Football Kung Fu Player

[148] Conspiracy Theory

But time passed little by little, Wang Xing also reappeared in the eyes of the audience, and the hot spots on the Internet also began to return to Wang Xing from the star who cheated and the star who returned to the good.

Not long after, Yanhuang Daily mentioned Wang Xing's rescue in the newspaper, which also aroused more people's attention.

Immediately following, the rescue of Wang Xing was mentioned in Yanhuang Lianbo, the most influential program of Yanhuang Channel.

"With the joint efforts of the government and the people, all the missing persons in Yanhang m249, which unfortunately crashed a month ago, have been rescued. Thank you for your attention and help...

Some people who were paying attention to this incident were drinking water, couldn't help but sprayed it out, and stared at the serious host who was broadcasting in dumbfounded.

At this time, on the Internet, netizens have already complained frantically.

"It's about the official efforts. I don't know about your official search and rescue team. Didn't you judge him dead a month ago, and now you come here to talk about your official contributions.

"Tsk tsk tsk, isn't it just one missing person? Rescue everyone who came from there! Language skills are really important!"

"It was you who said death back then, and you are the one who said you were still alive now, tsk tsk tsk. People don't have shame, trees don't want bark!"

And no matter how people made trouble, after these two announcements came out, the whole Yanhuang had completely received the news of Wang Xing's return.

One is Yanhuang's most influential newspaper, and the other is Yanhuang's largest news program with the highest ratings. Coupled with Zhang Yi's recent farce, Wang Xing's popularity has soared. The focus of discussion among users of the entire network platform gradually focused on Wang Xing.

And in this frenzy of discussion among the people, a well-known blogger with knowledge in Weibo posted an article on the top, and the title of the article directly questioned:

"How on earth did Wang Xing survive on a desert island for a year?"

"Old and Immortal" is a well-known big V on the Weibo platform. He has been certified as a professor of geography and humanities at Peking University. There are already millions of diehard fans on Weibo.

In the content of the article, "Old and Immortal" directly listed several questions based on the circumstances of the plane crash at that time.

He first listed the degree of turbulence he had calculated in detail at the time, and the success rate if a person successfully landed from the plane. Calculated by a man with a strong body, plus the reason why various equipment such as parachutes are normal, there is only one in a million successful landings!

And after that, he tried his best to reason, calculated that due to the existence of turbulence at that time, and added the distribution of desert islands near the Pacific Ocean, he calculated that the probability of Wang Xing successfully falling into the desert island was only one in one hundred thousand!

After "Old and Immortal" carefully announced this set of authoritative and precisely calculated data, everyone who saw the article gasped, and a sense of inconceivability emerged in their hearts out of thin air.

One millionth multiplied by one hundred thousandth, what is this number, it is difficult for everyone to calculate and imagine. And it is this impossible data, which is also an unimaginably slim probability, which represents how difficult it is to successfully land in this plane!

Everyone inexplicably understood why the Yanhuang search and rescue team judged Wang Xing as dead. It wasn't because Yanhuang didn't want to rescue Wang Xing, but because the chance of survival was too small, so small that it was almost impossible. May survive!

"Because of the underground temperature in winter, even if the person involved successfully parachuted and landed, and because of the extremely small probability of falling into a small island on the sea, the extremely low temperature would make it difficult for the person to survive! At the same time, according to the Based on the position of the remains and the location of the explosion, it will take a lot of time and physical strength for the person involved to fall ten nautical miles away from the search range, and this physical strength is simply not something a normal man can possess!"

"Coupled with the fact that the sea resources are dormant in winter, it is impossible for the person concerned to have a job capable of capturing the sea resources, and it is difficult to obtain a large amount of elemental intake needed by the human body. This makes it even more difficult for the person concerned to survive!"

"There are still people who cannot ingest seawater. When the person concerned urgently needs water intake, the person's physical fitness will be in an extremely deficient situation. It is easy for normal people to fall into extreme weakness or even difficulty in moving because of these points, let alone Said to find food and water on a resource-poor desert island!"

Many netizens are even more puzzled by the difficulty of "old and immortal" living on a deserted island for three consecutive points. It is precisely because "old age is not old" does not favor one side "so the whole text is more credible.

yes, no problem!

…… Ask for flowers………

Even if you were lucky enough to parachute from the plane and escape the explosion of the plane, how did you survive on the desert island!

Even if you are lucky, you will encounter this impossible probability. But your body still doesn't change. You landed on a desert island and told us that you were rescued after a whole month. How did you survive?

The data of "Immortality" is simple and easy to understand, and we have all successfully understood it. We're pretty sure there's no way we can survive without this physical fitness "How do you do that!

The "Old and Immortal" article was instantly convinced by many people, and it was quickly reposted, and the number of comments and likes also began to rise sharply.

In the past, people were attracted by Zhang Yi's doubts about Wang Xing's life, but now "old and immortal" mentions how Wang Xing survived, and how he survived for such a month. Everyone's eyes were instantly attracted, and everyone became extremely curious.

This is impossible, what no one can do is, Yanhuang's most authoritative search and rescue team thinks you are dead, how did you survive?

Doubts popped up in people's minds one after another, and at the same time, all kinds of unconstrained ideas from netizens also popped up.

"I think, Wang Xing is probably not from Earth. What if he has the blood of Ultraman, he was instantly inspired in a desperate situation, and then lived to the present with the blood of Ultraman."

Someone's mind jumped into the Milky Way.

"It's time to reveal this secret. There are all kinds of immortal cultivators in this world, but people are slowly hiding them because of the lack of aura. And Wang Xing is one of the hermit cultivators. He is clearly a After the plane accident, I flew back to the mainland step by step from the Pacific Ocean!"

Some people even suspect that Wang Xing is a practitioner!

"Maybe the Wang Xing who appeared in front of us is just a soul!"

One after another, horrific and weird speculations emerged, and they were commented on under the article "Immortality", but no one was able to come up with a convincing explanation. And at this moment, "Old and Immortal" commented another sentence at the bottom of the article, which caused an uproar!

"So in the end, I think. Wang Xing didn't get on the plane at all. And this is just a hype to deceive the audience!".

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