Football Kung Fu Player

[161] Reverse War

Zhang Jie silently clenched his fists. Just now Xue Qianqian's "Yan Yuan" is not perfect, even he has to admit that it is indeed a classic song!

But so what, I, Zhang Jie, am not born to give up easily!

The stronger the opponent, the more challenging it is!

Zhang Jie greeted the venue calmly while walking, and the comments of the four mentors on the other side of the stage had slowly reached his ears.

"This song is really good! I think Xue Qianqian's performance today can be said to be very good, so good that we all have to admit it!"

It was Naying's voice.

"With "Yan Yuan", Xue Qianqian can be called a new generation of love song prince!"

Even Chen Yixun, who is himself the prince of love songs, couldn't help sighing.

"It's a good thing this guy doesn't come to play rock and roll, otherwise I, Wang Banbi, will become Wang Banfen in the future.

Wang Feng jokingly said that the audience couldn't help but burst out laughing.

Laughter spread throughout the entire Yanhuang Grand Theater, and Zhang Jie, bearing the ubiquitous laughter, walked slowly towards the stage.

Zhang Jie calmly stood on the stage, raised his eyes, and there were tens of thousands of breath-holding audience. Looking up, in the camera is Yanhuang's gaze of over 100 million!

Although the opponent is so powerful, how can I give up the fight and run away?

A few months ago, I was just an ordinary person who was doing nothing. I was unknown in every university in Yanhuang, and it was even possible for me to disappear like this. Just like this, I spent my life in a daze, talking about my music dream, but in the end I had to succumb to this world.

But everything turned around, and I also had a chance!

I, don't miss it!

"Hello everyone, I'm Zhang Jie, and the song I'm bringing to you next is—"Reverse War"!"

"Do everything..."

The fanatical drums beat violently, and the passionate music slowly came to mind. The cheers and screams from the audience slowly subsided. The heartbeats of the 10,000 spectators slowly accelerated along with the accompaniment.

Zhang Jie slowly held the microphone, raised his head, and aimed his black eyes at the void.

As long as there is music, this is my home field!

"On this turbulent battlefield, the storm boy is here-||!"

Hi, exciting, exciting!

When Zhang Jie, who was also labeled as a love song, sang, a group of Zhang Jie's fans in the past looked at Zhang Jie in disbelief, and they didn't even know when their mouths opened wide.

When, when Zhang Jie would actually sing this kind of song!

Isn't he good at singing love songs?

How can you sing such a passionate song!

"The era of mechs is coming, and the blood is flowing upstream. The chariot is hot, and the warriors are unstoppable

!comeon! Against the war, against the war! Oh, against the war, against the war wild, the ace wants to vent! Fighting is the starting point of our stubbornness!

I want to control my power and show off my reputation! Watch this dragon battle!"

It has a slightly dj-like metal sound, but it lacks the noise of dj. It's like rock and roll, but it's just a little bit of the passion of rock and roll but not the madness of rock and roll!

But no matter how you evaluate and assert this song, there is only one evaluation for this song!


Sounds better than ever!

Zhang Jie, who is best at singing love songs, can sing so well!


If it is said that Xue Qianqian's "Yan Yuan" just awakened the sadness hidden in people's hearts, and now Zhang Jie's "Reverse War" has awakened the blood in everyone's hearts!

Countless spectators on or off the field didn't know when to touch their hands tightly, and they felt a surge of heat in their hearts, and couldn't help but want to roar along with the music!

Fight against adversity, fight against adversity!

We are Yanhuang people, descendants of the dragon, soaring in the sky forever!

To be able to reach the final step, Wu Mochou had already done his best and used up his best luck. Even being able to eliminate Li Xingliang and advance to the final was only a slight difference.

Many people are very clear and feel that the existence of Wu Mochou is actually just a foil to the other three. There is no way she can match them!

After all, rock and roll is a small category in music, and Wu Mochou knew very well that her own strength was actually inferior to the other three. What's more, she has heard Xue Qianqian and Zhang Jie's singing just now, but she is not as good as Xue Qianqian in terms of sad songs, and she feels that she is not as good as Zhang Jie's latest song even with her usual enthusiasm.

But even so, Wu Mochou couldn't help telling herself.

Why don't you give it a try, just try your best, even if you yell dry, why can't you try it out!

Rock and roll!

This carefree girl will try her best at this moment and risk everything!

Come on my rock!

"The next song "In the World" is for everyone!"

Still carefree and unrestrained, enthusiastic applause erupted instantly from the audience.

Even though Wu Mochou was not as popular as Zhang Jie, Xue Qianqian and the others, she still won a lot of fans with her enthusiasm and boldness.

*〃Come on Momo!"

"Wu Mo is sad!"

"come on!"

"Maybe you can't fight for heaven and earth, maybe you will cry when you bow your head. Maybe Junexue will fly into your heart, and the Berlin Wall will not get out."

The sound slowly sounded, and the familiar rock and heavy metal accompaniment also struck violently.

Everyone was instantly brought in by the singing, and looked at Wu Mochou with surprise. It's not Wu Mochou's usual habit to take the lead in the bass. Could it be that she wants to give them a surprise.

And just when everyone was pleasantly surprised, Wang Feng had narrowed his eyes and laughed without hesitation.

He once thought that Wu Mochou could only sing in English, and Wu Mochou even used English songs in "The Voice of Yanhuang". But this is actually extremely detrimental to Wu Mochou (Wang Zhao), because it is said that music has no borders, but the language barrier is indeed the biggest obstacle to music!

But now Wu Mochou actually used Chinese rock, how can this not surprise Wang Feng, and now he is also looking forward to this song.

"Who in the world is not a catfish alive!"

"I don't cry, I'm not delusional anymore!

dignity can give up


When those dreams someday!

Drown in the sea of ​​people!"

Treble, unprecedented treble!

A tearing sound echoed throughout the entire Yanhuang Theatre, and the entire Yanhuang Theatre was completely silent. The audience grew their mouths wide and looked at Hao Mochou, who was intoxicated in the singing and had no scene in the flat field.

Wang Feng narrowed his eyes, the horror in his heart was as turbulent as a stormy sea.

How could it be, how could it be possible to have such a heart-piercing singing voice, and this was only sung by a girl!.

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