Football Kung Fu Player

[69] Serving The People

Ten o'clock Beijing time.

"Hello viewers, this is the end of the first episode of "The Voice of Yanhuang". See you in the next episode."

After Wang Xing uttered these words with a smile on the TV, the audience in front of the TV turned off the TV.

Wonderful, I haven't seen such a wonderful music program for a long time!

Xue Qianqian, Zhang Jie, Wu Mochou, Chen Chusheng and other outstanding newcomers are still echoing in everyone's memories.

Just like the classic songs one after another, "Serious Snow" and "Crossing the Sea of ​​People"... were also deeply imprinted in the minds of all audiences.

At this time, Yanhuang's largest music platform, Cool Puppy Music Playing Platform, was in the background.

"Sir, we found something strange."

The person in charge of the Ku Puppy search engine suddenly rushed to find the manager of Ku Puppy and said.

"Our Cool Puppy's search ranking "440" has a few songs that suddenly made it to the list!"

There are several more authoritative lists in Cool Puppy, that is, the monthly best song list, new song list, etc. [The search test list is also a small list.

After all, being searched is also a reflection of the popularity of a song.

The middle-aged bald head manager scratched the few sparse hairs on the top of his head angrily, and said casually.

"If you are on the list, you will be on the list. Isn't it normal for a few good songs to appear suddenly?"

The search ranking list is just a small list, and it has received relatively little attention. So the bald head manager didn't pay much attention to this list.

"No, even though it's not, our Cool Puppies don't have those songs!"

How is it possible? The bald head manager first flashed a moment of disbelief.

At this time in 2007, songs were almost all free. As the largest music platform, Ku Puppy covers almost all of Yanhuang's music, and because of Ku Puppy's huge audience, generally speaking, everyone is very happy to put songs on it. So depending on what you want, almost 99.9% of Yanhuang's songs can be found in Ku Puppy.

"Which songs can you show me?"

The bald head manager flashed a trace of curiosity, and said a little hastily. The person in charge hastily turned on the phone, and a song title was clearly listed on the search list.

"Your good brother" search: 5464214.

"Seriously get snow" search: 3215555.

"Crossing the Crowd" search: 2148777.

"Thinking of You When the Wind Blows" search: 2045551.

"pricetag" search: 1857774.

The five songs were so outrageously dominating the top five in the search list! And the sixth place after that didn't even have one million searches!

"It's even more impossible!"

The bald-headed manager felt a turmoil in his heart. How could five songs that didn't even have a cool puppy rank so high? And the search volume of the number one song "Your Good Brother" unexpectedly reached a terrifying five million!

Although the search list is a small list, the 5 million search volume is probably only achieved when top stars release songs!

And where did these songs come from? Could it be a new song, but how can a new song have such a high degree of exposure. But if it's not a new song, why hasn't he heard such a song before?

The bald head steward was a little frantic and grabbed the few strands of hair on the top of his head. In the end, he tore off a few more strands of the miserable hair and still didn't figure out what was going on.


"Hey, I'm the president, hey I'm here!"

The bald-headed manager looked at the name on the phone, was startled, quickly grabbed the phone with one hand, and said respectfully.

"You should contact the person in charge of "The Voice of Yanhuang" right now, and you must ask for all the songs in their show to be authorized to be put on Kuxiaogou!"

The CEO of Cool Puppy on the other end of the phone said eagerly. Having just finished watching "The Voice of Yanhuang", he already knows exactly how valuable the songs in this show are.

The bald head manager felt a storm in his heart. It turned out that the president asked for a song by name, and what song's energy shocked the president of Cool Puppy!

But before the bald head manager could react, the next sentence from the president of the cool puppy on the other end of the phone scared him even more.

"If the other party refuses to give permission, you must get it no matter how much you pay!"

"Although Cool Puppy is the largest music platform, it doesn't mean that the other party will beg us to put songs on the shelves. Software like Penguin Music has been stalking our Cool Puppy player for a long time. If you don't get these songs , I'm afraid it may affect our position as the No. 1 Cool Puppy!"

The bald head manager couldn’t react to the continuous sound [What kind of song Song can make the CEO get such an evaluation? And what kind of song can change the user’s choice of player?

After hanging up the phone, the bald manager quickly turned on the phone and found the rebroadcast of "The Voice of Yanhuang"... and watched it carefully.

Two hours later, the sweating bald butler finally understood why.

It turned out that what the president meant was not only about the role of the songs "Your Good Brother" in the show, but more importantly, the unlimited potential in this show!

The first episode of "The Voice of Yanhuang" already has songs that can make everyone crazy, so what about the second episode? The third episode? What about the finals?

The bald head manager couldn't imagine what kind of surprises there would be in "The Voice of Yanhuang" after [.

Chen Jian sat leisurely on the chair, his face was already smiling like a rotten chrysanthemum.

The ratings of the first episode of "The Voice of Yanhuang" have stabilized above 50%. And this result is so popular that he has no friends!

Looking at the phone that was already ringing, Chen Jian pressed the button curiously.

"Master Cool Puppy, what does he want from me?"

"Director Chen Jian, you can play the songs in "The Voice of Yanhuang" on Kuxiaogou, and we, Kuxiaogou, can give you all the promotion spots on the homepage!"

During the phone call, the manager of the cool dog just dropped a bomb, and Chen Jian couldn't help grinning again.


Chen Jian saw that the 3.5 people in charge of Penguin Music had also called. Just as he was about to agree, he stopped for a moment, and then said seriously.

"A good song should not belong exclusively to one broadcasting platform, but should be enjoyed exclusively by all mankind. So as a music program platform..."

The bald head manager heard the beep, and he felt bad, so he said hastily and decisively.

"You don't need to say more, we all understand. We, Ku Puppy, don't want the sole authority, but the promotion position is still given to you "The Voice of Yanhuang". I hope you can put the follow-up songs on our Ku Puppy."

Yo, such a good thing.

Chen Jian felt sour in his heart. It was beyond his expectation that this group of people in charge of the player who were usually aloof were so polite.

"You're welcome, serve the people,"

Bald Chief: "...."

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