Football Kung Fu Player

【12】 Preparation For The Blasting Team

"What are you doing, molesting!"

Zhou Ruru looked at Wang Xing who was close at hand in fear, and shouted in a daze.

"What are you doing?" Wang Xing glanced at Zhou Ruru without any expression, and then directly slapped Zhou Ruru's face with his other hand!

No, I'm a star, what do you want to do!

Zhou Ruru watched the slap getting bigger and bigger in horror, and struggled crazily, but he couldn't break free at all, and could only watch helplessly as the slap in front of him got closer and closer!


I don't know if it's because Wang Xing's strength is too great or why, but when Zhou Ruru felt that the power that grabbed her disappeared as she wished, she was already suspended in the air and flew up.

When Chen Jian and the others saw that Wang Xing was about to fight Zhou Ruru, their first reaction was not to stop Wang Xing, but to look forward to it. After Zhou Ruru's body flew out, everyone felt an extreme sense of joy slowly appearing in their hearts, and even wanted to express their joy with a loud drink.


Zhou Ruru's body flew nearly four or five meters before it landed on the concrete floor with a heavy landing sound.

"it is good!"

I don't know who is 100 in the crowd and sneakily shouted, and then other people in the crowd echoed.

Chen Jian firmly suppressed the impulse in his heart, so he didn't let that good word come out, but his heart was as happy as Da Xia Tian ate iced watermelon, and even his tense face was relieved. a bit.

In fact, Zhou Ruru's two assistants were already enjoying themselves. Zhou Ruru was usually so arrogant, and was disgusted by the two of them to death, and now someone finally vented their anger on their behalf, which made them feel extremely comfortable. However, it was unreasonable not to stop Wang Xing just now, and now it would be difficult to deal with it if he did not go to Zhou Ruru.

"Sister Ru, what's the matter with you!"

"Sister Ru, I will help you up!"

While supporting Zhou Ruru, the two assistants said pretendingly.

Zhou Ruru on the ground was already miserable, her clothes were messy, half of her face was swollen, her beauty just now was too ugly to describe! Moreover, a tooth in her mouth had flew far away, and her whole body was constantly shaking trembling.

"Yi, Yii!"

The pain made Zhou Ruru almost faint, and because she lost a tooth, (cfeb) the words she said changed from you you you to Yiyiyi, which made people sound extremely funny.

Seeing this, Wang Xing walked towards Zhou Ruru unhurriedly with a smile on his lips.

Zhou Ruru looked closer and closer in horror, as if recalling some bad memory, the whole person panicked and wanted to back away. And her two fake assistants didn't hold her back at all.

Unsteady, she fell to the ground again.

But Zhou Ruru didn't care so much at all, even if she fell on the ground, she still moved back frantically in fear, she didn't look like a high-ranking actress for a long time, instead she looked like a clown.

When Wang Xing caught up with Zhou Ruru, Zhou Ruru finally stopped retreating, and looked at Wang Xing in horror, motionless, as if he had resigned himself to his fate, waiting for Wang Xing's attack.

It's just that when Wang Xing's hand reached out, Zhou Ruru couldn't help but trembled, her gaze was extremely dull. However, Wang Xing still just gently placed Zhou Ruru's chin under Zhou Ruru's chin, and gently raised Zhou Ruru's chin.

Could it be that Wang Xing likes the sm version of women?

Chen Jian has no doubt that it will be easy for Wang Xing to get Zhou Ruru, but Zhou Ruru, who has never been beaten by Wang Xing before, can still be called a beauty. Now that she looks like this, I am afraid that any woman on the roadside is prettier than him!

However, Chen Jian thought of another question inexplicably, if Wang Xing really wants Zhou Ruru with such a strong taste, then should he forget about the broadcast accident just now, forget it or forget it?

But just when Chen Jian was thinking wildly, Wang Xing, who gently raised Zhou Ruru's chin, didn't make any other movements, but spoke plainly.

"Didn't you say that my audience is created by others? Then I will show you what my fans are."

While talking, Wang Xing opened the Weibo client in front of Zhou Ruru, then opened his personal homepage, edited a Weibo and posted it.

I'm waiting for you on "Conversations with the Stars".

In less than a minute, the number of likes and comments on this Weibo increased like crazy!

"What, Wang Xing invited me?"

"Wow, wow, the idol finally posted a Weibo, I will definitely go, I will definitely go!"

"Male god! Male god!"

And some netizens who watched "Conversations with the Stars" also praised Wang Xing's words just now in the comments.

"Wang Xing was just sprayed out of fans by a star named Zhou Ruru during the live broadcast of "Conversations with the Stars". The audience of the show is all fake!"

As soon as the comment went up, the fan comments below immediately exploded.

"What, someone dares to hack me Wang Xing has no fans!"

*2222 Battalion Commander "You fucking Italian gun!"

"Commander, the Italian guns are ready!"

"Commander, I'm the Italian cannon, what are you calling me for?"


Zhou Ruru looked at Wang Xing's Weibo comments with a pale face, from 10,000 to 20,000, and then to 50,000 in the next update, and then to 100,000 all of a sudden...

Zhou Ruru inexplicably flashed a trace of remorse, would it be a huge mistake to open the map cannon and drive the five elements in?

At this time, the number of Wang Xing's fan club was also increasing at a terrifying speed, and the discussion group of the fan club also chatted in full swing.

Netizen Li Yunlong is the head of the fan group, Wang Xing fans were separated by her, and they also started planning with great enthusiasm.

Two two two two two battalion commander, is the blasting team ready?"

The Second Battalion Commander turned out to be the deputy head of the fan club, and he replied loudly while handling the application of Wang Xing's fans to join the club.

"Captain, the blasting team is ready!"

"Okay, the blasting team is ready, the target: Zhou Ruru's Weibo homepage!"

Immediately afterwards, countless Wang Xing fans poured into Zhou Ruru's Weibo homepage, and each of Zhou Ruru's Weibo posts was sprayed by Wang Xing fans several times more than the previous comments.

And when Zhou Ruru's fans came to their senses, they rushed into the crowd and wanted to fight back, but they were directly buried by countless comments. Zhou Ruru's fans were stunned and could only watch helplessly as their favorite star Wei Bo was scolded. Terrible!

In an instant, Zhou Ruru's comments on every Weibo were not comments such as "I love you", but a lot of greetings to Zhou Ruru. Countless jokes about Zhou Ruru gushed out like a tide....

At this time, countless people who paid attention to this matter silently said a word.

Oh my god, what kind of star can have such terrifying fans!.

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