Football Kung Fu Player

[32] I Will Give Start-Up Funds!

"What's the matter, why are you looking at me, is there a flower on my face?"

Wang Xing looked at Chen Jian who was looking at him in astonishment, and asked with some doubts. But just now he suddenly thought of his guess about Chen Jian, and felt a chill in his heart for no reason, and moved away from Chen Jian a little disgusted.

Could it be that he is really... he is so handsome, although it is no problem for him to defeat Chen Jian and ten, but it is disgusting if he can't stand this kind of thing!

You not only have flowers on your face, you have everything!

"No no…………"

Chen Jian kept complaining in his heart, but he didn't dare to say it out. But in the next second, he suddenly became delighted. The plan given by Wang Xing was completely comparable to "Avenue of Moonlight", and the promotional poster behind it was even better and shocking. Now when the two are combined, what kind of results will there be!!!

"Mr. Wang Xing, may I ask if we can start helping people now?"

Chen Jian felt that he couldn't wait to know that the show was filmed, so he hurriedly said to Wang Xing.

But after he finished speaking, he reacted again and added a sentence.

"By the way, how much start-up capital do you think the show will need?"

This new type of program is extremely large, and it needs to recruit and screen singers from various the start-up capital needed should not be too little in Chen Jian's opinion

And in Chen Jian's opinion, for such an excellent program, he must invest a lot of money to make the best configuration of the program! He also invited some big names in the entertainment industry to be judges to attract popularity!

20 million should be enough? Or 30 million!

Chen Jian gritted his teeth and came up with a figure. He felt that even if he competed with President Weibo this time, he would have to strive for a large amount of start-up capital for "The Voice of Yanhuang"!


Wang Xing said curiously, in his memory, the previous "The Voice of Yanhuang" had already reached nearly 100 million yuan, not including the cost of inviting stars to be judges, and after adding the large amount of sponsorship received by the program group, it became very proud , The four judges with terrible prices have spent almost 100 million yuan.

But now that Wang Xing is doing the show himself, it is naturally impossible for him not to be willing to invest money in this show. In this case, let's take it casually and have a guaranteed amount.

"Three hundred million should be enough."

Wang Xing thought for a while, and after calculating the money he expected to spend, he said it casually.

"How many!"

Chen Jian let out a loud cry, then sat down on the stool with a bang, and was dumbfounded on the spot!

(cfde) Three hundred million? Thirty million?

Well, not much difference, isn't it just a zero?

What else should be enough? Brother, you old man, do you mean that 300 million is probably not enough?

Chen Jian's annual salary was more than one million yuan, which was not low at that time. According to the cost that Wang Xing said, Chen Jian would have to pack and sell himself to Weibo for nearly three hundred years to earn the three hundred million!

Weibo's total assets are only over 10 billion now! It costs 300 million to shoot a show! Why not grab it!

Chen Jian imagined how CEO Weibo grabbed his neck and scolded him. Three hundred million for a program, even if the program makes money, it will have to lose money to make up for it!

"Is it more than three hundred million?"

Wang Xing looked at Chen Jian's painful expression, as if he suddenly understood, and then asked calmly.

Too much, too much! Even if you sell me, it won't be enough for the three hundred million!

Chen Jian nodded his head as fast as a robot. After seeing Wang Xing's intention to reduce the amount, he quickly expressed his most direct intention.

It seems that this master finally understands how unrealistic his idea is!

Three hundred million, if you honestly want thirty million, that's fine!

"Then it's 250 million yuan, first produce the program and then see how much money will be invested in the next step."

Wang Xing said flatly. He has already made up his mind, since he wants to make a show, he must make the show the best! No matter what aspect of the show, he will use the best!

No sound?

Change to the best!

The screen quality is not enough? Change to the best!

Flawed stage production? Do it again!

Chen Jian sat weakly on the chair, he felt that his body no longer belonged to him.

250 million, is it just the initial funding? First produce the show? Co-author, you mean that 250 million is only enough for you to make one or two episodes of the show?

"The Voice of Yanhuang" has great potential, and has been divided into ten episodes in the planning. According to Chen Jian's thinking, if you invest 30 to 20 million, you should be able to recover the money through various means after the first episode is finished, and the second episode should be profitable!

But now Wang Xing says it costs 250 million to shoot a few episodes, how many years will it take to barely recover the cost!

Is it possible that the cost will not be recovered by then, so let Chen Jian put his life on it?

"Then you expect to invest so much money, where are you going to make a profit?"

What Chen Jian said was already very cryptic, so much money has been invested, there is no way to make money back! How can there be some foolish advertiser who invests 100 million in that program!

Chen Jian thinks, if Wang Xing thinks about the issue of profitability, then he should give up his crazy idea!

God, Jesus, Jade Emperor, Tathagata Buddha,... bless your people!

"Oh, this question!"

Wang Xing seemed to have suddenly remembered such a question, and said to Chen Jian with a sudden realization.

There is drama, there is drama!

No one would be so crazy to think that his program could earn 300 million yuan!

Wang Shao really understands people!!!

"It should be recovered from the advertising fee, and then other TV stations should be able to make a profit when they buy the copyright."

Wang Xing thought about it and said confidently. After finishing speaking, I added another sentence.

"I decided not to recruit sponsors for the first episode, and I will do so after the second episode."

Profit? Are you sure you are not dreaming again! Where can you find sponsors worth 100 million?

If I go to tell people, hey, I have a program that needs a sponsorship fee of 100 million, will you go? It's no wonder they don't call me a fool!

Also, where is the first episode of a show that doesn’t attract sponsors? How much loss is there!!!

Chen Jian's face was terrified. Although Wang Xing's strong self-confidence infected him and made him want to believe involuntarily, he still stubbornly insisted on the rationality in his mind.

250 million, wake up!

"Mr. Wang Xing, if we don't get sponsorship for this first episode, we don't have so much start-up capital..."

Chen Jian said hesitantly, but there was actually another sentence hidden in his mind.

Do not sponsor you to give start-up funds!

"That's right, I'll give you start-up capital!"

But Wang Xing said plainly as if he had seen through the thoughts in his mind. .

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