Football Kung Fu Player


Tu Fei's fans were dumbfounded, and frantically waited for Tu Fei's response under Tu Fei's Weibo.

Wang Xing's black fans on Weibo were dumbfounded. He hesitated for a long time after editing the black Wang Xing's comment, and didn't dare to post it.

However, the navy and Weibo big V hired by Tu Fei hesitated, and finally did not dare to continue blacking Wang Xing.

Now there are too many people on Weibo who have spoken out for Wang Xing. If it continues to be hacked, I am afraid that the fans who flock to these big Vs will deal a heavy blow. V bloggers can't afford it.

And more and more people stood up, some because of Wang Xing's songs, some because of Wang Xing's talent, and some pointed out Wang Xing's great contribution in the sports circle...

At this moment, the sun has just completely risen, and the world has been completely covered by sunlight, full of gentle colors. It's just that Tu Fei is still lying on the soft bed whistling and dreaming of the old days.

The assistant stood anxiously outside Tu Fei's room, and tried his best to raise his feet and looked out of the window at Tu Fei who was sleeping soundly in the room. The fishing boat on Weibo has completely turned towards Tu Fei. If Tu Fei doesn't respond positively, I'm afraid his 443 groups of brainless fans can't resist the offensive of the entire Weibo!

However, the assistant thought about the terrible consequences of waking up the soundly asleep Tu Fei, and recalled Tu Fei's hitting or scolding him, so he hesitated for a while. Gritting his teeth, he pretended not to know anything, and left the room.

Not all calls were answered, but at least the @star selection team has successfully attracted the attention of the selection team members.

Zhang Lao slapped the table angrily, Wang Xing was elected by him, and Wang Xing's achievements are more than enough to be a first-line star in his opinion. It was only because Wang Xing's qualifications were too low that he reluctantly agreed to the result of selecting Wang Xing as the first in the second line.

But now someone deliberately pushes the fishing boat to question the selection results, isn't this a slap in the face of Zhang Lao!

Tu Fei's scheme is undoubtedly rough, so rough that the members of the selection team who have been in the entertainment industry for sixty years can only see it clearly at a glance. And because of this, Zhang Lao was even more furious. As a disciplinary committee member of the entertainment circle, someone dared to provoke him so openly!

"(cffj) is so unreasonable! I have long disliked this Tu Fei! You still don't believe me when I said that the entertainment industry is not popular, but you can see how poor his character is!"

Li Xiaobin is as irritable as his character Li Yunlong, so he couldn't help but bearded and stared.

As for Tu Fei, the members of these selection teams have known about it for a long time. Last time, the suicide of one of his fans had been spread all over the entertainment industry. Even in the end, because Tu Fei didn't apologize or appease the fans' parents, the selection team was so angry that they didn't know what to look like.

But even if they have a high status in the entertainment industry, they can't punish Tu Fei at will. So they had no choice but to reluctantly get stuck in Tu Fei's ranking promotion. And now this Tu Fei is doing something again, how can this not make these people angry.

"You say this is nonsense!"

An old man with a kind face and kind eyes couldn't help but get angry, he patted the table and said. You must know that this old man has always been a good guy in the selection team, and now he can't help but lose his temper.

These star selection results were all spent a lot of time by the few of them-evaluating. And for the sake of fairness, they didn't ask others to help, but were selected by a few old people who got up early and returned late.

And for such a labor-intensive thing, someone dares to mobilize fishing boats to force them to change it. This is simply a kind of contempt and provocation to them!

"This is absolutely unacceptable! If you can increase your ranking by mobilizing your fans, why do you need our old bones? Then we might as well go home and grow sweet potatoes."

An old man in a Chinese tunic stood up and said exactly.

The other elders nodded their heads. The authority of the selection team is unquestionable. While they have the supreme power in the entertainment industry, it means that they cannot be forced at will!

Zhang Lao swiped the comments in Weibo's comment area on his mobile phone, his complexion became worse and worse, and finally he couldn't help but smashed that old-fashioned smart phone on the table, and said angrily.

"What kind of talk is this, saying that some of us messed up the rankings, that some of us took money from Wang Xing, and some even said that the master is our illegitimate child!"

"Go and see if the few top stars we have selected have such a big temper, will they come here to question whether there is a problem with our selection, will they say that we gave birth to an illegitimate child together!"

"Ahem, Lao Zhang calm down, of course we know that these are all slander."

An old man with a square face stood up, comforted Mr. Zhang, and continued speaking to the crowd after comforting him.

"We have been paying attention to the child Tu Fei. Although he is promoted to the second-tier by relying on the fanatical pursuit of a group of little girls, we don't care about this. And we didn't reduce his rating because of this. But when he became a second-tier star , Raising concert ticket prices privately, copying autographed photos and selling them at high prices are really against a star's principles!

"Now that some people say that we are unfair, then we will show them that we are unfair! Now I am announcing the enforcement of the selection team's authority to punish entertainment stars. Please show your hands and vote."

After finishing speaking, the old man with square face raised his right hand uprightly, and then looked at the crowd calmly.

"I agree!"

Zhang Lao and Li Xiaobin were the first to raise their hands. Regardless of the reason they are optimistic about Wang Xing, or because of Tu Fei's absurd behavior, they will definitely support the punishment of Tu Fei


Immediately afterwards, the remaining three old men also slowly raised their hands. And now only the kind-hearted old man remained without raising his hand to vote." The little old men all looked at this good old man.

This selection team has the supreme management authority over the stars in the entertainment industry, but every time management is carried out, it must be passed by unanimous votes.

The kind-hearted old man has always been soft-hearted, so most of the time when everyone wants to punish someone, he will veto it. Now if he vetoes it, the punishment cannot be carried out.

"Forget it, it's time to clean up the entertainment industry, alas... I agree."

The benevolent old man sighed deeply, and finally couldn't help but agree.

"The unanimous approval of the punishment plan will immediately implement the punishment for the earth line star Tu Fei."

The old man with a square face nodded, and his majestic voice spread farther and farther in the courtyard...

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