Football Kung Fu Player

[116] Off The Air

Chen Jian anxiously walked up and down the backstage of "The Voice of Yanhuang", the clock in the room had already pointed to 7:35.

"The Voice of Yanhuang" is about to be broadcast. Yanhuang 1 has come to inquire about the rights to rebroadcast several times, and the directors of several other TV stations have rushed to the Weibo building, looking eager and anxious. Looking at Chen Jian.

This is about to be aired, and the advertisement can't last for a few minutes, why is the live broadcast of "The Voice of Yanhuang" still not authorized!

Chen Jian reassured these responsible persons again with a worried face. It wasn't that he didn't want to give them the rights to rebroadcast, but also because "The Voice of Yanhuang" couldn't start at all!

Because until now, the host Wang Xing has not appeared!

In the past, Wang Xing always showed up at Weibo Building early, but never had the habit of not showing up so late!

And yesterday afternoon, Wang Xing, who went to Hengdian to shoot, had already informed that he would return on the plane at night, but how could it be possible that he has not shown up until now!

As for changing a host, this idea was rejected by Chen Jian as soon as it came up. "The Voice of Yanhuang" can have such a condition, it is entirely due to Wang Xing, no matter what I do, I can't let others pick Wang Xing's peaches!

"Pick up the phone, answer the phone!"

Chen Jian dialed Chen Luo's number again. As Wang Xing's manager, Chen Luo was also Chen Jian's only hope! However, no matter how long the previous calls were made, Chen Luo could only hear a busy tone. , which made Chen Jian's bad premonition stronger and stronger.

Could it be that there was a car accident on Wang Xing Road?

No no, impossible!

In Chen Jian's heart, even if Wang Xing encountered a serious car accident, he would not be injured due to his astonishing skills, to the extent that even a single message would not come through!


The phone was connected, and Chen Luo's deep voice came slowly.

Chen Jian was overjoyed, and hurriedly spoke expectantly.

"Hello, Mr. Chen Luo, may I ask Mr. Wang Xing......

"You don't need to ask." Chen Luo on the other end of the phone replied wearily, but after he finished speaking, he paused for a long time before trying to make himself continue to speak.

"Wang Xing's plane encountered an accident on the way, and now he can't be contacted at all. You... Forget it, "The Voice of Yanhuang", you should find a new host to host, let's not talk, I am now I'm going to find Wang Xing."

Chen Jian didn't even react to Chen Luo's low-pitched words, and didn't even accept the authenticity of the words. On the other side, Chen Luo had already hung up the phone in a low voice.


Listening to the busy tone on the phone, Chen Jian finally came to his senses, held the phone in a daze, stumbled and started to mutter involuntarily.

"Wang Xing's plane had an accident."

"Wang Xing's plane had an accident."

"problem occurs......"

Even if there was a car accident, Chen Jian could accept it, because he believed that with Wang Xing's skill, no matter how big a car accident was, it would not hurt him too much.

But the plane is different. In 2007, when the aircraft technology was not very perfect, one could only hope that there would be no problems with the aircraft, and the chances of an accident were too small, so there was no news of any aircraft accidents in recent years. out.

But now Chen Luo told Chen Jian that Wang Xing's plane had an accident. If Chen Jian hadn't seen Wang Xing with a flat smile in the background, Chen Jian might have thought it was just a joke.

Humans have not really conquered the sky, and the power of nature still makes human beings succumb. Chen Jian knew this. In every country on the planet, as long as the plane has an accident, it means that the chances of surviving everyone on the plane will be the lowest!

The people in charge of several TV stations around also heard what Chen Jian was chanting in a daze, and looked at Chen Jian in front of him in horror.

Although it was Chen Jian who was talking to them in front of them, they knew very well that it was the young man named Wang Xing who really controlled "The Voice of Yanhuang". Tell them now that something happened to this influential person, it's too unbelievable!


Chen Jian grabbed the phone in surprise, and pressed the connect button without even looking at it.

It must be Chen Luo's prank, it must be Chen Luo lying to himself!

"I am the person in charge of Yanhuang TV station. We have learned about Mr. Wang Xing's plane crash. We feel very unfortunate about it."


Chen Jian replied flatly, without any fluctuation in his emotions.

"But people cannot be resurrected after death. There are only a few minutes before the broadcast of "The Voice of Yanhuang". There are already hundreds of millions of viewers waiting for the broadcast of "The Voice of Yanhuang". Can I ask a host to temporarily replace Wang?" Mr. Xing's host. Of course, if you don't have a suitable host here, I think we can send someone over at the sub-point of the Yanhuang Unit."

The person in charge of the Yanhuang station on the phone had a deliberative tone. That's right, people can't be resurrected after death, so don't delay this program that has huge influence on hundreds of millions of viewers! This is a real benefit!

w Temporarily let someone else take the place of Mr. Wang Xing?"

Chen Jian asked blankly.

The directors of the surrounding TV stations were overjoyed, the broadcast of "The Voice of Yanhuang" was related to their interests, and they were also very sorry for Wang Xing's loss of contact, but what did it have to do with them? The broadcast of "The Voice of Yanhuang" is the key point!

"Yes, yes, what do you think? There are a few high-achieving students from the Communication University near me, who have strong hosting skills. People cannot be resurrected after death, so let's do the present thing well!"

The people in charge of several TV stations happily talked to Chen Jian non-stop.

Chen Jian looked indifferently at the several persons in charge around him, and then listened to the non-stop persuasion of the person in charge of Yanhuang Station on the microphone, and slowly clenched his fists.


(Wang Lizhao) The loud sound stunned several TV station directors, and also made the Yanhuang TV station director in the mobile phone dumbfounded.

What happened to Chen Jian, who is always smiling? Isn't he and that Chen Jian a business partner? As for it!

"Don't worry, as long as Wang Xing doesn't come back for a day, "The Voice of Yanhuang" won't be aired for a day!"

Chen Jian spoke word by word, and after he finished speaking, he hung up the phone with a snap, then looked angrily at the other TV station directors, and yelled.

"Rolling body!"

A few minutes later, an advertisement was inserted in various TV stations of Yanhuang. Chen Jian led several members of the "The Voice of Yanhuang" program group to stand on the stage, looked at the camera with sadness, and bowed deeply .

"Because the host of "The Voice of Yanhuang" Mr. Wang Xing had an accident, "The Voice of Yanhuang" was postponed. Thank you for your support."

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