Football Kung Fu Player

【144】Wang Xing Appears

"What, are you serious!"

Boss Yan Hang parted his head, wearing a pair of black-rimmed glasses, sitting on the soft leather boss chair in the office, holding a latest Pear brand mobile phone and shouting in disbelief.

After finishing speaking, Boss Yanhang quickly opened the Weibo app on his phone, and then clicked on Wang Xing's Weibo account.

Of course, when he saw the Weibo from yesterday, he also saw various attacks from Weibo.

After thinking about it for a while, Boss Yanhang still didn't care about why so many people attacked Wang Xing's appearance, and there were even all kinds of doubts that Wang Xing's rescue was an illusion of Weibo!

But Boss Yanhang doesn't care about so much, he wants to quickly confirm the news and spread it through channels.

All deaths in a plane crash are very different from one person alive, and this statement is all on the lips of the recorder.

The fact that all deaths are iron "two six three" cannot be changed. Even Boss Yanhang may have guessed, it is estimated that this will be written in the history books.

The first huge accident occurred in the operation of Yanhuang Aircraft, and all the passengers on the plane died!

This is the first time, and the first time in history is worthy of being recorded in the history books! Boss Yanhang doesn't want his name to go down in history because of this reason.

And if Wang is alive, then as long as the boss of Yanhang clears up the relationship, it will be written in the history books like this:

During the operation of Yanhuang Aircraft, there was an accident on a Yanhang aircraft, some of the personnel died, and all the missing persons have been rescued!

This nature is completely different!

How to write history books, first look at the content of the event, and second, look at the mouth of the literati!

What's more, as long as the boss Yanhang's relationship is strong enough, this matter that affects his official career can quietly disappear, or even subside!

Not to mention anything else, Yanhang's slogan has a little bit of confidence.

There are all kinds of sayings such as "the catastrophe is merciless, and the missing persons of Yanhang flight m249 have all been rescued!", and "hope in adversity" and so on.

Although there may be some insiders who would mock Yanhang for being shameless, and complain that Wang Xing was not rescued by them at all.

But what about that, at least most people don't know!

"You go, you go to Weibo to find out the news now!"

Boss Yanhang dispatched several confidants one after another, and after thinking about it, he called out the assistant on the side.

Originally, he wanted to go to the Weibo Building to see if Wang Xing was really alive. Unfortunately, in his position, every move might be watched. If Wang Xing is still alive, it's okay to say, if Wang Xing comes back to life, it's just a hype, I'm afraid his shaky boss position will really be seized by those who want to take the opportunity, and shake it severely.

"Boss, look at this, look at this!"

Boss Yanhang was puzzled when he saw the excited confidant running towards him.

"Are you sick? I told you to go and see if Wang Xing is alive. You should give me some news! You still let me watch the video!"

Just when Boss Yanhang was doubting his confidant's IQ, his confidant was already impatient and opened the app, and put it in front of Boss Yanhang.

Now Boss Yanhang's complexion is even worse, and he doubts whether there is really something wrong with his vision of seeing people.

""Rampage Little Incident", show me what this show is for!"

Just when Boss Yanhang was about to get angry, he saw the joyful expression of his confidant, and an inexplicable light flashed in his heart.

"By the way, I heard that this program was produced by Wang Xing, and now that a new episode of the program is released, it can prove that Wang Xing is still alive.

"Why don't you think I'm a fool!"

Boss Yanhang was really angry now, and looked at his confidant on the side aggressively.

When Boss Yanhang was anxiously looking forward to it, the confidant in front of him actually teased him again and again, how could this not make Boss Yanhang angry!

Looking at the angry Boss Yanhang, the only show off in his confidant has disappeared, and he hastily cut the video to the end.

Watching Wang Xing who was talking eloquently in the video, Boss Yanhang's anger suddenly froze in his expression, and a smile gradually appeared on his whole face, until finally he couldn't help clapping his hands directly, everyone called out.

"Good! Great!"

But this film's influence is not only limited to Boss Yanhang!

Countless fans of "Little Incident" suddenly found that their beloved show was updated, and they miraculously saw Wang Xing in the video!

The rumors were instantly dispelled, and Wang Xing really came back!

One pass ten, one field pass one hundred!

Shocked fans of "Rampage Little Incident" immediately reposted this video, and some even deliberately intercepted the scene where Wang Xing appeared.....

In an instant, various communication software websites such as Weibo, forums, and posts have caused huge repercussions!

What is a face slap, this is a face slap!

Countless netizens were just pointing the country outrageously, criticizing Weibo for deceiving the world and stealing his name. Swearing that Wang Xing never came back, those of you who believe are really too young!

Then now the facts appeared, the iron-like facts were instantly defeated by everyone who was still invincible just now!

A special guest in the latest updated video has fully explained the problem! And Wang Xing's sentence in the video is like slap after slap on the face of those who didn't believe it before!

How can this still be played? This simply means that we used to stand at the highest moral point to criticize others, saying that they must and must be dead, and it is impossible to live again. But now that he has actually appeared, it could be that the one who appears now is a ghost!

Phones rang in the block broadcasting company one after another, and the well-known bigwigs in the circle contacted the block broadcasting company either hastily, tactfully, or questioningly.

Didn't we agree to snipe Wang Xing together and not let him show up? What do you mean?

However, many bigwigs were dumbfounded, and the president of Kuaibo actually spoke angrily on the spot.

I didn’t know there was such a thing at all! Moreover, as a video with a 0.2 influence, we did not expect him to have such evil intentions and cover up Wang Xing!

God is so protective, aren't you covering me and your surname, okay?

Who doesn't know that you broadcast censored programs with the strictest and most serious, and you didn't even block such a big living person!

And now that the impact is so great, shouldn't you hurry up and take the video off the shelves, and explain why you are working so hard here!

Faced with the pressure and questioning from many bigwigs in the entertainment industry, the president of Kuaibo sincerely admitted his mistake, and agreed on the spot to immediately remove "Rampage Little Incident" from the shelves, and then Kuaibo quickly removed it from the shelves. "Rampage Little Incident".

The suspicion of the president of Kuaibo was finally cleared, but many bigwigs were still a little melancholy.

Because of all this, it's too late!

It is difficult to block this news again! Difficult! Difficult!.

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