Football Kung Fu Player

【57】Unspoken Rules?

A group of five people, four first-tier Yanhuang stars, and one small star who is only third-tier.

But the strange thing is, whether it is the highly respected Teacher Niu Huan, Chen Yixun, who is so popular as the "King of Popularity", or the King of Rock and Roll "Wang Banbi"...even the angry Naying can't help but feel Surrounded by Wang Xing. It seems that their group of talents are third-tier stars, and Wang Xing is the high-ranking first-tier star!

No one will have trouble with money!

Wang Xing walked among the four big stars calmly, but he did not have any restraint in his every move. Instead, the conversation between the five people was all led by the nose by Wang Xing, as if Wang Xing was the core of this topic .

It's not just because of money, after some conversation, whether it's Niu Huan, Wang Banbi and others, they all put back their contempt for Wang Xing.

Being able to have 30 million die-hard fans, being able to directly affect the ratings of a movie, and being able to be neither humble nor overbearing among several well-known seniors, this has far surpassed those popular niches in their memory.

"Give him five years, and he may even be a first-tier star!"

On the contrary, Niu Huan, who was the most stable, had such an inexplicable feeling in his heart.

As far as Wang Xing's appearance and popularity are concerned, don't say that 867 is an acting school, even if he is a pure vase in that TV series, the ratings may skyrocket! Not to mention Wang Xing's performance in "Dialogue with the Stars", Also, Niu Huan couldn't help but give Wang Xing extra points for being neither humble nor overbearing among the four big coffees.

Of course, Mr. Niu Huan would not have expected that his vase thinking would turn into a reality in the next few years. Traffic niches would become the key to the ratings, and netizens would curse at the same time they were tricked in. But the fans of traffic niche are still fanatical one by one......

Wang Xing didn't know what Niu Huan was thinking, and he probably wouldn't be happy even if he knew.

He wants to confront the man of the six major entertainment companies and become a first-line star in five years? Too slow, too slow!

I feel too slow for a year!

For a reborn person who possesses the great wealth of future generations and the excellent conditions he possesses, if he can't turn upside down in the entertainment industry, then he will be a real failure.

"Are you guys interested in checking out the people signed by my studio?"

Not far from the recording studio, Wang Xing stopped suddenly and said to the four people nearby.

"Oh? Mr. Wang Xing has his own studio at such a young age, he is really a young talent!"

The praise on Wang Banbi's face was completely exposed, and even Mr. Niu Huan was a little embarrassed by the compliment.

Although Wang Banbi is good at music, but because the domestic rock market has too little economic income, he still has to pay for it every time. Moreover, as a rock genius, he is so young and arrogant, and he rarely accepts commercial endorsements, and his income is already beyond his means.

It's not like a decade later, the era of economic upswing. Wang Banbi was completely stunned by Wang Xing's 10 million, and his bad temper changed in an instant, and he started talking to Wang Xing instead.

Wang Xing is not disgusted with Wang Banbi's behavior. 2007 is not ten years later. Although the star's life is beautiful, it is not crazy, and he knows Wang Banbi's poverty. It is estimated that Wang Banbi will release some new songs in this period of time, and he wants to fool him into throwing money at it.

If I had known earlier, the new song that smashed Wang Banbi was purely a loss-making business. And Wang Banbi, who was not subsidized enough, naturally set his sights on Wang Xing.

Young, easy-going, and rich.

This is the label Wang Banbi put on Wang Xing.

"Come on, the four of you please come this way."

While walking, a group of five people had already arrived in front of the recording studio, and several people in the recording studio had also seen the appearance of this group of people early on.

For Chen Chusheng and the others, Niu Huan's first-line music creators are their idols, and even Wang Banbi's fanatical, middle-aged image of a young man is their idol.

And now their idol appears in front of them (cfbj), can they not be excited.

Among the four, Xue Qianqian, who has stayed in the entertainment industry for the longest time, has also seen a second-tier star with his own eyes, and was praised by people as he walked past Xue Qianqian without even looking at him. .

But now it's different, the first-line big stars and idols are already close at hand, the excitement in the hearts of these young people who are at most twenty years old has long been beyond words.

"I want to be such a big star in the future!"

Xue Qianqian looked at the five people in the crowd and said firmly.

"Me too, I want to be hotter than them."

This time it was Zhang Jie who was holding the guitar and pretending to be calm. Of course, it would be better if his hands didn't shake.

"They're coming, they're coming toward us!"

Wu Mochou's loud voice suddenly shouted excitedly.

"What, where?"

Now the four of them were not calm anymore, and they all lay down on the glass of the recording studio and looked over. Zhang Jie, who was pretending to be calm, dropped the guitar, and Chen Chusheng, who had been indifferent all this time, slowly revealed an excited expression...

However, because Wang Xing is equipped with a top-level recording studio with excellent sound isolation, they cannot hear Wang Xing and their conversations for the time being.

Slowly, Wang Xing and his group walked over. The four of them sat down on the chairs in frustration. Those who hold the guitar hold the guitar, those who hold the microphone continue to hold the microphone, and those who read the score continue to read the score... It's just that the regret in the corner of the eye can't be concealed.

That's right, they are first-line celebrities, why come to see us.

It should have passed.


The door was pushed open.

"Four teachers, these are the four newcomers signed by my studio, what do you guys think.

Wang Xing pushed open the door of the recording studio, and said to the frustrated four in the recording studio.

But after a long time, the four people in the recording studio didn't respond, Wang Xing couldn't help but turned his head and asked curiously.

"Hey, aren't you happy that I brought someone to see you?"


The four and a half boys jumped up one after another, throwing away their prudence that concealed their age, and ran to the side of their favorite tutor.

Niu Huan, Wang Banbi and Chen Yixun nodded to each other in a sudden realization.

Is this not clear? There are only four instructors in total, and there are four students here. Thirty-two and sixteen instructors still need to select students, which means that you should choose these four people anyway!

"Easy to say, easy to say!"

The three of them laughed one after another, thinking silently in their hearts.

Take people's money and do things for them.

But only Naying on the side stomped her feet again, gnashing her teeth inexplicably thinking about it.

"Bastard, it turns out that you are also a person who uses unspoken rules. What a waste of a good skin!"

Yeah, it turned out to be in Na Young's teenage heart. Wang Xing is so good-looking, he must be a person with no blemishes!

Wang Xing Rating: -1-1-1...

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