Football Kung Fu Player

【9】Wait A Minute! (Seeking Subscription)

Just when Wang Xing was answering with a group of netizens, some netizens who were so happy that they could not stand it silently opened social networking sites one after another, and then either copied or recorded what Wang Xing said as small things and sent them to online.

"Pfft... What kind of nonsense is this!"

"Turn around, it's so funny..."

"What kind of star is this, what kind of talk is this, it's so interesting!"

Like a chain reaction, almost all the netizens who saw Wang Xing's answer went crazy with joy, and then silently clicked on the repost while laughing and twitching.

So the name Wang Xing once again swept through countless social networking sites, and a large number of netizens were attracted by Wang Xing one after another.

Hunan Satellite TV, "Happy Boys" live broadcast.

Wang Cheng happily presided over the "400" stage, read out the name of the next male singer, and then happily retired behind the scenes.

In the first ten minutes, Wang Cheng had already received the news from the backstage that "Happy Boys" had the highest national TV ratings of 9.53%! That is to say, excluding the live broadcast, among every 100 people watching TV in the country, There are nearly ten people watching their "Happy Boys"!

This is simply a terrifying concept! Over a billion people in the country use nearly 100 million TVs at the same time, and at the peak of the number of people, nearly 10 million people were watching Hunan Satellite TV and watching their "Happy Boys" ! And this has already broken the historical record of 7.6% audience rating of Zhucheng once hosted "Happy Girls"!

And the thing that makes Wang Cheng's legs tremble even more is that "Happy Boys" has not been broadcast for an hour. If the rest of the program time is finished, then "Happy Boys" can break through to 10%. Unprecedented record!

As long as "Happy Boy" breaks through to 10%, Wang Cheng will be the head of the channel! Wang Cheng is overjoyed to the extreme, while silently praying that there will never be any problems in the subsequent broadcasts!

As for "Conversations with Celebrities" launched by Weibo, Wang Cheng also paid attention to it. Perhaps because "Happy Boys" became so popular, the total number of viewers of "Conversations with Celebrities" is less than 500,000!

Wang Cheng suddenly felt how prescient what he had done before was. And Chen Jian's "Dialogue with the Stars" is just like his own lucky star, and he has achieved unprecedented success! Inexplicably, Wang Cheng secretly made a decision. As long as "Dialogue with the Stars" is still released, his The playing time is closely following "Dialogue with the Stars"

Of course, Wang Cheng felt that this might not be possible. With the miserable results of "Dialogue with the Stars", Wei Bo probably would not have the face to launch the next issue.

Just when Wang Cheng was silently happy, his assistant ran over in a panic.

"What are you doing, it's live broadcast, pay attention to your image, we represent Hunan Satellite TV?" Wang Cheng reprimanded solemnly.

"Director, the director is not good!" The assistant didn't seem to listen to Wang Cheng's words, but continued to shout in a panic.

bad? what could be wrong?

A trace of doubt flashed in Wang Cheng's heart, but he didn't think too much, instead he gave his assistant a contemptuous look.

What a fuss, how can this kind of assistant be worthy of me?

"Director, it's not good, the number of viewers of "Conversations with the Stars" has suddenly increased!" The assistant finally shouted out with difficulty.

"It will rise, it will definitely rise! I'm afraid it will only rise from 500,000 to 510,000. What are you afraid of? You don't even have the strength at all. You don't want to..."

Wang Cheng hadn't finished his disdainful words, but the assistant interrupted directly, and said in a hurry.

"The number of viewers of "Conversations with the Stars" has reached five million! Director."

How is that possible? How long has it been!

"It must be Weibo's fake online number?"

Wang Cheng immediately thought of this, and those who host the show all know it. Sometimes in order to make the data not too bleak, it will fill in false data in the past. But this is just to deceive the audience, and it is easy for professionals like them to see through.

"It's not fake, it's real data. One of my Weibo friends is a staff member there." The assistant continued to speak slowly to Wang Cheng.

Real data, real data, how could there be so much real data!

Wang Cheng's first reaction was disbelief, and his second reaction was extreme shock. "Happy Boy"

Relying on its good reputation and the benefits of TV, it managed to break through to 10 million! This "Dialogue with the Stars" is just an online program, how did it break through to 5 million viewers!

And just now, "Conversations with the Stars", which had less than 500,000 viewers, became 5 million by what means!

"What nonsense are you talking about!" Wang Cheng yelled at the assistant angrily...

"Director, I'm not talking nonsense. Moreover, the popularity of our program is constantly losing, and the ratings are getting lower and lower. It seems that they are all watching "Conversations with the Stars" from the barrage." The assistant said until now , on the contrary, he spoke fluently, and finished speaking a long paragraph fluently to Wang Cheng.

Wang Cheng felt as if his throat had been choked and he was unable to speak, and looked at the assistant with a pale face.

"Now, what's the ratings now?" Wang Cheng said weakly after a while.

"Reporting director, it was 8.1% just now, and now it has dropped by 8%!" The assistant looked at the phone and replied cautiously.

"Okay! Chen Jian, you thief, you plan on me so much, I will never live with you!" Wang Cheng yelled towards the front with a distorted face.


Immediately afterwards, Wang Cheng felt his qi and blood flow backwards, his head went dark, and he spurted out a mouthful of blood.

It took a long time for Wang Cheng to wake up slowly. Then he stared blankly at the front for a while, and finally came back to normal.

Wang Cheng trembled all over, and muttered 0.7 to the air, but his tone was full of coldness.

"Child Chen Jian, ruin my future, you forced me to!"

In the end, Wang Cheng exuded a vicious breath and said to the assistant word by word: "Send that woman a message and tell her that you can do it!"

Weibo Building, the venue of "Dialogue with the Stars".

With complicated eyes, Zhou Ruru slowly deleted a text message in the phone, and slowly looked viciously at Wang Xing's room page on the phone screen.

On the screen, the number of viewers in Wang Xing's room has reached a terrifying 4.8 million! However, the number of viewers on Zhou Ruru's side is less than 100,000, and the number is still losing at a terrifying speed!

You made me do it! You made me do it!

Zhou Ruru twisted her face and shouted loudly at the fans.

"Wait a moment!".

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