Football Kung Fu Player

[55] Get The Way Later

Weber Building.

Today's 31st floor seems to be a bit different, not only a group of "Yanhuang Good Voice" staff members are looking out absently, even Wang Cheng from "Rampage Little Incident" on the 2nd channel next door can't bear it when he has time. Live to probe the brain outside.

Today is July 10th, and there are only five days left before the broadcast of "The Voice of Yanhuang", which is also the time when the filming of this music program will start.

"What are you looking at?"

A familiar voice came slowly from beside his ear, Wang Cheng flinched because he hadn't remembered whose voice it was, and then answered without thinking.

"First-line big stars, I heard that they are coming today, I like Sheng Huan Duo..."

While talking, Wang Cheng slowly turned his head, met Wang Xing's smiling eyes, and immediately became frightened.

"Mr. Wang Xing!"


The employee who was still focused on whether a first-line star would pop up outside instantly shrank back, sat in front of the work desk with concentration, and stared at the backstage computer in front of him.

It seems to be the same as the great attraction above.

Wang Xing smiled 25, patted Wang Cheng on the shoulder, and went back to his desk. For this group of people who are no taller than Weibo's senior employees, a high-ranking first-line star is very attractive to them.

This Mr. Wang Xing said that the salary of those who work hard will be doubled directly, and the performance of the program will be doubled if it reaches the first place in the music program.

And the most important thing is that those who perform well can be recruited into his studio by Mr. Wang Xing, which is a full 50,000 a month!

In the crowd, an employee named Lao Yang sneakily extended five fingers, and carefully followed the uninformed person beside him to share what he had learned. After seeing the amazed expression of the people around him, he was shocked. after. Lao Yang was even more excited, as if I knew everything.

"Do you know how much his half-year bonus is, 200,000! You and I have worked for ten years and it is only 200,000!"

"Also, I heard that those who perform well in the studio may be selected, sign a contract with one stroke, and embark on the road to stardom!"

Slowly, the topic has gone off track, but the Weibo employees present are still keen to listen to this kind of gossip, and then cast a fiery expression on the calm Wang Xing on the table.

For this group of college students who have just graduated, the fall of the ivory tower and the impact of reality follow, although the wages that are not low compared to ordinary people are far below their expectations. But it is too difficult for them to give up this job, and often they can only pin their hopes on illusory promotions, and finally work for decades with nothing to do, and replace their bald heads with the position of a supervisor. Looking at the new college students.

But it's different now, they were assigned to Wang Xing's program. When I heard that as long as I worked hard, I could join Wang Xing's studio, I seemed to grasp the only hope. I was working hard, hoping to be favored by Wang Xing, and finally join this well-paid studio.

Wang Xing frowned, he saw the efforts of these employees. But he still has to pick out the best and most refined group of people, not to say that he is too demanding or something

It is true that Chen Jian allocated too many employees to Wang Xing, so many that Wang Xing didn't want to take care of them after seeing so many people, so it's better to recruit less. It's so tiring to take care of it every day. Let's see why Chen Jian is losing his hair. He doesn't worry too much, just like a eunuch head.

"Hey, there is a fun thing here, can you come or not?"

"What's so funny? By the way, you're such a boring star. You don't accept any advertising endorsements. As a result, my agent has no chance to sign a contract. Huh...

Chen Luo on the other side of the phone took an apple in his mouth and said vaguely.

"Don't worry, it's definitely more fun than Manager Zeng." Ren Xing said calmly

"Okay, wait for me, I'll be right there. Where are you?"

Chen Luo became interested in an instant, and shouted loudly without eating the apple.

"The 31st floor of Weibo Building."

With that said, Wang Xing hung up the phone without any hassle. There is no sense of burden to bring friends over.

The manager of the studio on a whim has also been found, and "The Voice of Yanhuang" is already on the right track, and I should be able to gain a lot of exposure in this episode of the program

But what should I do next?

Although "Little Runaway Incident" will be well-known among the audience in the future, it should not be of great help to Wang Xing, and the host position has already been handed over to Wang Cheng.

Thinking about it, Wang Xing slowly took out a piece of A4 paper, and wrote some strange words and expressions on it stroke by stroke.

"The Masked Singer" is not considered for the time being, this kind of music program can be left to his own studio and Weibo.

Wang Xing slowly crossed out the word on the paper, and crossed out the remaining few music programs smoothly.

Since music programs are not considered, it is not impossible for me to gradually become famous by singing songs for them. Just like in the previous life, Fang Wenshan, Linxi and several literary youths who became imperial poets.

This way can stay. As for the matter of singing on stage, Wang Xing thought about it and wrote down a few songs of his own style on A4 paper, and they were also songs that he could sing and liked in his previous life.

"We Are Different", "Big Apple", "City Capital". 320

These three songs are relatively simple and easy to learn. If you give Wang Xing to sing, you can still use Wang Xing's kung fu-trained voice to play 90%.

Thinking, Wang Xing crossed out the "City Capital" on the paper again. This song requires too much emotion. Wang Xing does not have such deep emotions for his hometown. If someone is considered better than himself because of the emotions in the future Embarrassed.

Wang Xing suddenly thought of "Inside the Spring" from his previous life and shook his head. Five or six years have passed since his previous life, and Wang Feng is still being scolded by netizens.

The remaining two songs are simply two brainwashing magical songs, and the emotional level is generally not high, which is quite suitable for Wang Xing.

Now that the matter of singing was finalized, Wang Xing began to think slowly again.

Cross talk, performances, live variety shows, and finally stayed on variety shows. How sticky a variety show is, from Yang Ying in his previous life, a low-level star with a salary of hundreds of thousands to tens of millions of dollars.

Thinking, Wang Xing slowly wrote a line of words on the A4 paper.

"Run, Brother"

"Naying is here!"

I don't know who cheered outside, Wang Xing smiled, and slowly put away the A4 paper. He walked calmly towards the door.

No matter what, when a guest comes, Wang Xing still has to entertain first. .

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