn't help but feel a little annoyed, but because they didn't have any words to justify, they could only hold their breath and watch the next game .

"Look, there will be no mistakes!" The brown-yellow-skinned fans put their hands on their chests, making a proud expression, and their eyes shone with excitement.

"Captain is really fierce." Qu Bo looked at Wang Xing's sprinting back and said to himself in admiration.

"Would it be better for us to go together, although I also believe that the captain can do it, just one more person is an extra layer of insurance, I think we should try our best to help." Yan Song looked worriedly at this time Looking at Wang Xing, who was playing alone, he said worriedly: "These Mexican players are inevitably a little bit out of control."

"Believe in the captain, anyway, I'm just here to see the heroic appearance of the captain." Qu Bo spread his hands helplessly, then showed an excited look, and said proudly: "And let's concentrate on watching, I can Guaranteed to you, there is no way the captain will lose."

You guy, you really have a big heart. Facing Qu Bo's words of trust in Wang Xing, Yan Song smiled wryly.

"This guy, you have to be defiant to a certain degree. Do you think you are the god of football when you compete with our Mexican football team alone?!" Reiss looked angrily at Wang Xing who was playing in front of him, facing Wang Xing at this moment The scene of a person rushing over, even though the speed was so fast that it was trembling, still made Reiss extremely angry.

"Enough, this is our best chance, Wang Xing came here alone, he is clearly giving us a chance to score, why do you think he has to go to the backcourt, do you really think he can't humiliate us more? ?" Art Will looked at Reiss's extremely angry look, and said seriously: "Don't make any trouble, this is our best chance, I don't want to be broken by you, Reiss."

"I see... Qian Li Zhao)" Te Reiss said in a deep voice.

But in Reiss's heart, he wished to have a one-on-one match with Wang Xing now. Although he knew that he would lose completely, it was better than the humiliation he suffered now, facing them alone The Mexican football team, what could be more intense than this humiliation?

"Behave well, this is our hope, don't let it slip away from us." Art Will sighed deeply when he looked at the dissatisfaction and anger in Reiss' eyes, and comforted him. "Don't let the anger get to your head, this is what Coach Mosley told me to tell you."

"Don't worry, I understand the seriousness of the matter, and I'm just being patient. "I believe I won't do anything to make you angry." Therese replied in a deep voice to the words of Art Will next to her. .

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