Football Kung Fu Player

【49】Other People's Children

Wang Xing's voice is not a peerless singing voice, but probably due to his martial arts training, his ability to control his throat is unrivaled in the world. And this song "Yan Yuan" is not too difficult to sing too high-pitched song, coupled with Wang Xing's perfect pitch control ability, suddenly sang it with a special flavor.

Hey, I never thought I would have the talent to sing.

Even Wang Xing was amazed by his own singing voice, the perfectly controlled singing voice came from himself.

"You're not a beauty, don't design those plots..."

The singing voice continued to appear, and the song slowly moved towards the climax. Xue Qianqian looked surprised, he thought he was a musical genius, and the song "Snow Seriously" written by himself fully demonstrated this point. But when he heard "Yan Yuan" sung by Wang Xing, he even had a slight feeling that "Eighty Six Three" was not as good as the song in front of him.

Inexplicably, Xue Qianqian glanced at Wang Xing, who was concentrating on singing, and felt a little inferior to the handsome man in front of him.

He is not as tall as others, and his songs are not as good as others. How can this world be messed up?

"I turned a blind eye to the one who should cooperate with you. I was forcing a person who loves you the most to improvise. When did we start to put away the bottom line and follow the changes of the times to watch those clumsy performances..."

Slowly, the singing also reached a climax. The four people around have successfully indulged in the singing.

The four people around are all geniuses in music, and their ability to distinguish good songs is far beyond that of ordinary people. When the first half of "Yan Yuan" appeared, they could barely maintain their composure, but when the climax appeared, they really couldn't calm down at all.

In their feeling, with the appearance of the singing, it seems that there is really a sad man singing bitterly along with the woman's deception, even with a little accusation of this relationship.

Why hide from someone who loves you? And why cheat in your relationship?

In an instant, the eyes of these people towards Wang Xing changed. They originally thought that Wang Xing was just a second-generation ancestor with money and strong connections, but now Wang Xing's performance has also exceeded their expectations. Even they are a little ashamed of themselves.

Even the most proud Chen Chusheng changed his face. He is very confident in his song "Has anyone ever told you", but the singing beside his ears reminded him all the time that this song "Yan Yuan "is very likely to be comparable to "Have I Told You", and it is even easier to be accepted by people!

These days, people are more popular than others, richer than you, more powerful than you, and better at singing than you, this is simply the kid next door!

"It's because I love you that I choose to perform this fulfillment..."

The tone slowly lowered, and slowly elongated, and the mood of the whole song also fell to the lowest point at the same time.

Wang Xing put away the tape recorder, took a sip of water to moisten his throat with satisfaction.

To be able to successfully sing this song "Yan Yuan", and to sing it well is very encouraging for him, because "Yan Yuan" is just the beginning for him, and there are still many songs that need his rescue.. ....

But the only thing that makes Wang Xing more regretful is that he did sing "Yan Yuan" very well, and even a few musical geniuses around him were immersed in it. But for some reason, no matter how standard he sang and his pronunciation skills were better than the later Xue Qianqian, he still didn't have the feeling of the later Xue Qianqian.

Like the finishing touch, that's always missing. It lacks the element of emotion, so it still doesn't satisfy Wang Xing.

Wang Xing shook his head, and simply stopped thinking about it. Since he hadn't been immersed in this kind of emotional atmosphere experience, the result of trying to forcefully simulate this kind of emotion would be nothing but form but not spirit. What's more, for Wang Xing, being able to sing well is his real goal!

"Oh, I didn't sing very well."

Wang Xing said with a sigh of regret.


This isn't too good, so what are the songs we sing!

Zhang Jie recalled that he was complacent about imitating the songs of his predecessors, and felt inexplicably ashamed. And Chen Chusheng is also full of doubts about life, although he thinks his "Did Someone Tell You" is very good, but what else does he have besides this song.

And the most important thing is, this girl actually looks like she didn't sing well! She just won't give up until she hits people!

"By the way, Xue Qianqian, do you remember?"

Wang Xing turned his head, looked at Xue Qian with a sinking face and said.

He sang this song specially for Xue Qianqian. If Xue Qianqian didn’t remember it well, then wouldn’t he have sung it in vain...... Not to mention that he has just set up a memorial archway that is only sung once, what’s more important is , How tiring to sing it again!

"Ah? Didn't remember!"

Xue Qianqian suddenly came to his senses, and replied in a panic. For some reason, he was so devoted to this song that he didn't realize it even after Wang Xing finished singing, and he was still immersed in the singing just now.

But after he was awakened by Wang Xing's voice, he looked at the shiny white A4 paper in his hand and became inexplicably nervous.

Wang Xing said before that this song is for himself, but he also said that he only sings it once, but he really wants this song, what should I do! Waiting online, I am in a hurry...

When Wang Xing's complexion gradually turned bad, Xue Qianqian seemed to have reacted suddenly, and hurriedly said loudly.

"Mr. Wang Xing, I don't remember, but I should be able to sing it completely."

Xue Qianqian felt that this song was written by himself, as soon as he closed his eyes and recalled the lyrics, it lingered in his mind, so he plucked up the courage to shout.

"Oh? Then you sing..."

Wang Xing looked at Xue Qianqian in surprise and said. He didn't expect that the song written by Xue Qianqian, who was obviously a later generation, would have an impact on Xue Qianqian today [Could this be Momo's causal effect?

Then if Wang Xing pirates other stars' songs and gives them to others, will the original owner feel that the song belongs to him when he hears it?

It’s like you suddenly thought of an excellent idea in 5.0, but you found that someone in your previous life had provided it or even used it. You probably only admire the genius of others, and then regret that your idea came too Could it be that the ideas that should belong to us have also been pirated by the Reborn?

But Wang Xing doesn't care what the original owner thinks, he is not a saint white lotus, as a reborn person, he is very handy in using the privilege of Wen Chaogong.

"Simple, simple way of speaking."

There is a saying that once an expert makes a move, he will know if there is one. This song created by Xue Qianqian is now in the hands of Xue Qianqian in advance, and the effect of singing is surprisingly good!

The more Xue Qianqian sang, the more he felt familiar, as if this song was born for himself. And he is 100% devoted to this song, as if he is singing his own story......

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