Football Kung Fu Player

【19】Like Competition

In the comment area at this time, a comment about this star is up for a while, and a comment about that star is up for a while. And the stars are also happy at this time, and even some small stars ask fans to like them in order to increase their exposure.

But no matter how fierce the battle in the comment area is, no one dares to compete with the top seven mountains. Only one of each top star was promoted, but each of those posts received more than one million likes.

No top star asked fans to do this, but fans still came to Weibo spontaneously at this time of every month, and even liked it in an organized and disciplined manner.

So no matter how chaotic other fans are fighting, no fan dares to collide with these seven mountains. Because although one million is not much, first-tier star organizations and fans can still exceed it, but that is the face of top stars.

They can say that they don't care about the "180" competition, but there is no star who will make their fans offend these stars.

And the fans of this group of top stars will not increase until they reach the top seven. Because they know that no one dares to exceed this number!

Wang Xing's fans are quite sensible, thinking that Wang Xing just joined the entertainment industry and shouldn't fight for this and worry about offending others. Therefore, Li Yunlong, the head of the fan club, has already organized Wang Xing fans in the fan group not to vote.

But after all, there were some fans scattered outside, and after seeing Wang Xing reached the first place in the third line, they were excited and congratulated Wang Xing in the comment area.

Originally, such a small number of fans would not have any influence at all, but their congratulations to Wang Xing happened to be seen by Zhou Ruru's fans. And Zhou Ruru recently said on Weibo intentionally or unintentionally that Wang Xing was bullying others, and even posted a photo of her swollen face on it. Coupled with the previous series of events, Zhou Ruru's fans have long been furious with Wang Xing.

Now that the enemies meet each other, they are extremely jealous. A group of Zhou Ruru's fans became overwhelmed, and when they caught Weibo about Wang Xing, they spat indiscriminately. After spraying those fans, it was not enough, and finally added a sentence:

Wang Xing claims to have so many fans, and he can't even see anyone in the comment section, so they are all zombie fans!

Wang Xing's fans were almost suppressed because of the small number of people, and finally fled one by one.

But there happened to be one fan who joined the fan group. He was not very angry when he was sprayed, but when he saw Wang Xing's words at the end. Furious, he took a screenshot and sent it to the fans.

"I recognized it when I was sprayed, but now some people say Wang Xing and say that Wang Xing has few fans, so I just ask, how many Wang Xing fans are there?"

An Ran's calm fan base exploded in an instant, and countless popularity surged up.

"Wang Xing has few fans? Where is my Wang Xing army with tens of millions?"

"Where did the troll come from, even the number one troll in our national server dares to troll?"

"Dare to provoke me Wang Xing, just wait, you are dead!"

Li Yunlong also has a violent temper, he couldn't bear it long after seeing this scene, and yelled directly among the fans.

22222 Battalion Commander, where's your bloody Italian gun!"

"Captain, I'm here!"


In an instant, a large group of Wang Xing fans pressed their mobile phones and rushed to the comment area. Immediately afterwards, a comment about Wang Xing was upvoted at a terrifying speed.

"Congratulations to Wang Xing for being named No. 1 in the third line!"

Unknowingly, this comment went from 100 likes to more than 10,000, and broke through to 100,000 in the blink of an eye, rushing towards 1 million.

Zhou Ruru's fans have been dumbfounded for a long time, not just because of the horrible number of likes on the comments. And they were the ones who saw the scariest fans in the history of the entertainment industry!

Almost every fan who sprayed Wang Xing received more than a hundred times the same attacks from fans. And one of the most unlucky Zhou Ruru fans, more than 10,000 fans were spraying around him. In the end, he had to back Wei Bo out with a pale face, but even if he stopped looking at his phone, the horrible This scene also made him want to cry without tears.

And Wang Xing has too many fans. When all the fans received the notification to blast Zhou Ruru's fans, those fans had already deleted the comments on Weibo in desperation, and then turned off the chat with strangers. Dare to say.

So the rest of the fans ran towards the comment congratulating Wang Xing aggressively, and the number of likes on that Weibo also increased like crazy.

Who is this Wang Xing, this praise is too scary!

A bunch of first-tier and second-tier fans are exchanging fire in the comment area, and the backgrounds of various celebrities are constantly being exposed. However, their last comment has sprung up suddenly, and they stepped on their comments directly, and then increased to more numbers at an unstoppable speed......


One million likes!

Like the eighth place in the comment area!

The fans of the first-tier and second-tier stars were dumbfounded, but in the end they were relieved to see the likes, which were increasing more and more slowly.

This group of fans should not be so bold, daring to blast top stars.

But unexpectedly, after the number of likes stopped, it rose like crazy again!

1.1 million likes!

1.4 million likes!

1.5 million likes!

The seventh place in the comment area!

At this moment, all the star fans were dumbfounded. They looked at the top star who was stepped down to the eighth place in disbelief, and finally thought of something.

Now it's time to play big!

Hurry up and let the fans of the top stars know!

Fans of countless top stars came to the Weibo in an organized and disciplined manner in an instant, and the number of likes on the Weibo about their stars also rose like crazy.

Unprecedented speed!

The number of likes of Fang Loon, the number one top star, has reached 2 million!

The number of likes of Zhou Xingxing, the second place among the top stars, has reached 2 million!

In an instant, the number of likes for all the top stars has risen to two million, and the terrifying speed has not slowed down at all, and the main Miao Fang's likes are almost reaching!

But what is even more frightening is that the Weibo post about Wang Xing almost reached 3 million likes with seven top stars, and it is still rising!

What exactly are fans of this star doing?

0.2 Everyone looked at this scene in disbelief, and a question popped up in their hearts.

The number of likes of seven top stars and one third-tier star has remained at almost the same position!

And just when the number of likes of the eight comments was about to be flat, Wang Xing's number of likes went up again!

Four million likes! Five million likes...

Ten million likes!

Is this going to heaven?

Everyone is almost numb, just after refreshing, the number of likes is faster than everyone imagined!

How is this possible!

At this time, the Weibo comment area has clearly shown:

Number one in the number of likes, Wang Xing: 10 million likes!

The second place in the number of likes, Fang Loon: 9 million likes!

The third place in the number of likes, Zhou Xingxing, 9 million likes!

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