Football Kung Fu Player

【5】Imagination Of Netizens

After almost a day, Weibo was finally repaired successfully, and then released a system announcement.

What caused the Weibo client to crash because of too many users. Apologizing to netizens and so on.

But the netizens didn't agree, how could the wise netizens be fooled so easily by Weibo, a group of people began to dig out the whole story of the Weibo server crash, and all kinds of gossip were flying around.

What is it that the director of Weibo had an affair with his assistant and crashed the server of Weibo?

Chen Jiangang almost collapsed when he saw the news.

Fuck you, cheating can't damage the server? Your server is in the director's office!

Then after Chen Jian saw the following news, he vomited three liters of blood even more.

What else is there that Weibo's wages are in arrears for three years, the employees are dissatisfied with the uprising, and have escaped from the heaven with the Weibo server.

Fuck your uncle for three years in arrears, why don't you say that I owed 350 million and ran away with my sister-in-law!

Then Chen 25 sword less than a second, he saw this Weibo as he wished, and was pushed up by the almighty netizen.

Director Weibo owed 350 million and ran away with his server...

Chen Jian: "..."

But after all, it belonged to sensible netizens. Under the strong offensive of countless netizens with great perseverance and courage, Wang Xing's Weibo was unearthed.

What? Gaining 30 million followers in two hours, and still a sports star? Weibo’s zombie followers are too shameless!

Are you stupid upstairs, 30 million, you can see how good the blogger is before you talk!

Upstairs +1.


Immediately afterwards, netizens looked carefully at Wang Xing Weibo's notes, and what caught their eyes was Wang Xing's dense note tags.

Then a certain part of the netizens who were full of anger because of Weibo's collapse just now directed their anger on Wang Xing without even carefully reading Wang Xing's remarks. There are even narrow-minded people who directly wrote an article on Weibo, swearing at Wang Xing and pointing the country. Then I found a group of sailors to brush it up, and sat proudly waiting for a group of people to praise me, and let myself gain fans by the way.

What, Weibo is becoming more and more shameless in favoring people now, 100-meter athletes, javelin throwers, 3,000-meter athletes, discus have everything! There are so many Olympic events, why don’t you participate in all of them? Woolen cloth?

Soon, this Weibo, which was pushed up by the navy, was seen by netizens. Although Weibo didn't mention who it was by name, "the netizens still guessed that this is a hacker.

When a considerable number of netizens watching the excitement didn't know what was going on, a group of netizens with a sense of justice refused to agree, and directly commented frantically on Weibo.

Sorry, the host, everyone really participated in it!

After the appraisal, the poster is stupid, just sprayed without seeing it clearly, could it be said that this is the legendary Internet troll? I'm sorry, I'm sorry...

Landlord, please heal the eyes that have been blind for many years before coming out to speak.

Immediately afterwards, a netizen posted Wang Xing's so many achievements that he couldn't even put them in the comment area, and finally followed a link for details.


Soon, a group of uninformed netizens spit out a mouthful of water, looking at Wang Xing's award-winning experience with a dumbfounded expression.

Is this still human? There are so many events in the Olympic Games, can you leave one for foreigners!

This is too scary, 100-meter world record, 200-meter world record, 400-meter world record, javelin distance world record....

You are a grand slam in all sports!

Soon, netizens who had just gotten acquainted with Wang Xing immediately became fans, shouting adoringly.

66666 This is absolutely not human, how could there be such a person in this world!

God, this guy is not sent by aliens to occupy our earth!

Fuck you sick man in East Asia, people in China can still be so awesome! Who said that Asians are weak, stand up and show me now!

And just when countless people turned fans to Wang Xing, a group of Wang Xing's die-hard fans established Wang Xing's first fan group, and a netizen named Li Yunlong was the leader of the No. Weibo group. In an instant, this fan group was discovered by netizens, and countless netizens joined a fan group like crazy. And the fact that someone hacked Wang Xing just now spread to the fan club.

Li Yunlong yelled directly in the fan group, and countless Wang Xing's fans poured into this Weibo directly.

"Second Battalion Commander, where's your fucking Italian gun!"

Then at some point, one of Wang Xing's fans who changed his name to the Second Battalion Commander popped out.

"Captain, I'm here!"

Immediately afterwards, as if a netizen had unlocked a new world, one netizen took the lead in changing his screen name to Italian Cannon.

"Commander, the Italian artillery is coming."

After a while, Xiuqin, the monk, and Chu Yunfei ran out.

"Regimental Commander, fire the cannon, I am your man in life and your soul in death, fire the cannon!"

"Commander, let's fire!"

"Brother Yunlong is so courageous, next time Chu Yunfei will also help Brother Yunlong, come and serve my spaghetti to Brother Yunlong!"

It's just that although the comments were crooked, they attracted a lot of enthusiasm. A group of new netizens were introduced to Wang Xing's Weibo, and finally saw Wang Xing's life all worshiped one by one, and Wang Xing The number of Weibo fans has skyrocketed again!

Chen Jian looked at the backstage of Weibo with a face of joy. It was just an ordinary date. Today, the number of online users of Weibo has reached a terrifying 100 million, and the most amazing thing is that more than 10% of Weibo users stay in Wang Xing In the personal homepage of , almost 90% of the people are visiting Weibo related to Wang Xing!

Chen Jian suddenly felt how correct President Weibo's decision was, and the image of Tian Xiang in his heart grew infinitely higher...

But in the face of the tide of attacks from netizens, the person who wrote to black Wang Xing and was about to get angry still wanted to die, and kept deleting comments, and in the end he was horrified to find that more and more people were spraying him. Until the end, my hands are numb, and the comments are still not deleted!

In the end, the desperate Heizi tremblingly deleted this tragic Weibo, but what he never expected was that. Netizens with a sense of justice actually went to his Weibo homepage, and now his Weibo fans are really many, but almost all of his Weibo posts are greeting him.

In the end, the pale-faced Heizi had long lost the idea of ​​being angry, so he set his Weibo to deny access, and looked at the sky with a sad face.

Oh world, why am I so unlucky!


A lump of white-yellow object landed on his face.

I'll go to your uncle, where did the broken bird come from, my face!.

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