Football Kung Fu Player

【30】Why Is It So Difficult To Collect A Parking Fee

Liu Dawei is the security captain of the Weibo parking lot, so of course he can be considered a famous figure in this parking lot.

When he recruited security guards last time, he immediately fell in love with the young man named Wang Cheng, with a handsome face, the immatureness unique to young people, and a hint of scholarly atmosphere.

Like, so much like my former self!

Youth, age, make people old!

Sure enough, this young man named Wang Cheng became the most diligent member of Weibo's security department as soon as he was recruited.

But this guy is good at everything, but he is too stubborn! Everyone pays the fines for parking violations in his own pocket, but he refuses to collect them anyway! And last time he paid for parking fees by himself. The Weibo underground parking lot is an intelligent management system. If people don’t pay you, you have to post it! And those who can drive to this parking lot are either rich or expensive.

Alas, this young man is so stupid, so much like his former self! He is also so innocent, so kind...

(cough off topic...

So today Liu Dawei was sitting in the security room and suddenly thought that Wang Cheng was in charge of the underground parking lot today, so he immediately couldn't sit still, and ran to the underground parking lot alone.

But just after he arrived at the parking lot, the familiar scene in front of him made him sigh involuntarily, and then he accelerated his walking speed.

This guy, sure enough, he won't be able to receive another parking lot!

"No matter what, you have to pay today!"

"If it doesn't work, you can pay 30% or 20%. My salary is almost deducted this month!"

Wang Cheng was on the verge of crying, because he dared not tell his family that he was working as a security guard, and then the family thought he was still working in the original company, and his salary was far enough. The final direct result is that he can't even pay the rent now, and the landlord has warned him three times that if he fails to pay the rent, he will have to pack up and leave!

The rent is 2,000 a month, Weibo's salary is 3,000 a month, and Wang Cheng has been deducted a small 1,000 from his salary this month. Now if Wang Xing doesn't pay the parking fee, I'm afraid Wang Cheng will really pack up and leave!

"I'm a friend of your Director Weibo."

Wang Xing looked helplessly at the mournful Wang Cheng. With his speed, it would be easy to get rid of Wang Cheng, but facing Wang Cheng with such a good attitude, he felt that he should not be like this.

Yep, even had to pull out Chen Jianlai.

"I'm rushing over now to see him!"

I should agree now, um, how can Chen Jian be regarded as one of Weibo's subordinates, and above ten thousand people?


Unexpectedly, Wang Cheng's reaction was even stronger. After shouting a sentence full of anger, his mournful face turned into a crying voice.

"It's useless for you to be our president's friend!"

"That's what someone said last time! He also said that he would come back and give me the money in a while. In the end, I waited for three days and he didn't come!"

Then Wang Cheng continued angrily:

"Then I told the matter to the director. After watching the surveillance, the director said that I don't have such an ugly friend, and then deducted half my salary for disagreement!"

The corners of Wang Xing's mouth twitched non-stop, looking at Wang Cheng in front of him as if looking at a rare species.

Well, that leads to a sadder story!

It seems that this young man was miserably fooled.

But such a simple (sha) pure (sha) young man is really rare!

Just when the two were entangled, Liu Tianwei finally rushed over in time.

"Xiao Cheng, I told you that when dealing with such rascals, you just can't let them go. Why are you so innocent!"

Liu Dawei's rough and harsh voice became Wang Cheng's savior, and Wang Cheng looked behind excitedly as if looking at the savior.

Now the parking fee can finally be paid!

Well, does this count as hitting a small one and attracting a big one?

Wang Xing looked helplessly, but also looked over curiously.

Unexpectedly, he came over with an angry face just now, wanting to slap the person who didn't pay the parking fee to know that the world is beautiful. I was speechless.

"Mr. Wang Xing!"

At this moment, countless names of great men in history flashed through Liu Dawei's mind. Li Bai, Du Fu, Genghis Khan...... Finally, he stayed on the common name of Wang Xing.

As the ultimate controller of the Weibo underground parking lot, he controls the entry and exit of thousands of luxury cars in the underground parking lot every day. But he never expected that one day he actually witnessed Weibo director Chen Jian driving an unknown person!

Liu Dawei once met someone who could let Chen Jian drive the car himself, and that was the president of Weibo, the ultimate big boss of Weibo, who has never seen the end of the dragon! Now there is an extra young man, what does this mean? !

Moreover, this young man's appearance is particularly eye-catching, so eye-catching that Liu Dawei remembered it in his heart at a glance.

Handsome, invincibly handsome, makes people feel too handsome at a glance!

After Chen Jian returned to the parking lot, Liu Dawei, who kept getting close, finally couldn't bear the curiosity in his heart, and asked Chen Jian the question in his heart.

"Who is that young man?"

Although Liu Dawei knew the young man's name later, Chen Jian's answer that day is still clearly remembered in Liu Dawei's mind:

You don't need to worry about this young man's name, anyway, you must remember one thing, if you offend this young man, the president may not be able to protect you even if he comes forward!


And now the person Wang Cheng blocked turned out to be this extremely handsome Mr. Wang Xing!

God, is this going to be a big deal?


Wang Xing finally showed a smile when he heard Liu Dawei's shout.

Looking at 257, today's parking fee is finally free.

But although Wang Xing's smile was sunny, it was horrified in Liu Dawei's eyes. As a senior security captain of Weibo, he has seen countless successful people who are smiling on the surface but launching thunderous revenge behind their backs, and Wang Xing who is smiling now, in Liu Dawei's eyes, is probably that kind Successful people!

Wang Cheng was still standing there with a dull expression on his face, he didn't move at all, Liu Dawei, who was aggressive just now, changed his appearance!

But before he could think clearly, Liu Dawei pulled Wang Cheng over and knelt down together with a bang.

"Mr. Wang Xing please forgive me!"

What? I didn't intend to blame you guys!

Wang Xing's smile gradually disappeared, and then there was no expression on his face, but he was a little confused in his heart.

Why is it so difficult to communicate with people?

Wang Cheng only reacted after hearing Liu Dawei's voice, and shouted respectfully to Wang Xing:

"Mr. Wang Xing, you have a lot, I won't charge the parking fee, please don't be angry!"

Although Wang Cheng didn't know who Wang Xing was, he intuitively seemed to have offended some important person. And it doesn't matter if he is blamed, if Liu Dawei is harmed, he will have to blame himself very much, so he also panicked inexplicably.

But while he was panicking, a thought slowly popped up.

Why is it so difficult to collect a parking fee?

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