Football Kung Fu Player

【7】Live Start

Backstage of Weibo's "Dialogue with the Stars", Wang Xing had been waiting here early. I was bored and waited for a while, and another SNG sister flower group who also participated in the program came

The three of them also took the lead in smiling shallowly at Wang Xing. Wang Xing also smiled back, although he still couldn't recognize the name of the sister in front of him, but this attitude made Wang Xing extremely satisfied.

As for the assistant Chen Luo, Wang Xing didn't want to show such a big name, so he asked him to wait for him outside, so he sat alone in the background.

Then when the pointer was about to point to two o'clock slowly, Zhou Ruru, who had been well-dressed, finally stepped on a pair of high-heeled shoes and was supported by two assistants and walked over proudly.

In Zhou Ruru's heart, even though Wang Xing was overwhelmed by Wang Xing on Weibo a few days ago, she still felt that Wang Xing was definitely not as famous as herself. A sports star who doesn't even have a third-tier star may have more brain-dead fans on Weibo, but the gap will be exposed when he is on the show!

Look, how popular can it be without even an assistant?

While thinking about it, Zhou Ruru gave Wang Xing a hard look, and at the same time, he still ruthlessly trapped Ren Xing in his heart.

Wang Xing suddenly felt a little baffled, this star that he didn't know at all in front of him, with a big-name appearance, although he was good-looking, he still relied on a lot of cosmetics, how could he suddenly become hostile to him?

"Old woman, who are you staring at?" In Wang Xing's style, 727 has never been passively beaten, so Wang Xing said without hesitation.

Zhou Ruru's hair exploded in an instant, she was so naturally beautiful, the man in front of her dared to call herself an old woman!

"You, you, who are you calling an old woman!" Zhou Ruru's voice trembled a little.

"Whoever answers my words is an old woman!" Wang Xing pouted, not wanting to see Zhou Ruru replied slowly.

"you you you!"

Zhou Ruru clutched her chest and almost lost her breath. She pointed her finger at Wang Xing and couldn't say a complete sentence for a long time.

Before Wang Xing could continue to return to Zhou Ruru, Chen Jian, who had just been notified by his assistant, had just arrived, and seeing the situation was not good, he quickly tried to persuade him.

"Okay, okay, the live broadcast of "Conversations with the Stars" is about to start, you guys, hurry up and enter.

With Chen Jian around, it seemed that this battle would not be able to be fought. Zhou Ruru snorted, and while being supported by the assistant, she turned her buttocks and walked towards the front door without looking back.


The program team of "Dialogue with the Stars" has prepared three small rooms. Each star or group sits in a small room. In front of the small room is a heavy curtain that blocks the audience's sight. When a lucky fan is selected, the curtain will be slowly drawn. Slowly pull away, the celebrity will sit in the room and wait for the lucky fans to ask questions, and then transfer to the next lucky fan after the lucky fan asks a question. And there is a small screen in the small room, which is showing his own room, popularity, and the number of barrages.

Wang Xing silently picked a small room and walked over, but the domineering Zhou Ruru was quickly left behind by him, and instead waited for the start of the show with great interest.

In fact, "Dialogue with the Stars" focuses on the gimmick of letting stars talk to fans to attract audience traffic. Each viewer can choose to open the window of that star online, and finally draw lucky fans from the audience to share with their favorite star. At the same time, in order to increase the interest of the audience, the program group also specially selected the outstanding stars of each episode, and the selection was based on the number of viewers and the viewing time of the audience.

Zhou Ruru has been in a bad mood for the past few days. Whenever she thinks of Weibo, she feels resentment towards Wang Xing, and the quarrel with Wang Xing just now made her almost faint on the ground with anger. Finally, after sitting in the small room, Zhou Ruru with a gloomy face took the assistant away, then closed his eyes and recalled the script he had memorized bit by bit.

After waiting for a while, Zhou Ruru finally opened his eyes full of confidence, glanced bitterly at the next door, and secretly turned on his mobile phone and put it on the ground where the audience could not see.

What was displayed on the mobile phone was Wang Xing's room, which had not been opened, and the lower right corner also displayed the number of online users in Wang Xing's room at this time.


Zhou Ruru was overjoyed, 3261 can be counted (cfee) even before the least famous starlet started, she wants to see how this Wang Xing can turn around!

Immediately afterwards, Zhou Ruru quickly looked at the almost one hundred thousand people in her room, and felt even more joyful in her heart.

Weibo, Weibo, I told you to advertise him and not me, let me see if you will slap me in the face this time!

Slowly, the show finally started, and the lucky fans in the three rooms were also drawn out.

Zhou Ruru's room was drawn by a fan named Rumeng who had seen her acting on TV.

The SNG room is also a lottery for the most beautiful fan of SNG.

But in Wang Xing's room was a netizen with three monks who had no water to drink.

Zhou Ruru was overjoyed, the best thing about this kind of live show was to get fans. Generally speaking, his fans would ask questions that were easy for him to answer, and then help him gain fans. But Wang Xing's room seems to be a netizen who joins in the fun. This kind of netizen will not ask a question that is easy to answer for a star, but what he likes most is to take a question that is difficult to answer and deliberately make things difficult for the star, and then watch the star make a fool of himself!

Wang Xing, Wang Xing, you deserve it!

And Chen Jian, who was at the backstage of Weibo, turned dark. For the program group, they usually deliberately find some celebrity fans to answer, so that the star's answer becomes easier, and then the ratings of the program group can also be improved to a certain extent if they perform well! But what Wang Xing has drawn out is actually Fans who join in the fun, if the question asked by this fan is simple, it’s okay to say, if this fan deliberately makes things difficult, wouldn’t it make Wang Xing look ugly!

Thinking of the unfathomable Wang Xing, Chen Jian was inexplicably frightened. If Wang Xing loses face because he can't answer, will he be angry at the show crew? If Wang Xing gets angry, the consequences will be unimaginable!

But now the lucky fans have been selected, and as a live broadcast, Chen Jian has no way to directly mute the lucky fans, so he can only wait helplessly for the inquiry from the three monks that they have no water to drink.

Time is slowly passing by, and the question asked by the fans in Zhou Ruru's small room is about how to practice acting skills. Zhou Ruru's preliminary draft happened to have such a question, so Zhou Ruru memorized the answer happily, and added a sentence at the end I still need to work hard to improve my acting skills, thank you everyone.

Fans of the SNG group also asked an inspirational question. The three beautiful women answered the question perfectly with each sentence. Finally, they were delighted to see that the number of people online in their room increased again.

Immediately afterwards, Zhou Ruru excitedly saw that her 100,000 followers had risen to nearly 200,000, and she was overjoyed. In the end, she involuntarily turned her gaze to the phone screen, wanting to know what happened to Wang Xing now. .

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