Football Kung Fu Player

【28】I Have A Lot

Originally, Chen Jian was in a pretty good mood today, and he went around to solicit sponsorships, taking advantage of Weibo's face, and easily brought back a bunch of sponsorships.

But just when Chen Jian wanted to find someone to share his joy with, he suddenly found that his assistant who went to the toilet hadn't come back yet, so Chen Jian walked back to the director's office alone, wanting to look at the plan carefully again.

Although Wang Xing said that he will be the producer of this show, Chen Jian still has to read the plan to prepare everything, and then realize this amazing plan.

But for some reason, Chen Jian couldn't find this plan. He clearly remembered that the plan was placed in front of his desk before he went to solicit sponsorship today~ah!

It is impossible for ordinary people to enter his director's office, the cleaning staff will only show up at night, Weibo employees have no notice and have no guts to enter here rashly! Moreover, Chen Jian's office door is locked, and the key is only him and his assistant Yes, I have!

By the way, assistant!

Chen Jian reacted abruptly, could it be that the assistant took away the proposal?

Thinking of this, Chen Jian hurriedly searched around, only to find that his charming female assistant who often circled around him to curry favor with him had disappeared. When Chen Jian reacted and went to the Weibo Building to look for it, this person had disappeared out of thin air. !


Chen Jian slammed his fist on the table. The value of this plan is unimaginable. The female assistant probably took the plan to sell it! Now what to do is to take advantage of the fact that the female assistant did not sell this plan. Find Wang Xing before using the plan in the plan, and then make this plan!

So Chen Jian didn't hesitate at all, no matter how Wang Xing loses his temper, let's see if the loss can be recovered first.

"You mean that this plan was stolen by your assistant and sold for money?"

Wang Xing's voice didn't fluctuate on one side, and looked extremely calm. But Chen Jian's heart sank to the bottom of the valley!

"Yes, yes... I am willing to compensate you for all losses! But now I still ask you to make another copy of the plan in memory."

Chen Jian felt the sweat on his head, and said to Wang Xing nervously.

Wang Xing was silent for a while, and Tuan continued to speak calmly.

"No, this plan may be useless."


Chen Jian's back was instantly soaked with sweat, and he grabbed the phone with a pale face.

Could it be that Mr. Wang Xing is so angry that he doesn't even want to do this show?

It's no wonder, anyone will be angry! That's all, it seems that the heavens will not allow me, Chen Jian!

"Well, you watch TV, Hunan Satellite TV." 1

Hunan Satellite TV? What the hell?

Chen Jian thought curiously when he heard Wang Xing's unreasonable words, but in the end he honestly turned on the TV in the office.

The TV in Chen Jian's office is the latest version of the 42-inch super large-screen LCD TV. At that time, the president of Weibo comprehensively promoted employee benefits, and Chen Jian's office naturally received preferential treatment. This large LCD TV is one of the benefits.

However, Chen Jian usually doesn't watch TV very much, let alone the channel of his old enemy Hunan Satellite TV. And because he doesn't watch much at ordinary times, Chen Jian fiddled with it for a long time before switching the TV to Hunan Satellite TV.

Hunan Satellite TV, what's there to watch?

Could it be that Mr. Wang Xing fell in love with a certain actress in the show? Impossible, how could Mr. Wang Xing be such a person!

But I remember that Xie Na from Hunan Satellite TV looks pretty good...

While Chen Jian was thinking wildly, his eyes finally turned to the TV slowly, but when he saw the TV, he also froze on the spot.

Hunan Satellite TV in front of him is broadcasting an advertisement, and Wang Cheng is introducing this advertisement with enthusiasm:

"Sunshine Avenue", the music program closest to the people!

No stars, no big names, some only people who love music!

I'm on Sunshine Avenue...waiting for you!

Then followed by a detailed introduction to "Avenue of Sunshine", and various program rules are also clearly displayed on the screen!

But the rules of this program are very familiar to Chen Jian, because these are the rules in the plan that Chen Jian lost! And it is almost verbatim written on the screen!

What made Chen Jian so angry that he was about to vomit blood was that the title of this show was changed by only one word, from "Moonlight Avenue" to "Sunshine Avenue"! How unscrupulous this must be!

Chen Jian pressed Wang Cheng off the TV with one hand, and held the remote control for a long time before he recovered from his frustration.

How unreasonable! How unreasonable!

The whereabouts of that female assistant is very clear, she was definitely bought by Wang Cheng and then stole the plan to Wang Cheng! If the female assistant gave the plan to other people in the circle, Chen Jian can bear it , she gave Wang Cheng so blatantly!

…… Ask for flowers…………

This is simply provocative!

It had been a while since Chen Jianqi dissipated before he realized that he hadn't hung up the phone with Wang Xing yet! So he quickly picked up his phone...

He suddenly realized that the plan appeared in someone else's preview program, which clearly showed that Weibo was not doing well!

And this plan Chen Jian already knows very well that it is a priceless plan, and I am afraid that Chen Jian will never be able to write such a plan in his life! Now that the plan is completely lost, what should Wang Xing be angry about? Sample?


What does Wang Xing look like when he is angry?

Chen Jian suddenly remembered Zhou Ruru who flew out that day, and shuddered inexplicably.

I haven't spoken for so long, Wang Xing should hang up!

Well, definitely hung up!


Unexpectedly, before Chen Jian had time to speak, Wang Xing spoke calmly first.

Unexpectedly, Mr. Wang Xing didn't hang up the phone! Chen Jian's heart felt warm for no reason. However, there was still a hint of doubt.

How does Wang Xing know that he has finished watching?

"Thank you for waiting for me, by the way, how did you know I finished reading it?"

Wang Xing continued to watch the promotion of "Avenue of Sunshine" in front of the TV, and he also needed to learn about power-saving production. Then he stared at the TV without giving up and continued to answer.

"I'm not waiting for you, I'm watching their ad."

"I heard the sound of you holding your phone."

Can we still communicate well!

Chen Jian stayed where he was in a daze, and finally spoke cautiously after a while.

"Now that Hunan Satellite TV has used your proposal, shall we continue to produce "Moonlight Avenue"?"

"Why use this scheme?"

Wang Xing said suspiciously.

If we don’t need this planning case, where can we find such a good planning case!

Chen Jian thought with a look of despair. But in the next second, Wang Xing's faint voice came out.

"Isn't it just a plan. I have a lot of spoons!".

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