Football Kung Fu Player

[61] Xue Qianqian Appears

There are no advertisements, no long speeches, but it seems so natural to the overly handsome man on the stage.

Strangely, four first-tier big stars appeared on the field, but everyone's focus was on Wang Xing, as if this young third-tier star who had just debuted deserved this kind of treatment.

"He really just debuted?"

Teacher Niu Huan looked at Wang Xing who was calmly holding a microphone in the center of the stage, and asked in surprise.

In fact, such a large-scale recording program is not a live broadcast, and the requirements for the error rate are not high. After the whole show, as long as there are any problems in the host or the show, they can use various methods to edit, and finally make the show reach the most perfect level.

But the Wang Xing in front of him has not made any mistakes in any kind of hosting performance from the beginning to the present. If Teacher Niu Huan didn't know that there was no such No. 1 person among the hosts, he might have thought that this was an invited gold medal host.

"It should be, I checked this guy's information, and he was still in the sports circle some time ago.

Wang Banbi's voice of admiration also appeared, and at this time Wang Xing's warm voice slowly came over.

"Let us welcome the first contestant, Xue Qianqian from Shanghai."

After Wang Xing said this with a smile, he slowly walked down the stage, passing by Xue Qianqian who was slightly nervous.

"Be good."

Wang Xing walked by as if nothing happened, but his voice clearly reached Xue Qianqian's ears. Xue Qianqian's heart felt inexplicably warm, and he clenched his fist tightly.

This is the only chance, come on, Xue Qianqian!

Looking at the dark audience below the stage, Xue Qianqian's hand holding the microphone became inexplicably wet. This is obviously not Xue Qianqian's first stage appearance, but this is indeed Xue Qianqian's only chance after being banned!

"Be good."

These words suddenly echoed from Xue Qianqian's ears again. Xue Qianqian slowly clenched the microphone and raised his head.

Backstage at this time, Wang Xing had already arrived at the lighting control room.

"Turn off the desk lamp||


"Round and round..."

The lights on the stage dimmed slowly, circle after circle of lights were turned off, and finally converged on the top of Xue Qianqian's head|making Xue Qianqian's tall nose more obvious.


The entire stage has been plunged into darkness, only the tutor chair on one side is still emitting dim lights.

The revolving chairs of Niu Huan and the others also turned around, with their backs facing the stage, facing the dense audience on and off the stage. Although these seniors have already listened to Wang Xing explaining the rules. But when he really came to the field at this time, looking at this red button, he felt a little bit of excitement unexpectedly.

What kind of brilliance will this brand-new program format bring?

Slowly, the auditorium became quiet, and a tense atmosphere spread.

This is the first contestant of "The Voice of Yanhuang". Everything is difficult at the beginning, and the young people in front of us can make a good start for "The Voice of Yanhuang".

"The snow fell so deeply and so seriously that it reflected my scars lying in the snow."

Excellent pitch control ability, beautiful singing voice, melody......

The audience off the field became commotion, and the flash lights slowly bloomed like patterns. The colorful lights finally converged on the top of Xue Qianqian's head, and Xue Qianqian, who was focusing on the microphone in front of him, looked extraordinarily moving.

"In the dead of night, that's love, secretly controlling my heart...

As the music fluttered, Wang Xing in the background narrowed his eyes, showing a rare satisfaction.

It's not because Wang Xing is lazy that he didn't let Xue Qianqian use his more perfect and mature songs in his later generations. Rather, he believes that Xue Qianqian's rough and famous song, "Seriously Getting Snow" without excellent equipment assistants, is more suitable for him.

"Yes, yes, everything you say is right."

The lighting engineer next to Wang Xing already looked confused. As a lighting engineer recruited by Chen Jian with a high salary, he still has a certain degree of confidence in himself. Just now Wang Xing insisted on directing and manipulating the lights, he was a little reluctant at first, but then the effect of the lights really shocked him.

In 2007, Yanhuang lighting was still using hundreds of thousands of equipment, and the general and conservative changing lighting techniques. Facing the tens of millions of lighting controls, this veteran lighting engineer can barely control it. Unexpectedly, Wang Xing can easily control the lighting control equipment, and even all kinds of gorgeous changes are simply broken by this lighting engineer. The cognition of the lighting engineer.

Can the light change like flowing water? Can the light use trigonometric functions? Can the light be like ripples?

I'm going to fuck you! Isn't the light only on and off.....

And Chen Jian, who had just happily ran over to look for Wang Xing, also froze in place. The expression on the lighting engineer's face as if he had seen a ghost is so similar to when Chen Jian watched Wang Xing write the plan before!

God bless you. A moment of pity for the lighting engineer flashed in Chen Jian's heart.


Teacher Niu Huan let out a long breath, and decisively pressed the red button, and the chair slowly turned around.

This song, this kind of voice...has completely conquered Teacher Niu Huan. Niu Huan is like an old man who has been single for fifty years and sees a girl who is naked, and stares at Xue Qianqian with green light in his eyes.

"This student, I want to order!"


The remaining three instructors were not slow in their hands and feet, and the sound of pressing the lights rang almost at the same time.

Immediately afterwards, Niu Huan looked at his colleagues beside him warily, almost revealing his murderous aura.

When peers meet peers, they stab one.

Naying stared back without any hesitation, it was not easy to find a good seed, not to mention the piece of jade in front of her eyes. If the training comes out, it will definitely be a champion material, which will also greatly improve Naying's popularity! How could Naying just give it up like this.

Although Wang Banbi and Chen Yixun didn't exaggerate so much, the heat in their eyes didn't betray them.

In an instant, the four instructors who were prepared to be perfunctory before changed their minds without any integrity.

"The snow (Li Mo's) fell so deeply and so seriously, but I still heard you say it's impossible..."

The singing was flying on the stage, and the audience was already intoxicated before they knew it. They seem to have heard a sad story of a man, and they are expressing it bit by bit following the song.

At this time, the 10 million lights also played their due effect. All the cold light gathered on Xue Qianqian's body, and even a little bit of light was flickering, as if snowflakes were really falling.

"After all, that's the woman I love the most..."

Xue Qianqian sang affectionately while reaching out his hand, and a snowflake made with lights fell into his hand.

Even many emotional female audiences had their eyes wet, staring closely at Xue Qianqian on the stage, and couldn't help covering their mouths.

After Xue Qianqian put down the microphone and the accompaniment gradually disappeared, the audience finally came to their senses and shouted crazily.

"Xue Qianqian, Xue Qianqian, Xue Qianqian"

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