During this period of time, Wang Xing was much more leisurely, with no worries or worries. As for entering the entertainment industry, Wang Xing was not in a hurry, so he just stayed at home and waited for others to find him. Chen Luo's contact information as his agent has been passed on through the agent's circle, and if anyone wants to find him, it is easy to find him.

But after a period of time, no one from various companies, large and small, came to contact Chen Luo. From the beginning, Chen Luo happily found a room as a broker's studio, and later he lay alone Doubting life on the sofa.

However, Wang Xing is still not in a hurry, he should eat and drink a lot every day. In the end, it was Chen Luo who couldn't stay still any longer, and walked out with a briefcase in his hands, wanting to find news from his manager's circle.


Just after Chen Luo left, Wang Xing's cell phone rang suddenly, Wang Xing hooked it up, and as soon as he connected, a hurried voice came over.

"Mr. Wang Xing, blocked!"

Chen Jian has recently become popular because of "Dialogue with the Stars", and then he has attracted a lot of attention in Weibo company. In a good mood, he took a group of program staff to play until today before returning to the director's office.

As a half insider, he just learned the news that Wang Xing was banned from various news channels. Finally, after he understood all the incidents, his mouth could hardly close.


However, Chen Jian inexplicably felt a tinge of admiration for Wang Xing. A third-tier star, not to mention the first-tier big stars, even the top stars who ordinary people would not dare to offend.


Wang Xing asked a little puzzled. It was only the first time for him to step into this entertainment circle, so if he was to offend, he probably offended a woman like Zhou Ruru. Anyway, it seems that Zhou Ruru, a star who is already at the end of the second line, does not have this kind of energy?

"There are still people who want to fuck me" 々?" Wang Xing said, grinning and laughing out loud.

Since the Grand Slam in the sports circle, no one has dared to provoke him, and now someone who dares to challenge him has finally come out of nowhere.

Well, it turns out that those who dare to oppose Wang Xing seem to end up miserable.

But in Wang Xing's opinion, it was just a light laugh. After Chen Jian heard it, his heart trembled inexplicably, and he became more respectful to Parallel's tone.

"The person who banned you is called Wang Cheng. Originally, he didn't have such great energy to completely block your way in the entertainment circle, but you happened to offend many people in the entertainment circle indirectly a few days ago, so the people in the entertainment circle took advantage of the trend. I agreed to come down..."

Chen Jian told Wang Xing the whole story in detail, and in the end he even mentioned the first comment and like.

"It's just a comment that likes the first place. If you grab it, you will grab it. How dare you have an opinion. Hehe, not bad." Wang Xing offended people in the entertainment industry when he heard that his fans made him the number one. At that time, he didn't get angry, but he liked his fans a little more.

Just grab it? My God, who the hell is this guy!

Chen Jian was almost scared to death. Is Wang Xing in front of him trying to challenge the entire entertainment industry? And the most important thing is that this master is not in a hurry when he hears that he has offended the entertainment industry. What is his background like? Profound! Could it be that behind him is someone with even more terrifying influence in the entertainment industry?

"By the way, who is Wang Cheng?"

Wang Xing suddenly became curious about this Wang Cheng whom he had never met before. He remembered very clearly that he didn't know Wang Cheng at all, so why did he suddenly come here to block him?

"This..." Chen Jian hesitated for a while, but finally he didn't dare to hide it, and said it outright.

"Wang Cheng is the pillar of Hunan Satellite TV, and also the program director. He has a lot of contacts in the entertainment industry and has a lot of energy, and I heard that he is very likely to take over the position of Hunan Satellite TV's director. And the reason why he blocked you It should be that you participated in our Weibo program "Dialogue with the Stars" last time, which caused his lack of popularity. So he also has a problem with you. And this matter, we Weibo should also be responsible, after all, we came to invite You are on the show.

that's it?

Wang Xing shook his head, now that the matter was clear, he cut off the call with Chen Jian. Now what I want to think about is how to break the game. Although a director of Hunan Satellite TV is nothing, he just happened to be stuck on Wang Xing's road to stardom.

As for Chen Jian's apology, he didn't care at all.

, If he knew that participating in "Dialogue with the Stars" would offend Wang Cheng from the beginning, I'm afraid he would have joined without hesitation.

Moreover, it is absolutely impossible for Wang Xing to stop joining the entertainment circle at this point, and it is even more impossible to bow to Wang Cheng or something! For Wang Xing, all these are problems that can be easily solved, so they are not problems.


The phone rang again, and Wang Xing scanned it, and it turned out to be an unfamiliar number.

do not answer.

Wang Xing hung up the phone directly, lowered his head and continued to think.


Wang Xing swept his eyes, and with his excellent memory, he clearly recognized that this was an unfamiliar number, and then pressed the hang up button.

do not answer!

Wang Cheng stared dumbfounded at the phone that had been hung up twice. Through Wei Bo's inner ghost, he successfully stole Wang Xing's personal phone. But he never expected that Wang Xing would hang up the phone call he made personally!

Enduring the anger in his heart, Wang Cheng found Wang Xing's number again and redialed it.

Wang Xing raised his eyelids, and it was still the original number.

To accept or not to accept?

Wang Xing quickly took the phone, pressed the hang up button and added a blacklist.

I rely on!

Veins popped up on Wang Cheng's face, he (Qian Nuozhao) had worked very hard to endure the anger in his heart, then took a deep breath and continued to press the dial button.

I can't believe you didn't accept it!

"The call you made has blacklisted you, youca...."

So many years of cultivation skills were finally ruined, Wang Cheng took the mobile phone and slapped the table in front of him hard, and the sparse hair on the top of his head was so angry that he couldn't stop jumping.

Damn boy, don't you be ashamed of your face!

In fact, Wang Cheng is also very helpless, whoever gets blocked will definitely be very anxious, and calls from strangers will also be used as a life-saving straw. But the Wang Xing in front of him is really so willful, as if he doesn't care about the banning at all.

Finally, after quite a while, Wang Cheng, who regained his composure, picked up the phone, changed a calling card, found Wang Xing's number, and dialed it again.

Boy, don't fall into my hands! Otherwise you will regret it!.

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