Football Kung Fu Player

【121】Temporary Residence

It is impossible to crush stones. Except for a pile of stones larger than coconuts, there are no sharp stones found on this small island, which made Wang Xing's idea of ​​going back to the Stone Age instantly shattered.

But facing the delicate coconut in his hand, Wang Xing still thought of a wild idea.

A few minutes later, the expensive leather belt on Wang Xing's waist was untied. The tough leather belt was forcibly separated from the hard belt head by Wang Xing, and the leather belt was tied around his waist with a rough knot. Then Wang Xing picked up a big rock and smashed it at the head of the belt.

After a brutal act of vandalism, Wang Xing got a few metal parts as he wished.

Staple, a slightly flat piece of metal. And the rest of the other parts have been deformed by the stones, and they are huddled together, and it seems that they have little effect.

Immediately afterwards, Wang Xing took the staples and metal pieces and found a stone and ground it enthusiastically, adding some seawater to it from time to time to quench it.

After a while, the ends of the two gadgets have become sharp, and it seems that there is no problem with opening coconuts.

After casually washing the card in the sea water, Wang Xing couldn't wait to stick it in the coconut!



Wang Xing couldn't help belching the juice of the whole coconut, looking satisfied.

People who have never experienced poverty will not understand why some people are thirsty for money, and those who have not been thirsty to the extreme will not understand why a coconut can be drunk so happily, and they can even drink a whole coconut without changing their breath juice.

"After already drinking the water from the whole coconut, I finally solved the water problem that has been bothering me. But I can't live on these coconuts, although the coconut meat can also be used for food, and once eaten, the effect will be improved. Instead, it backfired."

Satisfied, Wang Xing put down the coconut in his hand, then smiled and said to the camera.

Although coconut has many functions, eating too much is not good for the stomach at all, and it is likely to cause diarrhea. On such a sea island, Wang Xing didn't carry any antibiotics with him, so he gave himself an injection at a critical moment.

So Wang Xing must now find a new water source as soon as possible after his body is no longer thirsty.

And after such a period of time, the sky has become darker and darker, and it is estimated that it will be completely dark in a few hours. Another goal of Wang Xing, finding a place to live that can shelter from the rain, has not yet been completed.

"It's getting dark. If I can't find a place to shelter from the rain, I'm afraid that as long as it rains at night, I can only be drenched. I just crossed half of the island, about thirty Minutes away, of course, if the road I take is in the middle of the island.”

Wang Xing was carrying four coconuts and a roll of parachutes, and his pockets were bulging with a few gadgets. He put the big crab on the parachute cloth just now, and watched it wince and grab the umbrella cloth. It won't fall down for a while.

So he said to the camera as he walked.

It's just that he is now walking a completely different path from before. He has already explored the previous path, and there are no resources Wang Xing needs on it, so he has to go to a new place to explore.

Powerful, which is crucial to survival on a desert island. If ordinary people were carrying so many things like Wang Xing, their walking speed would have been too slow, and they would probably be too tired to walk even now. However, Wang Xing not only walked extremely steadily, but also walked like flying, without being affected by the weight on his body at all.

And looking at the green and green scenery on the island, Wang Xing's mood also improved surprisingly, and he even sang a song excitedly after his thirst problem was solved.

"We are different, everyone has a different situation, we are here, here waiting for you......"

"We are different, although we experience different things."

But he stopped halfway through the song. Facts have proved that extreme happiness can lead to sadness. He felt a pain in his stomach continuously, and there seemed to be a puddle of water in his lower abdomen shaking excitedly in his stomach, making a gurgling sound.

Well, this is really how different we are!

Wang Xing dropped his things and covered his stomach.

No matter how well the muscles and bones of the whole body are polished, the internal organs in the stomach are still fragile and soft. I haven't eaten or drank water all day, and now I have a whole coconut juice in my stomach, so it's no wonder my stomach doesn't hurt!

After a long time, Wang Xing packed up his things bit by bit with a pale face, and then walked forward panting heavily.

The pain in his stomach continued, but Wang Xing couldn't waste any more time, he could only endure the pain in his stomach and move on. The pain in the stomach can be endured, but if he doesn't find a dry place to live in, it is estimated that he is really finished.

"As it turns out, coconuts are really only for emergencies, so I probably need a new source of water."

Wang Xing held the camera, patted a few coconuts in his hand intentionally, and said bitterly.

Thinking that I, Wang Xing, have been reduced to the point where I can even bully a coconut, what is tolerable and unbearable!

But anger is anger, and it is meaningless to compete with one's own food.

And it may be because of a bad day, so Wang Xing found a sloping rock wall shortly after walking out, and there was dry rock under the rock wall.

Judging from the fact that other places are wet and only this place is dry, I am afraid that even if it rains tonight, as long as there is no fluttering rain, this place will not get wet.

Although there is no such wind-shielding effect as a cave, Wang Xing decided to use this place as a temporary residence as he looked at the gradually darkening sky.

Of course, Dangdang can't sleep here.

The temperature difference between day and night in this kind of place is too big, Wang Xing, who is dressed in tattered clothes, is not too cold during the day, but once (is it okay) at night, the temperature of his whole body will be continuously lost in the sea breeze.

"Looks like we've found the corner of the house, so we're going to find some walls first.

Wang Xing hung the camera under the rock wall, then put down all his belongings, and rushed out in a hurry.

Yanhuang believed in family first, no matter what, Wang Xing had to get out this temporary little family.


Following bursts of familiar voices, a strange scene appeared in the camera.

Wang Xing dragged a tree as thick as his calf from nowhere, jumped and ran over, and then lay across the rock wall.

Immediately afterwards, he found a large handful of huge leaves from nowhere, hung them on the branches one by one, and finally spread the roll of umbrella cloth on the tree, a pure natural wall has been covered by him Made it out.......

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