"However, there is no need to worry too much, and it's not like I didn't do nothing on that desert island.

Looking at Chen Luo's worried look, Wang Xing couldn't help feeling warm in his heart, and said with a smile.

"Island? What else can you do on an island?"

Chen Luo was startled, now he was really confused. Wang Xing is not the kind of person who loses things for no reason. But he heard Xue Qianqian say that the deserted island had no resources at all. At most, Wang Xing ate a few more deer on the island and gained weight~ a few catties!

Wang Xing smiled mysteriously, and then the two of them cleaned up the lunch boxes in their hands, put them into the trash can beside them, wiped their mouths before continuing-turned around.

Immediately after, a small video recorder appeared in front of Chen Luo, Tian Xing held it and showed Chen Luo's grace.

This video recorder, Chen Luo also knew, was the only electrical device that Wang Xing had in his hands when he was on the desert island. But why did Wang Xing take out this thing? Could it be that this thing is what Wang Xing can recover?

What can a video recorder do?

"You show the audience the photos you took on the island, and then restore the popularity? But this doesn't sound like a big increase in popularity.

Chen Luo tentatively said.

Wang Xing shook his head, then continued to speak confidently.

"It's not a photo, it's a video. But this promotion will not only bring me back to my previous popularity, but it may also make my ranking go further!"

That's it? Can Wang Xing's popularity be restored to the original level, or even go further?

Chen Luo was dumbfounded, with disbelief written all over his face.

I don't read much, don't lie to me!

Wang Xing smiled and did not continue talking. Now the videos in the video recorder are still quite messy, even if Chen Luo watched them, he would not be able to see the real highlights. As long as the final product appears, Chen Lu will surely understand.

But between the two people's words, eager footsteps behind them slowly passed, and Wang Xing and Wang Xing turned around. Wang Cheng and Chen Jian happened to appear in Wang Xing's eyes.

"Young Master Wang!"

Wang Cheng looked at Wang Xing, who was quite dark in front of him, but still familiar. He choked up so much that he couldn't speak his name.

Wang Xing didn't blame Wang Cheng for being hypocritical, he went up to look at Wang Cheng who was already quite depressed, and hugged him.

Wang Xing would not ask how Wang Cheng arrived here, who was still about an hour away, and he would not say anything to thank Zhu Cheng for going out to sea.

All affection is in your heart, as long as you step out of the sea, we are brothers.

And now that Wang Cheng has come, Wang Xing is not going to kill time anymore, and hastily directed the filming work.

Among the few programs related to Wang Xing, only "Rampage Little Incident", which aired one episode in this month, has not lost its popularity. tolerant.

And there are only two days left before Yanhuang New Year, Wang Xing has a lot of things to do, and the enthusiasm for his painstaking planning cannot be washed away by the Spring Festival.

So Wang Xing must hurry up, use "The Little Incident" to drive several other programs and movies, and grab the biggest wave of traffic during the special period of the Spring Festival!

"Now you record the first part of this program first, and I will appear as a special guest at the end of the program."

After explaining everything, and then looking at the current affairs material prepared by the program staff, Wang Xing nodded in satisfaction and urged Wang Cheng to start.

While Wang Xing finished speaking to Wang Cheng, he turned his head and spoke to the hard-working people on the stage.

"This time, since the Chinese New Year is approaching and we are working overtime late at night, I can only trouble you all. I am the master. When the recording of this program is finished, everyone will have a bonus!"

"Thank you, Young Master Wang!"

"it is good!"

Many employees cheered instantly, and then started working enthusiastically one by one.

They are also reluctant to work during the Spring Festival holiday. But since Wang Xing said that there is a bonus, there is no doubt about it. They know how rich and generous this young man is

I believe this bonus should not be too small!

Wang Cheng nodded to Wang Xing, then looked at the manuscript that he had recited several times in his hand, took a long breath, walked confidently towards the stage, and put on the big Ugly headgear.

"This is "Rampage Little Incident", long time no see. I'm Wang Nima."

Following a funny appearance, Wang Cheng, wearing an ugly hood and carrying a roll of tissues, spoke quickly to the camera.

…… Ask for flowers………

Wang Xing nodded from a distance in the background, then turned around and started operating on the top-end computer in front of the desk.

The video in the video recorder has been transferred to this computer by Wang Xing, and what Wang Xing has to do now is to edit the clips in the video to produce a coherent program.

After all, "Survival in the Wild", which was popular all over the world in the previous life, still has some artistic components. If you watch it carefully, you can still see the trace of unreality in the program.

But now Wang Xing's biggest advantage is that he is in an absolutely real state in the video, and the quality of the content in the video is also comparable to that of Pei Ye's program.

At the same time, although it is already 2008, "Survival in the Wild" will take a few more years to come out. Unlike the 2017 survival program that appeared like Chinese cabbage, Wang Xing, who does not have any competing programs now, can more easily Occupy the market for survival programs.

So what Wang Xing has to do now is to edit the rough video to create a complete program video.

And this program, Wang Xing is going to call him "Survival on a Deserted Island"!

Divided into three episodes, the climax appears as the clip where you are rescued!

For the audience, one person's survival is the biggest highlight of this show!

Not only that, but Wang Xing also decided to translate the program into Chinese and English versions. Since he took the lead in occupying the Yanhuang Survival market, he is also occupying the overseas market. Wang Xing is ready to do so.

Ah...Peil, I'm sorry, I'm Wang Xing, the one who carries the banner of this survival show!

There are many benefits for a new type of program to become a leading figure, just like the song "Drunk Alone" by Yaomai, like Mr. Pei in "Survival in the Wild". People will always remember only the best or earliest person.

No matter how good or outstanding the latecomers are, they can't help but be compared with them, and on the contrary, they have added a wave of enthusiasm to the heroes.

While Wang Xing was concentrating on editing the program, Xu Zhen, Huang Bo and others hurried back, looking at Wang Xing in surprise.

And "Journey to the West: Conquering the Demons" happened to have finished filming, and Xu Zhen, a professional director, just happened to help or guide Wang Xing, so he was hired by Wang Xing again.

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