Football Kung Fu Player

[127] House Building

Although the palm leaf in front of him looks very thick, Wang Xing is still afraid that it will not be able to block the rain from the outside, so Wang Xing decided to add another layer of armor to it

As for the material of the armor, choose the one thing that has the most winters in the vicinity...fallen leaves!

Fallen leaves have good waterproof function. If someone can't find a place to hide in the rainy day and buries himself under the thick leaves, you will be pleasantly surprised...

There will be other friends in the leaves!

The corner of Wang Xing's mouth twitched as he looked at the big crab with its teeth and claws under the leaves, and then threw it into the house.

What a joke, that's my dinner, how could it be so easy to leave.

It turned out that when Wang Xing didn't pay attention, the crab had already sneaked away. Unexpectedly, the comrades with eight claws were really not very smart, so they were so unlucky to be caught by Wang Xing.


Wang Xing let out a long breath, the house in front of him was already covered with a layer of fallen leaves, and the original green roof began to be occupied by yellow, as if there was an extra thick yellow hat, which looked extremely strange.

And now it should be only two or three hours before the sun sets.

597 The sun has already tilted towards the west, and the temperature of the sun is not as good as before. Wang Xing's sense of satisfaction from having just built a house is gone in an instant, and the time left for him is not worthy!

Wang Xing still has one extremely important thing to do now, where is to find enough burning materials before the sun disappears, and start a fire at the same time!

Fire is like a kind of recognition for human beings, and it is also an important substance that can continue to survive!

In the previous life, De and Bei were both werewolves who could use tools on deserted islands to make fire. Of course, Wang Xing has never lit a fire, and even flames other than fire lighters are too rare in the city. Now Wang Xing has to learn from the two explorers in his memory, using the ancient method to drill. Wood for fire!

For Wang Xing, this is undoubtedly challenging a hell-difficult thing!

"On this small island, I really can't find such things as lighters, and the magnifying glass is not so easy to find. In the absence of a way to recognize what is a flint and steel, we faithfully chose the oldest Ten ways to make a fire——drilling wood to make fire!"

As Wang Xing walked, he held a video camera and carefully observed the surroundings.

"If we want to drill wood to make fire, we must find some materials that are easy to burn, and at the same time find sticks that are suitable for friction."

The principle of making fire by drilling wood is to use the crazy friction between two objects to gather energy at one point, and finally the accumulated energy will generate a large amount of heat to cause sparks to be generated, and then use the generated sparks plus some easy-to-burn dry grass to carry out combustion.

Of course it wasn't what was filmed on TV. You can turn the fire directly with just two sticks.

It is not a human being who can directly drill out the fire. I am afraid that the fire will not appear by then, and the wooden stick has been directly drilled through. Moreover, drilling wood to make fire requires strong arm strength and endurance, otherwise the final result will only be high temperature without sparks.

After about a day of sunshine, the things on this deserted island have also dried up a lot.

At the same time, because of the winter, the weeds on this island have almost dried up and died, and it is extremely easy to use them as hay for combustion.

So Wang Xing easily found a pile of dry yellow grass and put it in the sun near the open space to dry it.

At the same time, he ran to the nearby forest to find the fallen and dead branches of the trees, and then broke them off one by one and dragged them back to the open space. As long as the fire is born. These branches that are almost dry are the best materials to burn.

In the end, Wang Xing dragged back a lot of dry wood with peace of mind, and piled them neatly in the small wooden house.

As for the wooden stick used for drilling wood, after hesitating for a long time, Wang Xing chose two pieces of round poplar wood that had been dried, and then took out the metal belt piece in the package.

"In order to be able to drill the fire, we have to sharpen the end of the wood used to drill. And the piece of wood that is being drilled we also need to (cfeh) treat it a little bit."

Wang Xing hung the camera on the protruding poplar in the house, and then focused on the camera with a belt to peel the wood.

At this time, the sun in the sky had already slipped to the other side, and the sunlight in the forest gradually dimmed. Under the dim sunlight, Wang Xing chipped the poplar wood bit by bit. Behind him, a big crab that was close to despair was baring its teeth and claws, but it didn't dare to sneak away while Wang Xing didn't rest.

The two poplars are only as thick as two fingers. In order to facilitate rubbing, Wang Xing specially gave up the big poplar [I chose these two persimmons that are easier to drill.

After a lot of hard work, a rough tip appeared on the poplar in his hand, and at the same time, a big hole was dug out by Wang Xing in the log on the ground. In order to fully bear the force on the log on the ground, Wang Xing had to handle the log in this way, and at the same time help the log in his hand not to slip.

Apparently, it was impossible to find the material to make a drill bucket, and at the same time, it seemed that the time was not enough for Wang Xing to choose to toss, so Wang Xing had to choose the simplest method of drilling wood: directly turning it by hand.

Theoretically, energy is conserved, so as long as Wang Xing can give a large rotation, the heat energy on the drill bit will be high.

But directly drilling by hand consumes too much energy, and for Wang Xing who came to drill wood to make fire for the first time, this is undoubtedly a difficult challenge!

The sun on one side is already close to the sea surface in the distance, if Wang Xing does not succeed in drilling, I am afraid there is no time left for him to do it again.

The fennel has been collected by Wang Xing to the side of the house, and the camera is on the front line of the post, bit by bit taking pictures of the man who is focusing on the poplar in front of him. The crab with its teeth and claws also stopped, staring at the two logs that could determine its fate.

Wang moved!

The right foot firmly stepped on the poplar on the ground to fix it, then closed the poplar with both hands, and began to rub back and forth!

How strong is Wang Xing's strength and endurance? Even the international weightlifting champion who is known as the king of strength will refuse to answer this question. And even though Wang Xing couldn't exert his full strength due to being hungry for a long time, the speed of friction in his hands has become faster and faster!


The sound of violent friction sounded on the big hole in the poplar.

And Wang Xing's speed accelerated again!

The contact point between the big hole and the drill turned black in an instant, and a black smoke slowly came out after a while!

Wang Xing's eyes flashed, and a red dot in the big hole suddenly appeared in his eyes! Immediately afterwards, the whole big hole suddenly turned red little by little...

Wang Xing hurriedly picked up the dry grass on the ground against the poplar on the ground, and little by little red dots fell on the open grass like new life.


A sea breeze came from nowhere, and Wang Xing was refreshed because of the coldness. The sun fell into the sea sleepily, and the surrounding mountains and forests were slowly covered by darkness. Wang Xing in the camera gradually became blurred.. .……….

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